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Tom's bass

Started by EC, Sep 02, 2005, 11:26 AM

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I wonder if we could take a minute to reflect on TTT's bass.  Here are my questions:

-what kind of bass is it?
-anyone know year and model?
-what kind of amp does he use?
-strings?  (are there variances in bass strings?)


From my memory, it looks like a Fender.

My brain isn't telling me any more than that right now.


QuoteFrom my memory, it looks like a Fender.

My brain isn't telling me any more than that right now.

That's what I was wondering.  From looking at pictures, it looked the same as the strat guitar I rented a couple of weeks ago... (only, ah, it's a bass)

Anybody know anything else?

(thanks wiggy)


I'm pretty sure it's a fender jazz bass...don't know what year for sure, but from the looks of it...late 70's?


That bass made the cover of the Roo 04 DVD,but with the shadows you can't see what brand it is.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


a bass player here.
He has at least two basses that I've seen him play.
One is a fender Precision bass, looks old but i have no idea how old, and it has a PJ pickup configuration, and an anodized (sp?) pickguard.
The other is a lakland Bob Glaub, which looks like a Fender P bass only newer and some would say better.  It only has P pickups, but it also has an anodized pickguard.  I believe I've seen him play this more, but i could be wrong.
Both basses are sunburst, with maple necks.
For an amp he uses a mesa boogie 400+.  He used to use a mesa 115 cab, but he had something different in Buffalo back in June, I believe it was a 610 mesa cab.
Strings, i don't know.  Your guess is as good as mine.
I know he played the fender in Buffalo.  And from looking at pictures it looks like he favoured the fender on the recent tour.
Oh and he played the Lakland at Bonnaroo 04.


check the Lakland website here:

They make some cool instruments...  drool...


Thank you sideroad!  Very helpful.  :)


That's it. I looked in the gallery after I posted my fender comment and could see a couple of Ls and a couple of As, but I had never heard of that company before. Thanks for the info.


i was in louisville for lebowski fest and did the baxter/ bardstown tour, and i came up on some shop called Leathter Head (?).  i cant remember the name exactly, but anyway they saw me wearing my jacket shirt and pointed to a pic on the wall.  evidently, the custom make tommy's bass straps and had a pic there with him posing with the shop owner.  very cool, i thought.


Huh.  I don't remember that store.  That's pretty cute, though.  

Didja go in the guitar stores?  Damn that Louisville.  It had my favourite guitar, and I think about it all the time.  


QuoteHuh.  I don't remember that store.  That's pretty cute, though.  

Didja go in the guitar stores?  Damn that Louisville.  It had my favourite guitar, and I think about it all the time.  

i went it one of them, and i kept seeing 5 and 6 thousand dollars guitar.  i slipped on my own drool and was so embarrassed, i had to leave immediately.    ;)


Tommy is in some very talented company based on the list of users for their axes, but mysteriously he was left off their user list!?!  ridiculous!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


leatherhead is just across the street from guitar emporium there at the corner of bonnycastle and bardstown road.  a few doors down is the whylouisville store which is one of will from lebowskifests other endeavors. for more info.