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The Bear

Started by Tore, Nov 23, 2005, 02:04 PM

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Great song. I really enjoy seeing The Bear on setlists..

Does anyone know why this song is actually called The Bear?

I've always thought that The Bear was i picture of a mental creature that haunts this person, or something really deep...

But then I thought: could it be as simple as someone in the band thinking Jim sang "The Bear" (The Pier) and called it that, and thats the end of that story?  8)
Sounds like something that could've happened in my band...

Maybe they aren't as reflected as one might think? Of course, they are though...


I think the bear is a running theme in the work of My Morning Jacket. If you consider the cover of It Still Moves you can see where I get this from. But i think it has something to do with the southern image of the Bear represented in William Faulkner's writing, in that way I think MMJ where attempting to rekindle the flame of the old-south through new ideas and interpretations. The bear has stayed with the band to this day, with the Panda bear replacing the old dancing bears that decorated this website, i don't think that's a coincidence. It still moves may be a reference to that same concept, the bear itself rises from the honey, and perhaps thats the spirit of southern music, or something else like that. The use of natural imagery in general, specifically animals, may point towards a sort of naturalism in MMJ's music that seperates it (look at Z's cover). It could also be that the Bear represent the natural world, and that the people who "have lost touch with their beating hearts" have succumbed to the threat of the modern world etc. on traditional or personal values. In that sense, My Morning Jacket may be trying to revive something that they believe has been lost, and I think we can agree they have already been succesful in this task; reviving the heart, passion and emotion in music, while still innovating and pushing it forward. The spirit of Faulkner lives on.

bo dereks tits

very interesting.....i've really been into "The Bear" as of late, and I've wondered about the title and how it relates to the lyrics......i guess we'll never know.
THe lyrics are fucking fantastic though.


I've always enjoyed this song.  Has always been one of my favorites from TTF.  I have always thought it would be a great song to put in a movie.  It has that real dramitic feel and build up to it.  
If you don't know for yourself, how could you ever know for me....


Its not just the lyrics that make The Bear one of MMJ's best.

 The final build and climax have rarely been equalled in ALL popular music (imho).  :)