does anyone think "Gideon" sounds like Coldplay?

Started by johnconaway, Oct 26, 2005, 09:18 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

just wondering.  I don't think so, but I've heard others grouse about's like my fav track right now, and I don't even like I'm wonderin' if anyone else hears the similiarities.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I don't think so.

Gideon reminds me of something that could have come from U2's Unforgettable Fire.

When I think of Coldplay, I think  P I A N O


i don't think so- but i can see why yo udraw a comparison.  i think Gideon sounds like Pearl Jam's "Thunderclap," an instrumental on their DVD Touring Band.  they have a similar sound
but i done went and plum forgot it


Me either...don't sense that and by the way, I think Coldplay is highly over rated.



Yes. I thought the first time I heard that song that it resembled Coldplay a bit. Not a bad thing really. I do, however, agree that Coldplay is overrated, not because they're more famous than MMJ and I'm jealous for our guys, but because I think Coldplay is a band (and a good one) that has found their "sound" and stuck with it. It's a formula that works. Granted, they sort of wrote that formula in a way, but they have yet to try anything new, and we've seen three records come from these guys. I personally think they have perfected their sound and have grown in regards to tight musicianship (they're flawless live), but they've left their souls on their first record "Parachutes." The two subsequent records definitely lacked the soulful honesty of the first.

MMJ has a recognizable "sound" too with the heavy use of reverb, but musically and stylistically, they evolve on every record. Coldplay does not do this. They merely repeat and perfect (from a techincal standpoint, not a creative one) their already establish sound. Give me MMJ's approach anyday...But I will admit Coldplay is decent background filler music and they're excellent at what they do. This music fan just needs more envelope pushing from his musicians  ;)


not even remotely.

but it sounds a LOT like a spiritualized song.  specifically a spot off the royal albert hall live album.  the riff is similar in sound and feel.

coldplay is like a more sucky version of u2.


you all are kidding yourself if this song doesn't sound like a damn coldplay track. just listen to the last 30 seconds and you'll hear it. U2 is thrown in there somewhere as well.


Quoteyou all are kidding yourself if this song doesn't sound like a damn coldplay track. just listen to the last 30 seconds and you'll hear it. U2 is thrown in there somewhere as well.

I think realdeal's right on. And it's not a bad thing folks. It's not like this one song (which isn't even one of Z's strongest in my opinion) is an indication of the band's direction. If they come off sounding like someone else on a song or too, who cares? People don't complain about the Neil Young comparisons. Is that because more MMJ fans like Neil Young than they like Coldplay?


No. Also, anyone here who likes Coldplay's lead singer's voice but doesn't really care for the songs they play, check out Blue Merle. My roomate calls them the "working man's coldplay" which--besides being pretty accurate--makes me laugh.


no coldplay, only u2.  but if coldplay sounds like u2 then...


if it sounds like coldplay its def because of who coldplay sounds like.

coldplay, though cool nice fellas, are teh suck.


Gideon sounds like The Who.

Coldplay? I guess I can see why people might make the comparison.

I like Coldplay. People pass them off as a poor man's U2 but I think Coldplay's work is far better than anything U2 has done in years.
Chris Martin is a good writer & they have some good songs.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quoteno coldplay, only u2.  but if coldplay sounds like u2 then... sounds like coldplay because coldplay sounds like u2


the piano at the end makes it sound a bit like Coldplay.  what, has coldplay cornered the market on piano rock?
but i done went and plum forgot it



I like Coldplay. People pass them off as a poor man's U2 but I think Coldplay's work is far better than anything U2 has done in years.
Chris Martin is a good writer & they have some good songs.

Agreed. U2 died after Achtung Baby...Then came Coldplay and picked up where they left off. I'd also agree with the Blue Merle comment above. I first heard them and thought is was Coldplay. Other bands that sound like Coldplay: Aqualung, Starsailor, most Britpop that's out now. Even David Gray has faltered since 1998's White Ladder, he's sort of being pigeonholed too...


Coldplay is Coldplay

U2 is U2


Coldplay can't hold U2's jock....
Compare them after Coldplay puts in 20 years of work
and puts out 10 classic albums...

Oh and 14 Grammy awards....

Oh 7 of those Grammy Awards came from - All That You Can't Leave Behind
which came after they : " died after Actung Baby " ???

Jim James writes music that dwarfs C.Martin....
Coldplay was hoping to be a " Happier Radiohead "

I can't take a lead singer of a rock band seriously
as he play piano on almost every frikin song.....
Piano Rock ? no thanks....
Oh and he named his kid Apple ?
Apple Martin after his wifes favorite drink Apple Martini ?



QuoteColdplay is Coldplay

U2 is U2


Coldplay can't hold U2's jock....
Compare them after Coldplay puts in 20 years of work
and puts out 10 classic albums...

Oh and 14 Grammy awards....

Oh 7 of those Grammy Awards came from - All That You Can't Leave Behind
which came after they : " died after Actung Baby " ???

Jim James writes music that dwarfs C.Martin....
Coldplay was hoping to be a " Happier Radiohead "

I can't take a lead singer of a rock band seriously
as he play piano on almost every frikin song.....
Piano Rock ? no thanks....
Oh and he named his kid Apple ?
Apple Martin after his wifes favorite drink Apple Martini ?


don't sugar coat it, jay.  tell us what you really think about it
but i done went and plum forgot it


Sorry get a little touchy with U2 bashers....


Man I love this message board. You get so many fire charged opinions that it's hilarious! If we all agreed, than life would suck, especially life on this board. It'd be high fives for a while, then we'd all just look at each and say, "now what do we do?"

That being said, U2 still died after Achtung Baby, Grammy or no Grammy  ;D The people that really deserve Grammy's don't win them often and when they actually do, their award is bastardized by putting a little blurb at the bottom of the screen saying who won "in ceremonies held earlier this evening." The Grammy's are no longer about QUALITY music, but rather, QUANTITY of record sales...

Someone go ahead and post a rant about the whole quality vs. popularity debate again. That's a debate that'll never end...


What if this discussion actually mattered or had any actual bearing on anything that's ever happened in the universe?  ???

what would that be like...