Jim settles the score on EU

Started by memphis2kentucky, Jul 31, 2008, 11:30 PM

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EU: Evil Urges?

EU: European Union?

Hmmmmmm..........formulating a one world government through impeccable strings of music?

You Are Everything


Is Jim trying to warn us of the evil urges of the European Union?  or maybe it's a warning about Engaeus Urostrictus, an endangered species of crayfish in Australia.  it's something to think about.


Love Dogg

Snorting coke off hookers' tits!  That's funny.  ;D
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


...ok so totally off topic (sort of)...MMJ should cover "See No Evil" (by Television) because it fits with the whole Evil Urges thing...was listening to it last night and kept on hearing the words Evil and Urges and couldn't think of anything else...

listen to vinyl


good call about Television. Marquee Moon does freakin rule.

i think he needs to write a sequel album with the initials NAU, seeing as how people like Bush are trying to turn us into the North American Union under our noses. evil urges, indeed.

easy way

mmmmmm....I like where this is going, but I'm scared.  :(
'did I say that, did they hear me?'  ;)
"the time is with the month of winter solstice, when the change is due to come..."


Jim is deffinately my hero.
The comments on the interview CRACK me up.
See mom, I have friends. I'm on a "forum".