What is everyone FREAKING OUT about?

Started by Tony30052, Jun 11, 2008, 12:47 PM

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QuoteWe would be bored as shit if they just kept giving us the same sound from AD and ISM.  Those are great albums but I like that they are changing with each record.  I did not like Z at first but now I put it up there, if not ahead, of TF, AD and ISM.  

I just hope they keep giving us a fresh sound, and maybe one day they will make another record in the barn and come full circle.


Alright, I guess I'll jump into the debate.  I really like EU.  The first time no as much as the second time not as much as the third time and so on....   It is an album that requires multiple listens, which I think is a good thing.  I am not saying it is not an album I liked right away, because I did, all I am saying is my appreciation grows with each listen.  

Now I can see how EU is not for everyone and I believe everyone is allowed to expressed their opinion as long as they do it in a polite fashion and do not intentionally offend everyone.  The last thing we should ever want is an "Emperor's New Clothes" situation where we all know the band hasn't put forth any effort on an album, but since we are fans and on this board we can not give our real opinion.  We should be able to speak our minds.

As I stated before, I like EU, I like the fact they continue to try new sounds and influences.  If they kept making the same CD over and over again I think we all would grow board and no one would be on this board, at least no strong emotions would be shown.

Anyway that's my 2 cents.  Can't wait for the Chicago shows.


YouAre_GivenToFly, you do make a good point about Z and "Into the Woods." That was a very different sound, but that was a good song. "Highly Suspicious," on the other hand, is just a bad song. I know I'm giving an opinion like it's fact, but HS is SO different and SO corny and SO bad it really feels like it's a new law to the universe that "Highly Suspicious" is a bad song.

Why is it a bad song? Silly lyrics? Bad sound?

Its got rhythm Z could only dream of, obviously intentionally silly lyrics, and an absolutely amazing solo. The lyrics might not be the best, but they're better than references to "a baby in a blender" and masturbating with the showerhead.

Rhythm, lyrics, and sound: The 3 attributes that make up a song. 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.