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Started by goldengirl, Apr 12, 2006, 03:56 PM

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Does anyone know if there is a way to get MMJ Ringtones on your phone? I would love my phone to ring a Jacket song when someone calls!


check this out. you can even use the part of a song you like. as long as your phone can play music tones, it should work.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Thanks but I can't go to this site from my computer at work. Do you a different route to get this?


not that i know of. do you have internet at home?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


No I live in the dark ages :) I can get it off of a friend's though. Thanks!

Angry Ewok

My cell phone plays Golden... I bought it directly from Cingular...
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


i'm sorry, much respect to all of you, BUT:

how many g-damn phone calls do you get on your cell that you must have a jacket song on there? i just find this so crass and icky. this ludicrous preoccupation with what your frakin cell phone sounds like is out of control. how self-involved do people get?
i know you all are very, very nice...
i had a cell years before anyone did and was on it non-stop for 7 years. i now realize that it was the bane of my existence and i've come to really hate people who use cell phones as a social crutch, a camera, a show-off gadget... nobody, unless you're a cardiologist, sports agent or drug dealer NEEDS one of these things. what did people do before the "golden" age of cell phones? they waited.
sorry about this rant. i just find ringtones maybe the stupidest thing to assault public space. hearing a bastardized version of a jacket song is bad enough, but it also opens the door to "i'm in love (wit a stripper)" and "fur elise".
find something better to do with your time and money. give the money to a homeless person.
everything sucks. really.


holy dude!  c'mon!  they're not dropping bombs on children, they just want to vamp up their cellphones a little.  

cellphones are great in emergencies.  time savers.  helpful when you can't find a damn quarter.

there's annoying things with everything.  


for real...i have "one big holiday" and "golden" on my cell phone and they are NOT bastardize versions...they are the actual music..just coming thru a small speaker!  i love hearing my cell phone ring with "OBH" or "Golden"!!!
Visit [url=""][/url] for Louisville music news.


Okay what about those of us that have ONLY cell phones. It is stupid to have a house phone and a cell phone. It is much cheaper to just use my cell for everything. Also I don't think it makes anyone not have a life by asking a simple question like this. It is just a ringtone and not a lot of people, around here anyway, even know who MMJ is. So having the ringtone would be for my pleasure only  :)

Jon T.

Quotenobody, unless you're a cardiologist, sports agent or drug dealer NEEDS one of these things.

That is a rather asinine statement.  Not that the rest was much better...    :-/


Quotei'm sorry, much respect to all of you, BUT:

how many g-damn phone calls do you get on your cell that you must have a jacket song on there? i just find this so crass and icky. this ludicrous preoccupation with what your frakin cell phone sounds like is out of control. how self-involved do people get?
i know you all are very, very nice...
i had a cell years before anyone did and was on it non-stop for 7 years. i now realize that it was the bane of my existence and i've come to really hate people who use cell phones as a social crutch, a camera, a show-off gadget... nobody, unless you're a cardiologist, sports agent or drug dealer NEEDS one of these things. what did people do before the "golden" age of cell phones? they waited.
sorry about this rant. i just find ringtones maybe the stupidest thing to assault public space. hearing a bastardized version of a jacket song is bad enough, but it also opens the door to "i'm in love (wit a stripper)" and "fur elise".
find something better to do with your time and money. give the money to a homeless person.

g-damn hippie!


Why is a sports agent one of the only people that NEEDS one?
I don't see the logic in that. They're not making the world a better place or anything.

Angry Ewok

Quotei just find this so crass and icky. this ludicrous preoccupation with what your frakin cell phone sounds like is out of control. how self-involved do people get?

So, you mean to tell me that if you were breezing through a local shop and heard someone with a My Morning Jacket ringtone, your response wouldn't be, "Hey! That's awesome! A fellow Jacket fan!"... but instead, "What a loser!"

That's disapointing.

To me it wasn't being so self-absorbed as simply being supportive of my favorite band.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


no, they're not dropping bombs on children EC, they're dropping bombs on my little ears!
i was just commenting on the need to have "individualized" everything. except i find it slightly ironic because if "individualization" is now mass-marketed, how special are we, really?
i'm not saying cell phones can't be useful or money/time savers, i'm just saying they've become a third arm to *some* people. how many of you have sat in a restaurant and had the misfortune of being seated next to some blabbermouth who can't bear to eat alone and must must must talk on her cell constantly? how about people driving and talking? i can attest to almost being run over/side-swiped/rear-ended by people too preoccupied with their phones. i've seen two people out to lunch, one person gets a call, then the other person starts fiddling with their phone and makes a call... it makes me sad, is all.
just a few years ago, nobody had cell phones and the world was not a horrible, desolate place. i don't see cell phones making the world a better place either. i was using the doctor/agent as an example...
at one point, i was so on-call at my job that people could reach me almost 24 hours a day. i don't think that's a good thing.
also, some recent, credible studies out of sweden have shown some nasty side-effects of long-term exposure to cellular phones.
and i honestly like all you guys and would like to keep you healthy and happy and singing.  :-*
also, realdeal, the hippie comment is hilarious. especially if you read my comment on why i can't go to bonnaroo. i'm at the paris hilton end of hippie...  ;D
everything sucks. really.


BUT GUYS!!!!!!! ...

for every one of you with impeccable musical taste, there are a millions of pricks who pick the most awful, most annoying, loudest, dumbest tones. i remember when 50 cent's Candy Shop was a huge hit on phones. what about the pussycat dolls' Don't Cha?
if phones could only sound one way, it would save a lot of us from other people's poor taste.
it's like uniforms in high school.
everything sucks. really.


and i am sincerely sorry if i've offended any of you, but i find that there is a serious lack of manners and etiquette when it comes to cell phone usage and it bugs me. i'm sure none of you are *those* people, but you know they're out there.
everything sucks. really.


Quotei don't see cell phones making the world a better place either.   ;D

Yeah! And computers too!  E-mail and cell phones are evil.  I remember the way I used to send someone an AutoCad drawing for work that the customer had me change for the 57th time.  I printed it out on this stuff called paper (PAY-purr) and folded it up and put it in an envelope (N-vah-Loap) and sent it with a big brown truck.  If you paid enough money, they would get it there in 24 hours!  Those were the days.

Oh and stopping at pay phones in January to check my messages and trying to turn up the audio with semis flying by.  That was cool.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


feel free to gang up on me if you like, but i never said i was anti technology. obviously, i'm on-line, i miss my cable internet hookup from back home, i love ebay, and internet porn... maybe not that last one...
but i have seen how all this instant connection ability has actually made people *less* connected. i like getting emails from my friends, but i LOVE letters on actual paper with stamps and shit.
i like talking to my friends back home on messenger, but i would much rather hear their voice or see their faces.
i've seen too many people use cell phones as a crutch in social situations. i've also been a cashier when someone's phone rang and they answered and didn't even look up at me or speak because they were too preoccupied. i'm not saying they don't have practical uses, i just think some people go a little crazy with them.
everything sucks. really.


who doesn't love internet porn?

wellfleet, i hear you.  but i don't agree.  it bothers me as much to hear a dude on a cellphone on the streetcar as it does to hear two pals talkin' to each other.  everyone is at all times at liberty to a) not answer their phone, or b) turn their phone off.

technology has been gearing us up to be instantly accessible if we so choose, and that's the way it is.  there are a LOT of things that used to be okay but because of modern technology, we do bettter:
a) washing machines
b) bank machines
c) email (man alive, the amount i get done by replying to emails at 4 in the morning as opposed to having to wait to call until normal business hours)
d) research.  instant.  awesome.  "what was that...?  oh wait, i can check RIGHT NOW instead of going to the library tomorrow."