Have You Considered The Notion That...

Started by dragonboy, Feb 15, 2008, 11:39 AM

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QuoteI'll put it right next to the shitty Zeppelin album I have.  Oh wait, there wasn't one!
Hmm. Shitty Zeppelin album? No. But can you honestly say you like/listen to Presence or In Through the Out Door as much as the first 6 albums? When you think, OK I'm going to play a LZ album, are those the ones you usually grab?
& let us not forget that Led Zeppelin's life was cut short prematurely. Had John Bonham (RIP) not died & the band continued I doubt that their 80s input would have stood up against their earlier work.

Like I said, just so long as they stay away from Geffen  ;)

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

no, you are

i'm not worried at all. quality breeds quality. i dig all the material so far. some songs are better than others. with that said i'm sure there will be songs i llike and others that have to grow on me. but all in all not liking the record just won't happen. it wouldn't take this long to put out a flop.

Angry Ewok

I would be shocked if this album wasn't their absolute best to date. They'll win a Grammy or something.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteI would be shocked if this album wasn't their absolute best to date. They'll win a Grammy or something.

that's the way i feel....its either going to be the best album to date or just totally disappoint (which i think it would take a lot to disappoint us!!!).
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


QuoteI would be shocked if this album wasn't their absolute best to date. They'll win a Grammy or something.

that's the way i feel....its either going to be the best album to date or just totally disappoint (which i think it would take a lot to disappoint us!!!).
True Dat..Double true


i'm pretty sure this new album will melt our faces off. that is, the remnants of our faces that have not yet been melted by previous jacket shows.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


The Led Zeppelin analogy is the most correctest! I think Presence is awesome, Bonham's work on that one is incredible. As for Wilco, I love everything they've released, but I'm pretty underwhelmed by Sky Blue Sky. Anybody else?

/nice Caribou, that girl
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"

Jon T.

I think it's fairly safe to say we don't have to worry about his anymore.  :)


QuoteI would be shocked if this album wasn't their absolute best to date. They'll win a Grammy or something.

I agree.  my spidy sense says this album will have a lot of cross-over appeal for people outside their fanbase.  And the marketing behind it without it being released yet is always a good sign that those that have heard it as an advance copy dig it.
