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Evil urges

Started by theswede, Aug 29, 2008, 12:38 PM

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QuoteSo what are your opinions on evil urges??

I was really disapointed when I first listen to the record. It was only Touch me part 1 that made any kind of good impression on me,
Highly suspicios was and is just terrible. Remnants is just boring.
Smokin from shootin and Touch me part 2 are startin to growing on me and is now quite enjoyable, Both evil urges, I´m amazed and Aluminium park has been getting more cd time after I saw them live.

But all in all most songs might aswell be b-sides to Z. I can´t find any song on E.U that would have replaced any Z song(or any earlier song either).

Sorry but don´t get the chills from any song. And I have given it alot of time, so sure I´m might a negative bastard :), but Evil urges just don´t does it for me.

Hi theswede! I personally don't mind the criticism for EU, and understand where it's coming from...EU is a very different album from the ones that probably made you a fan. And I'd agree with you that EU is not as "chills" producing as the others, but I don't think they were trying to re-create that intimate, sippin' whiskey on the porch at twilight feel that some of the others have. EU is a step out further than they've ever gone, and in taking that step they've cooked up some damn swingin' grooves, and an amazingly diverse palette of sounds. No, EU is not my favorite of theirs, but I still think it's a good, strong album, am still listening to it regularly 2 1/2 months after I first got it, and can't wait to hear the songs played live! I will disagree with you on one thing...Highly Suspicious is fucking BAD SHIT! I just can't understand how that groove can't get people off!  :D

...and don't worry about the mob...they're just defending our boys!

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."



Evening Rebel

To have been a longtime lurker at this here board, it really saddens me to see the surge of inflammatory trolls who have begun to pop up the last 4-5 months. What, is the Jonas Bruhs kiddie board all full or what? GEEZ...  :(

easy way

QuoteNo one else finds that picture kinda bizzario?

yeah, it's creeping me out something fierce. not as much as foot foot though. thanx tracy, you've done it again. ;D
"the time is with the month of winter solstice, when the change is due to come..."


QuoteNo one else finds that picture kinda bizzario?

yeah, it's creeping me out something fierce. not as much as foot foot though. thanx tracy, you've done it again. ;D

easy, np...  ;)

I used to get so bent out of shape when people would come here to say how much EU sux, but I found that picture pretty much sums up my feelings and then I don't get into arguments and I feel better and, well, you know, my doctor says it's helping me with my rage.  :-/

So, as disturbing as that picture may be to some, it's more helpful to me than it is distrubing to you; sort of like Highly Suspicious, people's hate for that song pale in comparison of my love for that song and this band.



...."if everybody gave, like everybody could..."
God damn those shaky knees.


QuoteSo what are your opinions on evil urges??

I was really disapointed when I first listen to the record. It was only Touch me part 1 that made any kind of good impression on me,
Highly suspicios was and is just terrible. Remnants is just boring.
Smokin from shootin and Touch me part 2 are startin to growing on me and is now quite enjoyable, Both evil urges, I´m amazed and Aluminium park has been getting more cd time after I saw them live.

But all in all most songs might aswell be b-sides to Z. I can´t find any song on E.U that would have replaced any Z song(or any earlier song either).

Sorry but don´t get the chills from any song. And I have given it alot of time, so sure I´m might a negative bastard :), but Evil urges just don´t does it for me.

Hi theswede! I personally don't mind the criticism for EU, and understand where it's coming from...EU is a very different album from the ones that probably made you a fan. And I'd agree with you that EU is not as "chills" producing as the others, but I don't think they were trying to re-create that intimate, sippin' whiskey on the porch at twilight feel that some of the others have. EU is a step out further than they've ever gone, and in taking that step they've cooked up some damn swingin' grooves, and an amazingly diverse palette of sounds. No, EU is not my favorite of theirs, but I still think it's a good, strong album, am still listening to it regularly 2 1/2 months after I first got it, and can't wait to hear the songs played live! I will disagree with you on one thing...Highly Suspicious is fucking BAD SHIT! I just can't understand how that groove can't get people off!  :D

...and don't worry about the mob...they're just defending our boys!

Great with someone who actually can write something. :)
I didn´t expect a new It still moves or a new At dawn, and a realised when Z came out that the jackets are a straight forward and new created band, and for that they have my totally respect. So didn´t expect EU to be anything else but something new. But the fact for me after almost 3 months of listening sure a good album but not great.
I´m still going to their gigs, not just to hear the old songs but I actually find some of the new songs really good live.
But a said before just a good album for me.

I´m just interesting discussing everybodys feeling about this subject, don´t care much about ducks, just pretty lame way do f-ck up a thread
7/11-03, 20/9-06, 25/6-08, 26/6-08,27/6-08, 4/11-08, 5/11-08, 6/11-08, 7/11-08


I cant understand the people that expect their music to be the same ol' same ol'. The only way for ANY band to grow is to change things up a little. I happen to LOVE this album, Have there been better songs or albums previous to this one , in your opinion maybe,  but how is a band supposed to grow. You have to explore every avenue, If you have read anything about the band in past articles i.e. Spin mag. These songs were written by Jim when he was in a different place in his life , thats the kinds of things that (as a fan) i want them to explore. Take a listen again with an open mind.


Ill admit, I bought Evil Urges cause it was catchy. I thought it was cool and interesting and wanted to explore it more. While  some parts of it made me feel like bursting out of my skin, I didn't give it the credit it deserved until just now.
I got the vinyl and (like a retard) thought the lyrics sheet was a poster. I looked on the otherside, and its something about having all the lyrics SITTING THERE in sequential order, it all came together. It almost seemed like it could be a concept album. It told a complete story to me. Maybe it is a concept album and I'm just an ill informed oaf.
I didn't really like Remnants. I always skipped it. But today I read the lyrics and was shocked. THATS what the songs about? Damn thats amazing. Same thing with Touch Me part one. I liked that one bounced around to it, listened to it. But I only skimmed the water of it. When I read the lyrics full out, it was like dunking my head in the water.
I finally GET this album and understand why MMJ made it and why they like it. I have no qualms with it, I truly appreciate it in every aspect.
See mom, I have friends. I'm on a "forum".


So far, so good.  IMHO all jacket is good jacket.  Trust the music.