English Fans - a question?

Started by ChiefCrowe, Oct 17, 2006, 04:14 PM

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If Brad had used that small thing it would have made a lot of difference.


I can't believe it took that long for somebody to take offense.

I don't think Brad was serious, but a wink could have gone along way.  Maybe he was serious, and if so, it offends me as an american and as a person connected closely to those with special needs.  But if that's how he feels, he should speak his mind in this free country.

[size=10]The views of angry ewok don't necessarily reflect the views of this website, it's members, americans, southerner's or any of it's affiliates.[/size]
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteI can't believe it took that long for somebody to take offense

I didn't bite straight away because Brad's a nice guy and I felt it was out of character.
Another thing I was thinking was that, maybe 'retarded' is more offensive here (in the UK) than it is in the states. I've noticed people on the board use it quite freely. It's really offensive here, both to the person you're calling retarded and to people with learning difficulties. Just a thought.
Vive la difference!


hey i understand some out there don't realise that some of us in the wider world speak a little differnt-like, and it did spark me up a little at the time, but i'm not going to take a single little comment & turn it into a general everyone hates me cos i'm different kind of rant... it was a silly thing to say,  brad's being going through some shit lately, but let's just move on. please.

wow, just re-read english's comments again, the fatties comment was a bit left-field! and while i'm at it - hey, the australian government won't ratify the kyoto agreement either (why i really can't understand), and we also have a US-loving wanker for a pm who ignored the hundreds of thousands (relatively speaking still a lot, we don't have as many people down here as the rest of you  :) ) of anti-war protesters (me included) and STILL joined in with bush/blair etc, so may as well add australia to your rant while you're at it...

that said, this was just a little thread about how even though we're all different, we still love the jacket, and music in general, so give yourselves a big hug and move on.
love a song for the way it makes you feel


I think you guys are taking this too seriously. Don't we all throw words out there that we don't really mean?
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


But hey, you've got some decent bands, so let's forget all that stuff and salute the flag!

Decent? We've got the BEST bands.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


 ::) I did think by including the term "fatties" people might not take it completely seriously, oh well!

As for the best bands, need you be reminded:
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Pink Floyd
Led Zeppelin
The Small Faces
Paul Weller
The Incredible String Band
Fairport Convention
The Who
Kate Bush

I know some of these are solo artists, but even so, can the US rival the classics?
Visit my site at:


My Morning Jacket
Van Halen
I'm just gonna throw RUSH on here since they're only so far up over the border
Iron and Wine
Andrew Bird
M. Ward
Sufjan Stevens
the blues

and, above all, The Shaggs, whom Zappa proclaimed as "the most important band in the history of rock n' roll"
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


and i thought it was mostly obvious that Brad was basically completely playing off the ignorant American stance on his comment there? I mean, we are better than the rest of the world, but do you guys have to hate us so much for it?


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


A wise man once sang:

"Most of us beleive this is wrong"


I agree with you, English Homer - Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, Floyd - these will be forever enduring and created some of the finest music on the earth.  But what about Jimi Hendrix?  Jim Morrison?  The Grateful Dead? (can't resist!) and every single blues artist who came from the states and influenced all of the above you mentioned?  There's no argument:  GOOD MUSIC  is always going to be appreciated, no matter what country it comes from!  So ROCK ON!  
other times I can barely see

Angry Ewok

Man... I don't even know what to say, except I'm sort of in disbelief that even if I was taken the wrong way, someone would blow such a huge fuse on me for being a stupid American who did "bla bla bla" to ruin the fun for the rest of the world. As Tom picked up, I was just playing off of that stereotype in the first place... I thought that a smiley wasn't really necesarry, since I've been around so long and it was so totally out of character. I was just picking fun and stir a few of you up - didn't think I'd be taken seriously. My username is AngryEwok, afterall.


No big deal, no harm done... I guess I just need to practice the use of including smileys more often, huh?

QuoteYou're absolutely right, the rest of the world must be retarded for letting the US get away with it!
You choose George Bush to be president - good call!
You use on average four times the energy per person than the rest of the world.
You consume three times on average more food than the rest of the world (fatties!).
Mr Bush continues to refuse to ratify world agreemnets on the reduction of green house gasses because it might harm the US economy - we've got news for you, there ain't gonna be an economy if you continue to pump out carbon dioxide the way you're doing - we all go back to basics in about a century (at least our kids and grandkids do!).
You invade Iraq when everyone tells you it will lead to disaster (over a million people parade in the biggest UK demo against it - and go unheard because we have a US loving wanker for a PM), and then wonder where all the extra terrorists are coming from.
And incredibly, when the rest of the world understood that Bin Laden hated Hussain nearly as much as he hated him, the majority of Americans go on believing that the invasion of Iraq was a response to 9/11.
You're right, thank goodness for the US - at least your growing debt to Japan means the empire is beginning to burn itself out.
But hey, you've got some decent bands, so let's forget all that stuff and salute the flag!

Why not include a piechart for us, to make your point all the more overkill? Next time you want to rant at an American, you better include some illustrations...

;)   <---------------------

I can't help it that Americans have a more keen sense of humor than Europeans.

 :-*   <------------------

QuoteBut what about Jimi Hendrix?

Jimi Hendrix was American, but the Hendrix Experience came together in England, right? So you could almost credit his contribution to the English.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteA wise man once sang:

"Most of us beleive this is wrong"
;) couldn' t have said it better myself.
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away