Profess your undying love for "AT DAWN"

Started by sweatboard, Jul 18, 2006, 05:17 AM

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BEST ALBUM EVER CREATED BY MANKIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, after I made that comment about the David Ford album well,.................I've felt dirty ever since.  So, I put on AT DAWN tonight and I didn't even get through the intro part of at dawn before I remembered................Holy Shit!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM EVER CREATED BY MANKIND!!!!!!!!! David Ford made me cry and forgive me but I was already really emotional that night. :-[  I still really love that guy and his songs. :)

and then..........

He says "That's When My Knife Rises Their Life Ends And Mine Begins"  ............AT DAWN..........MY MORNING JACKET.  Ah, Just the intro sounds to at dawn justify what the entire album sets up with a line like "forget your papers, forget your musical dreams"  

"The Way That He Sings"

It's so magical to hear a soul singing about himself hearing in someone else what would eventually become something somebody else would hear in him.

I'm listening to "Honest Man" right now and remembering how ape shit I've gone to this song so many times........."Evil waves at me it's ugly hand.....Radar watches me from above, shouting down.........."I HOPE YOU MAKE IT ON THIS EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Some serious air gutar coming up.......... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

AH HELL!!!!!!!!  So, anyways, this is the thread to profess your undying love for "THE BEST ALBUM EVER CREATED BY MANKIND"  so,

Share your favorite moments on the record.

Your favorite sex acts you've performed while listening to it.......... "Angry Dragon"

The First Time You heard It.

The First Time You Listened To It On PCP mixed with Vikadin.

 Other things that you actually remember doing while listening to it..... "Driving Through The Smokey Mountains With All The Windows Down  While Getting A Blow Job and smiling and pointing at the back of her head to all the truck drivers you were passing at 102 mph" etc. etc

Your favorite lyrical moments.......

favorite production points......"I go with the vocal recording of "I Needed It Most" which by the it the most sad or the most beautiful setiment you have ever heard in the world?  I think Tom has some good things to say about this song.  Well either way it's amazing that someone as young as Jim was could say something so profound about love in such a poignant manner.  Actually it's amazing that anyone could.

You feel a total liberation in your soul at some point during Phone Went West.

Then it's time to hit you with the most emotionaly devistating conclusion to ever end a record.  STRANGULATION.  "I Don't Want To FEEL a THING!



There's Still Time.........


I'm not even going to bother replying to this thread, knowing Sweatboard he'll probably have another new 'fav album of all time!!!' tomorrow  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Just kidding! At Dawn is my fav album of all time & I can't imagine that changing anytime soon.
I came across this the other day whilst checking to see what kind of love MMJ have on

"Let's not mess about: My Morning Jacket's At Dawn is a classic American rock record. There is nothing exactly revolutionary about the second album from the quintet from Louisville, Kentucky. Guitars strum and occasionally squall, vocals are of the high and lonesome variety, songs stretch out from poignant sketches into rambunctious shows of strength. Educated guesses suggest a few Neil Young albums might have found their way into the life of singer, guitarist and songwriter Jim James.

Elsewhere, someone could be reinventing music. It's doubtful, though, that they could make anything out of it quite as fragile, powerful and involving as At Dawn. Habitually linked with Wayne Coyne (Flaming Lips) and Jonathan Donahue (Flaming Lips / Mercury Rev), James's plaintive, massively-reverbed vocals actually have as much in common with Roy Orbison and Gene Pitney--noble, heartbroken balladeers on the fringes of rock. Better still, his songs are the kind of marvels that Americana's pin-ups frequently promise yet so rarely deliver.

Highlighting individual tracks seems crude in the context of so many riches. Indeed, by the time "Phone Went West" has spent seven minutes resurrecting that most benighted of genres, white reggae, you'll be convinced My Morning Jacket are not just masters of the ancient arts, but the best band to saunter onto the world stage since the White Stripes."

John Mulvey
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


The words to this song mean a lot to me and I am saving them for a poem to my wife when she's close to giving birth to our third child.  (We just found out last week!)

I wont ask you where you're goin.
I wont ask you where you been.
I know after a million times you get sick of all my lines,
but I just wanna see you safe again.
Hopefully it occurs to me that there's one thing I cant stand.
That's the thought of a single day, without your head in my hand.
I know that just now I aint been showin,
the kind of love you know that I can.
So gimmie a little time and you'll be knowin your good lovin
baby is back on top again.
I always hoped you'd be showin,
and now you've shown as much as you can.
But after each time im still glowin
with a good lovin smile that's yours until the end.

ahhhhh oooooooooooooooo!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Amelia loves At Dawn.   Enough said-she's got good taste.   ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Hey, At Dawn?

I love you.  Until I die.  

Thank you 'Xmas Curtain' for being the best song ever.

Thank you 'Phone Went West' for bringing me down from a bad trip.



hopefully is the shit...i wonder how many girls Jim has slayed singing that song to 'em?
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Sleazy Rider

 Congrats welcome to the greatest moment in your life, my kids love the jacket especially Lowdown. At Dawn is the greatest album ever. my fav memory is being pilled out of my mind with my wife 3 yrs ago on halloween listening to it and hitting all the haunted houses, trail etc. that we could find. Thank You At Dawn. Thank You My Morning Jacket.
QuoteThe words to this song mean a lot to me and I am saving them for a poem to my wife when she's close to giving birth to our third child.  (We just found out last week!)

I wont ask you where you're goin.
I wont ask you where you been.
I know after a million times you get sick of all my lines,
but I just wanna see you safe again.
Hopefully it occurs to me that there's one thing I cant stand.
That's the thought of a single day, without your head in my hand.
I know that just now I aint been showin,
the kind of love you know that I can.
So gimmie a little time and you'll be knowin your good lovin
baby is back on top again.
I always hoped you'd be showin,
and now you've shown as much as you can.
But after each time im still glowin
with a good lovin smile that's yours until the end.

ahhhhh oooooooooooooooo!
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


dear at dawn (the record and the song),

you make me believe in myself.

ec xo

Angry Ewok

At Dawn inspires me to write some really good love letters.

<3 Brad
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.



So, after I made that comment about the David Ford album well

those myspace songs sure are sounding good though.  i am probably going to have to buy this one.  
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


yeah, I love him, if you think Keane is wussy David Ford takes it to a whole new level but I still love him though.  The video for "State Of The Union" on the myspace page is a MUST SEE!!!!!!!!
There's Still Time.........


At Dawn is really really damn good on the headphones, tried that for the first time a few weeks ago. I really love the different sounds they use to give the music texture, like the bugs chirping. The live version of Hopefully made me truly appreciate that song. Honest Man, X-mas Curtain, and just because I do are a great stretch of songs. They kinda hold some of the slower songs together and it gets rockin at the right times. Honest Man is one of my favorites by MMJ and I rarely read any posts about that one. The very beginning of X-mas Curtain is really cool they kinda tricked me at first. It starts out sounding like it gonna be a reggae inspired song but then they change it up. Phone Went West is a beautiful song with a slow reggae beat. I felt rewarded after I thought I was cheated out of a reggae song with X-Mas Curtain(not that I don't like that song I appreciate they way they did that). Great album maybe not THE greatest there's always Sgt Peppers.  ::)
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Love the whole thing. Amazing album, At Dawn. Truly epic. Just wanna give a shout out to If It Smashes Down/I Needed It Most which both blow me away bigtime......especially that instrumental middle in I Needed It Most.......that's what heaven will sound like......I could listen to a half hour loop of that middle section alone.
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


I swear he's playing "If It Smashes Down" while sitting in a rocking chair......that's pretty awesome.  I always invision Jim sitting in a rocking chair alone at the bottom of a grain silo with a Banjo.  
There's Still Time.........


i was going to put down some stuff... but reading all of the above has made me need to listen to the album. so.... thoughts & favs a little later!
love a song for the way it makes you feel


Well, what can I say? This albumis perfect.  
I think this is the perfect time to petition Jim to do a chunk of acoustic songs in the middle of their se during the nextmajor tour, like he was doing 2 years ago.  An while we areat it, we ned to beg im to start playing I Needed It Most. THis is my all time favorite song by MMJ. I'd go as far as saying it is my favorite song of all time.  The picture that Jim paints with his lyrics is so vivid.  And the " I will not CRUMBLE!!!! " part; jesus man. I just really love this song.  Myfriends and I have been calling for this song at every Seattle show since the fall of 03.  Last tour, we even brought a sign asking for it, to no avail. I must hear that song live. SO lets hope Jimbreaks it out soon.  



Yep, I think the consensus amongst the fans on this forum is........................[size=20]START PLAYING "I NEEDED IT MOST" IN THE LIVE SETS, YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]
There's Still Time.........


At Dawn - how can I praise thee? You are a classic for all time!

hmmm, there is no record in the last 15 years that has moved me so much as you have! I listen at night, I listen during the day, in the evening and of course, At Dawn! I can't ever stop and I don't really want to....

I have had various *love* affairs with certain first it was The Way that He Sings, then it was, Death is the Easy Way then  Xmas Curtain, then Hopefully, I needed it Most, and now it's actually...At Dawn. It's odd with this band even when I have heard a song many times - suddenly one day the song hits me like a ton of feathers...and it's a great sensation! It gets into my blood and soul and it resonates with my whole being.

Yes, I gushed. I realize that. Can't help it. ;D

I cannot wait for the Demos and to hear the original Chills and Lead Me Father.
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


My Dearest At Dawn,
When I think of your sexy sounds...
'scuse me while I go clean out the mess I just made in my shorts... :-[

You still give me chills.  I will always remember my 1st time with you.  Love, MMJ_f
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.