the first time.

Started by Paauwe, Sep 23, 2006, 08:29 PM

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i got high for the first time in my life.            

we listened to some mmj. we listened to a lot. but i sure remember dondante and gideon. it was breathe taking.  dondante was like totally different. and gideon made me sweat.

we also listened to explosions in the sky. we turned the lights off. and didn't speak a single word. geesh.  we also listened to some wilco.

i don't know how many of u do pot. but it seems like a lot of you do, or once have.


I used to smoke all the time. I've pretty much chilled out with it. But when I do it now (which is every once and a while), I only do it when I can just sit back and listen to some good tunes. I wont even smoke if I cant do that.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

Angry Ewok

Steam Engine on vinyl, whiskey, and blow...
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Quotei got high for the first time in my life.            i don't know how many of u do pot. but it seems like a lot of you do, or once have.

May I give you some advice? Don't say you 'do pot' just say like 'yeah I smoke' or something like that. People will try to rip you off when you go to buy some if you sound like your new to it.

Anyways yeah I smoke everyday. Pot has helped expand myself to all kinds of different music. MMJ is great to burn to and might I suggest some Bob Marley. Are you into playing music or art or anything? I reccomend if you're creative to smoke while your doing your thing it helps. Feel free to ask me questions if theres anything you need to know.  
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


The first time I got stoned, I listened to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. It was badass.

Good call on listening to Z. If you really want to blow your mind, might I suggest a little 25 minute song called "Cobra."

Or just go to a concert.


no. the best is when you're snorting blow off a whore's ass and then another whore says, "i've got some heroin," and then you start buying all these oils and incense and stuff...

oh, and smoking crack out of a Sprite bottle. awesome. mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


don't get busted, that sux.

and don't get mad or depressed if you do get busted. Accept the risk.



May I give you some advice? Don't say you 'do pot' just say like 'yeah I smoke' or something like that. People will try to rip you off when you go to buy some if you sound like your new to it.

I was actually thinking the same thing.  Here are some other key terms and advice, now that you've entered the pot-universe.

1.)  Say 'Dank'.  
2.)  If someone is smoking you out, say, "Yeah, this is good stuff.  But the shit I had last week tasted better".  You'll sound like an effecionado.  If they ask you what you had, just say, "I had the dankness".
3.)  Don't put off your studies and get high and listen to music all day.  That's what has led to my 2.61 Gpa.


3.)  Don't put off your studies and get high and listen to music all day.

That's also why I did not get my undergraduate degree until I was 35...



3.)  Don't put off your studies and get high and listen to music all day.  That's what has led to my 2.61 Gpa.

I did that without ever doing drugs.  I guess for me the internet in general and all the gossip sites and great music were my downfall in college, back in the 90s.  ::)  (And they're still a distraction at work today. ;))



That's also why I did not get my undergraduate degree until I was 35...


My Anti Drug. :)


also, use the word "heady" often.


|M|y|  |M|o|r|n|i|n|g|  |J|a|c|k|e|t|

My anti-drug.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I'm well aware that the drug lingo is a bit different from place to place, but the use of dank serves one purpose. I don't like it when people say something like man I bought an eight of dank and it has red hairs. That just shows lack of knowlege on the topic. I can buy an O of mid-grade for 70 and it is pretty fuzzy.  Who knows, everyones different, but a suggestion is don't try and be cool and say something to sound cool becasue you'll look dumb doing it.
...And Some Are Angels...

Jacket Fanatic

QuoteI'm well aware that the drug lingo is a bit different from place to place, but the use of dank serves one purpose. I don't like it when people say something like man I bought an eight of dank and it has red hairs.

Agreed, I dont know anyone around here who uses the word "Dank". It does definetly vary depending on where you live.

Also, smoking definetly led to my complete downfall in school last semester, I got one "c" and three "D's". Since I only do it on the weekends now (but still not alot) my grades have gone back up and my laziness has decreased. It's great to smoke if you can just kick back and relax.


Moe refers to his bar as "the dank" in an episode of the Simpsons. Specifically the one where he turns it into a family themed restaurant. mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


QuoteMoe refers to his bar as "the dank" in an episode of the Simpsons. Specifically the one where he turns it into a family themed restaurant.

Carl:  "Oh, Moe!  You're not thinkin' of gettin' rid of the dank?"

Moe:  "Yeah, it's about that time (or something similiar)".

Carl:  "Oh, but Moe!  The Dank!  The Dank!!"

I love that episode.


My favorite drug is PCP.  I like to listen to some Barbara Striesand and pick fights with cops.

The Boar

This is the best forum thread I've ever read. Those of you who have offered this young person your guidence are truly beautiful human beings. It is a wonderful thing to see such caring.


The first time I ever smoked "the dank" I woke up naked on my friends lawn with a sheep, two cats and an electric guitar in my hand. I haven't smoked since then.


i love to smoke. i stopped for about a year and a half, cause it gave me anxiety attacks, but now ive dealt with those and nothing kicks more ass then sitting back at my cottage, smoking a dube and sipping on a bottle of wine. and no im not 45, im 22.(not that theres anything wrong with being 45)

throw on some mmj, some neil young or some great pink floyd, all live, naturally. light some candles, whip out the baby oil, lube myself all up, and slide down the stairs in a sleeping bag.... i digress....

enjoy the weed man, just dont abuse it
wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into a dream - pink floyd