where to begin

Started by cricco, Jul 19, 2007, 06:00 PM

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first post on here... hi!

don't usually give a shit what lyrics mean. they are what they are... to me.
but any ideas on what "where to begin" may be about?
i love that song so much... but just clueless as to what it means.
it's the art of feeling naked in your clothes.

War End

I think it's about the struggle of trying to "find" yourself....being comfortable in your own shoes and sometimes when you think you are there.....you realize you're not.
It's such a universal theme....everyone can relate to that on some kind of level.


I still don't have that song, only have the version on acoustic chorale. I might have to give in and buy the whole album from itunes.

EDIT: just bought both soundtrack volumes from itunes.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


this is one of the most amazing songs that they have done in recent memory. I still listen to it often and it gets better and better!!!!

for me, buying the soundtrack was totally worth it even if i hated all the other songs (which i didn't)