CARGO's Power Playlist

Started by tdan, Jan 25, 2006, 02:04 PM

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Not that it is a prestigious list, but Magheeta made the list.
Note:  You have to have iTunes installed to view the list of songs.

January 2006

CARGO's Power Playlist

The 1,000 songs your iPod shouldn't be without.
When the iPod Nano was released in late 2005, the editors of CARGO were intrigued by the fact that it holds exactly 1,000 songs. If we could pick our 1,000 favorite songs, we asked ourselves, what would they be? After much bickering, a few arm-wrestling matches and a tie-breaking bout of Rock Paper Scissors, we settled on the list that appeared in the November '05 issue. Because of its length—it would stretch this page to annoying-to-scroll-through proportions, frankly—we've broken it into segments and posted it in a series of iMixes (which will launch on your computer in iTunes) for your listening pleasure. Let the downloading begin...
Did we leave out your favorite song? Tell us about it at
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end