Which Album Took The Longest to Grow On You?

Started by The_DARK, May 01, 2007, 05:32 PM

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ISM was the hardest to grow on me personally. Not for the fact that it wasnt as good as other albums, but instead for the fact that it took me so long to listen to the entire album.  Several times, I had to stop the album and return to hear a song again to really get a good feel for it.  Also, At Dawn just hooked to me immediatly.  It has a permanent spot in my cd player.  


I agree with everyone else's comments...Tenn Fire for me to......and I still listen to it at least once a week if not more.I liked AD,Z,and ISM the moment the 1st tracks started.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


All of the albums except TTF took a while for me to discover that I secretly loved them. I didn't dislike any of the albums, I just didn't like them that much. ISM was the first album I bought, and I remember thinking it was alright, but I probably wouldn't be listening to it very much. Saw the band live a month later and that changed everything for me. The only album I liked on the first listen was TTF. I listened to it nonstop when I first got it. I fell in love with The Bear and War Begun immediately and everything else on that album was just extra goodness. At Dawn took the longest for me to get used to, which is ironic because it is by far my favorite now.


I got ISM first and loved it. Then bought the tennesee fire and listened to the first song or two and never could get into it. Then months and months later I threw it in again and just let it play, been one of my favorites ever since. Love heartbreakin man, the bear, Nashville to Kentucky, I think i'm going to hell, picture of you, etc. great, great album. I think the way it was recorded turns people off who are not use to the sound, everyone I play it for says the sound is jacked up on it, but you learn to appreciate it I guess and just love it for the songs and how well written they are. I kinda think about what that album would be like if it were recorded today with the band knowing what they now know as far as recording goes.  


For me it would have to be Z. I played it over and over and over, and it's only grown on me a bit.

It still hasn't moved me too much.  I really like the first two tracks, Wordless Chorus and It Beats 4 You.  Stylistically, very different from previous material.  But after that I think the song writing suffers compared to the rest of their catalog.  They're not awful or anything, I just don't think the tunes measure up to standards set by the previous releases.

But that's just my opinion. Yours may differ, or be wrong.

Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway


Z also...
I bought Z along with thousand of other college students who are inspired by Rolling Stones Top 50 of 2005 listing.  I listened to it, thought it was good and then threw it back in the pile.  Then I saw that MMJ was playing 3 nights for NYE and i picked up Z again and then it hit me.  I bought my tickets for the NYE saw the first show friday and the next day went to Berkeley and bought every CD of theirs they had there.  i think i spent 100$ + bucks on MMJ CD's.
God damn those shaky knees.

Easy Morning Rebel

The Tennessee Fire. Once it did though it's now my favourite.

Even cowgirls get the blues