EU kind of disappointing

Started by evanskickedhead, Apr 21, 2008, 11:20 PM

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QuoteAM to A Ghost Is Born?

those 2 records were 9 years apart.  little different.

Yeah, no kidding. I was talking about the progression from AM to Being There to Summerteeth to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot to A Ghost is Born.

To answer AngryEwok, I say Prince because of the vocal delivery and danceable beats. And to Jon, life is full of comparisons. I'm not sure how that's an issue. If the comparison is made in a positive light, then I suppose that's better.


Quoteso..we accept it for what is and enjoy it (or don't) and move on.  the TN Fire, At Dawn, and ISM will always be there waiting for us to bring back memories of the "good ole days."

too heavy for the hippies

Jon T.

Has it started to grow on anyone that was previously disappointed?


To answer AngryEwok, I say Prince because of the vocal delivery and danceable beats.

So like Michael Jackson...?

Or Justin Timberlake?

Think Jerry Garcia does an album of Justin Timberlake covers while tripping on some seriously rondo acid?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Think Jerry Garcia plays R&B

If you've ever heard the JGB then you don't have to imagine this.



It's like Prince because everyone, for some reason, has to constantly compare music to others.  Someone else was complimenting the album but said "think Jerry Garcia does R&B".  There is R&B all over this thing but why not say "think MMJ does R&B."  

This album is fully MMJ.  That's why I said they traipse along the edge.  They are really pushing the envelope with this one.  That is why it is so confusing on your first listen - you've never heard anything like it.  But, then, that is why you love it... because there is nothing else like it.  Every band has influences.

Think Jerry Garcia plays R&B with plenty of falsetto.

If you've ever heard the JGB then you don't have to imagine this.

Yeah, but you DO have to imagine Jerry singing falsetto.  He didn't do much of that while pumping out R&B grooves.


QuoteI think the music itself is disappointing, not necessarily their intentions.  It feels like MMJ is breaking the credo I love so much in "Wordless Chorus" - "we are the innovators/they are the imitators..."

...On EU, MMJ is doing a lot of mimicry.  "Highly Suspicious" is a clear reference to Prince or Rick James, "Two Halves" is straight out of 1964 Ronettes record, and "Remnants" sounds like a sub-par Pearl Jam cut from Vs.  I love and appreciate the band's willingness to try new things - they have my complete respect - but what I loved so much about MMJ is that they are so unique, even if you can see a direct line between their songs and the American tradition.  No band sounds like MMJ did on "At Dawn," "It Still Moves," or "Z."  I feel like that singularity is lost in EU because Jim James and company are trying too hard to distance themselves from their past sound, but the past sound is what made this group MMJ in the first place.

Does that make any sense?

im pretty certain when jim sat down and wrote these songs he wasnt plotting out what artists he could make the song sound like....just a hunch
thank you too jim


evan's right.

i consider myself a big fan but i guess it doesn't count because i don't spend all day on the boards racking up posts.

i gave this shit up years ago because of people like tracy (you're a dumbass). i will admit i do cruise by once in a while to hit up the gossip, but shit, this is insane.

beginning and end are awesome. middle is a little light, mostly throwaways. BUT could grow on me.

to bad i don't have a 1000 posts. poor me, no one will think i'm message board cool, or listen to me. and the band, THE BAND, will know. they will. Guess i won't get the MMJ gold medal for best fan. Because, you know, that shit does exist. it's real. they care how many posts you have.

Goddammit, i gotta leave now. stupid fucking people piss me off.
Dieu et les Dames.


I apologize for being a dumb ass



Quoteevan's right.

i consider myself a big fan but i guess it doesn't count because i don't spend all day on the boards racking up posts.

i gave this shit up years ago because of people like tracy (you're a dumbass). i will admit i do cruise by once in a while to hit up the gossip, but shit, this is insane.

beginning and end are awesome. middle is a little light, mostly throwaways. BUT could grow on me.

to bad i don't have a 1000 posts. poor me, no one will think i'm message board cool, or listen to me. and the band, THE BAND, will know. they will. Guess i won't get the MMJ gold medal for best fan. Because, you know, that shit does exist. it's real. they care how many posts you have.

Goddammit, i gotta leave now. stupid fucking people piss me off.

duuuuude. just, dude.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions. No need to piss all over someone.

I was initially confused by the new material too. I havent yet listened to the studio version besides what has been released. But from what Ive heard live Im becoming eager to see how it will grow on me. Z took time for me to understand, and I imagine EU will be the same.

But i still have a hard time refraining from laughter everytime I hear Highly Suspicious.


Wait, Cease to Begin isn't even close to Evil Urges!
"Go to heaven for the climate, hell for the company"~ Mark Twain


have alot of people heard other tunes besides the title track?

I'm absolutely obsessed with this new tune. I'm a long time fan (well, about 4 years), and I'm thrilled with their sound. This song is so sick...


yes alot of people have heard the new leaked already....
four on the floor and four in the air....


i can't really get into Evil Urges. i want to like it. i guess i'll just have to wait for the next album.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!