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Thank you MMJ

Started by icemanhh, Oct 18, 2005, 05:33 AM

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let me start by saying that 'Z' is amazing. I love the album. I have been a huge fan for a long time and i still can not explain what this band means to me and how they make me feel. No other band can take me to the land of wonder that MMJ do. There is no other band that would even make me think of writing something like this on a forum. Whatever it is that they do to me, it hasn't changed with 'Z'. Thank you for being amazing i guess.
People always told me that bars are dark and lonely, and talk is always cheep and filled with air.


you obviously haven't heard the band "good charlotte."  Wowwwwwwwwwwwww.


I liked your post icemanhh.  Welcome to love.

hahahaha.  Sorry, I find that incredibly funny this morning.  hahaha.  But seriously, welcome to the board!!!  [smiley=rock.gif]


I'd just like to second what icemanhh says, after many years of listening to all types of music i feel like i've found exactly what i've been looking for, thank you, MMJ & please get back to Ireland soon!!!


i couldn't agree more. It is like MMJ are what i have always been looking for. I'm not that new a member of the forum i have just not been around.
People always told me that bars are dark and lonely, and talk is always cheep and filled with air.


My Morning Jacket!
You are the most wonderful thing to ever happen. Thank you for inspiring me.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to jump on the trampoline?