Chills vs. Chills demo?  

Started by katkillad, Jul 24, 2006, 07:25 PM

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First of all, haven't posted in a long time...but i'm still a huge fan and I glance at the forums occasionally.  I looked for a topic similar to this, but couldn't find one.  

I was surprised when i found out chills was on the off the record single.  At first I was excited, but then wondered if it could compare to the demo.  There's just something about the demo, its almost like it was perfect how it was.  The rawness of the song just seemed to go perfectly with how the lyrics and guitar sound.    

Don't get me wrong, the updated version is nice, but the demo is always going to be on top for me...especially since its probably one of my top 5 favorite songs of theirs.  


I like both but the demo is better.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


hahaha...i think my favorite about the "real" version was how drastically different it was. i knew it was gonna be different, but when my vinyl finally rolled around to it, the first chord hit and i had to bust out laughing. i think it's all part of jim's sense of humor, that it would be that different.

i mean honestly, what could they really have done to the old version? that version was perfect like it was, and there was really nothing to be done to it. so it was kind of an obvious progression, i think. obvious in the way that it just kind of needed to move in a completely different direction.

if that makes any sense. the old version wasn't meant to be "outdated" by the new one, just kind of amended by it, somehow. kind of makes you appreciate the old one a bit more, too...ya know?

lemme know whatcha think. i love both of em.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

Angry Ewok

Don't kill me, but I don't like either version all that much. That said, on iTunes my playcount for the two is...

Demo : 25
Single : 06

So I guess I prefer the Demo, as well...

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I LOVE the demo version.  Chilling to say the least.  This song gives me chills and takes me away every time.  The Z version is okay.


I equally love both versions. One sounds so upbeat and the other sounds so deep and mysterious.

The vocal on the outtake is really sweet.
But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.