Cool MMJ Stories

Started by cmccubbin25, Nov 06, 2005, 05:10 PM

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I thought I would share a cool MMJ story I heard just last night...

I met Patrick's little brother in Louisville and of course I had to probe him on some inside Jacket info.  He was telling me that Patrick and Jim were born in the same hospital and only one minute apart.  They were put in the same room and were just a couple of beds apart.  I thought this was a pretty interesting story and just goes to show that fate was working for MMJ!
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Wow, it seems so perfectly fitting that they wound up being partners, then.

[size=10](musically, of course)[/size]
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i have a  cool MMJ story: back in the summer of 2000 i went to this houseparty in the highlands in louisville. i dont know who owned the house, a bunch of train hoppers and stuff always lived there. but anyway, i went to this party to see my friend malcom do an accoustic set. before him was another accoustic guy ( which turned out to be JJ)   that i i thought sucked!  so i  went outside after a few songs. damn why was i so stupid! i wish i could go back and kick my former self  in the ass for not watching jim's  set. there was only like 10 peeople there watchin him play.....


that is fucking awesome...i want to kick you too!!! j/k
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