Off the Record Video

Started by Clarkwork, Sep 17, 2005, 08:47 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

yeah, by fans, not potential fans.  videos aren't just masturbation sessions for the already converted-they are for reaching out to new fans.  that's what this video is for, other than some sort of cinematic expression (i'm guessing).  it's a good video.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i still say one word describes it best.





Quotei've said it before and i'll say it again.. a true MMJ music video should be full of live footage with other stuff thrown in.. hell, if you had the whole video clip of "steam engine" from bonnaroo 2004 it would be one of the most watched videos EVER

where can i get that video clip?


There's a link on the first page of this thread. About half way down.


QuoteThere's a link on the first page of this thread. About half way down.

no, the bonnarroo clip that darkglow was talking about.



no, the bonnarroo clip that darkglow was talking about.

Oops! I don't know. The one on the streams link is just audio, isn't it? Darkglow, have you got it?


wow that video was fucking horrible. Not even showing the band at all?? I think this was a bad idea, the band is all about their energy and rockin' out, so why just show a bunch of ppl whispering to eachother? Probably THE WORST video i've ever seen, hope they don't actually show this on TV. What a load of crap, I'm really dissapointed that they don't even show the new lineup jamming out to the song, not even once?! WTF?


I posted before reading everyone's responses, I thought I would catch hell for bashing, so i'm glad to see others felt the same way. It's not even just the fact that the band isn't at all featured, but the way it was filmed was just awful as well...

I thought the one big holiday video was awesome, the offical one. It had this really raw look to it, and the short clips of the band jamming really rocked, and it showed just enough of the band to draw you in w/out showing too much. This video however was just total crap...

I really wish MMJ the best of luck, and I really would like to see them get some serious attention and success. Not many ppl, from at least my area, even know who the band is. I really wanted to see this album propel them into the center stage and really draw some attention. With videos like this, I don't see that happening. I'm sure the reviews of the album are going to be pretty decent, and I'm sure they will only get bigger...I was just really hoping to see the boys on TV w/ a video that just came out of nowhere, and a video that showed them rocking out and give everyone a taste of what this band is about...this video doesn't even show you what they look like, how they play, how much energy they have...the conan performance and hopefully the elizabethtown slot will show ppl how great this band is, cause this video won't see the time of day on tv that's for damn sure.

I stumbled upon MMJ and if it wasn't for a random show right in my area i never would have gotten into this band. I saw them one time and i was hooked, and i didn't even know any of the songs they played that night, it was all pretty much first listens and i was blown away by the energy and the great sound. People aren't going to know what kind of band they are with a video like this.


I am kinda overreacting, this isn't the worst video i've ever seen, but being such a huge fan of this band i was dissapointed that they aren't in it. I really preach about this band to all my friends and even family about how great they are...and it's a shame that we are in an age where if a band isn't on mtv they aren't any good. I was really hoping to just shove it up their ass when MMJ drops on everyone like an iron fist. If ppl don't hear it on the radio, or see it on tv, they won't give it a chance, someone on tv has to say it's good before they will give it a chance. All MMJ has to do is just film a live show and make any song a video and it will be a success, i know it. I've never seen a band perform the way this band does, at first i thought jim was on some sort of drug, i've never seen a band so into the music and just feeling every note. I can't wait for conan, that will def. be getting taped...well i put more than my .02 cents in


I didn't think the video was the greatest I've ever seen, but I was expecting the stinkiest piece of crap ever after what people here have said.  It's certainly not that.

After one viewing on an incredibly small screen, I'll say I think it's well-made and I agree with much of what Meg said about its message.  I'll add that it reminded me of The Crucible.

I wonder if MMJ were interested in staying out of the video because they are trying to evolve as a band and are tired of that pigeon-hole they've been put in:  "southern fried" "bourbon fueled" rock and roll saviors.  

Maybe they're afraid that if they get stuck in that rut of being compared to Skynyrd, they won't be taken seriously.  By not showing a standard  rock video that mimics a live performance, they can avoid that stereotype and have people pay attention to the song and the message without jumping to conclusions based on flying hair, flying V's, and the band's homestate.

peanut butter puddin surprise

thanks for that post scott.  very thoughtful.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I wonder if MMJ were interested in staying out of the video because they are trying to evolve as a band and are tired of that pigeon-hole they've been put in:  "southern fried" "bourbon fueled" rock and roll saviors.  

Maybe they're afraid that if they get stuck in that rut of being compared to Skynyrd, they won't be taken seriously.  By not showing a standard  rock video that mimics a live performance, they can avoid that stereotype and have people pay attention to the song and the message without jumping to conclusions based on flying hair, flying V's, and the band's homestate.

That's a really good point!

I've started a good videos/bad videos thread in other music.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Looks like a Yes video.  I'll stick with the cd...


don't know if anyone else brought it up, but it looks a lot like a vidoe from The Cloud Room with poeple on phones singing the chorus.  could be the same director.  Not as bad video though.  Wish they didn't cut ou the end, could have done some sick shit with that!

August West

Anyone notice Jim in the video... you can see him for a half second... after the student throws his backpack on the roof... and tells the teacher the secret.... she starts running... you will see two kids say "off the record"... then the teacher runs past a gardner who looks up... and i could sware that it is Jim...


yea, he is like gardening or something.


if it never worked on your browser, then og to and it's on there.

it didnt suckk so much like everybody said. I don't know. I really didnt htink it was a terrible video. It made me think. Which is cool. I don't know, i think that since Z is kind of their take on the affairs of America, i think it might be a very apt video following the theme of the album. Kind of a free speech, or "dude, did you know theyre doing this?!" kind of thing, but not really having the liberty to talk about. Definitely influenced by early 20th century/cold war scifi. not bad stuff at all
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


This might be old news, but I only just saw it..
QuoteArtist: My Morning Jacket
Video: Off The Record
Director: Jake Schreier
Album: Z

Story: We all know that Kate Moss was caught on a snapshot when doing drugs recently. But in this new video from My Morning Jacket we come to understand that most people have a little something they are doing off the record. The title of the song is just that "Off The Record" and in it words travel fast. It starts out on a schoolyard when a kid whispers something to another kid, and that kid passes on the news to someone else and so on. It ends up with everyone getting rid of stuff. Bags are thrown up on the roof and medicine is being buried in the garden. What's the news that travels around? Try to find when checking out this week's MTV Pick of the Week from My Morning Jacket.

What else: Director Jake Schreier shot the video in Los Angeles. Jake told MTV that even though the band's not in the video that much, they where at the set the whole time. My Morning Jacket hails from Louisville in Kentucky. The guys in My Morning Jacket say it's a place with no labels and a place that have always provided a fertile and often dark bed for them. My Morning Jacket's new album "Z" is the fourth album release. The band has previously toured with bands like Guided By Voices, Doves and Foo Fighters. And a small message from Jake is that if you want to catch a glimpse of the members in the video, we should look out for the hedge trimmer. Now, go ahead and enjoy this week's MTV Pick of the Week.