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live sound

Started by nickersco, Jan 03, 2009, 10:22 PM

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so my husband and i love love love mmj. the msg show was awesome and i have to say that mmj knows how to bring it on new years. but does anyone notice that the sound just isn't up to par. we have seen them twice this summer and i have to say there is always something that just isn't right. :D :D the dead had old school shit and the sound is great-so what is up?? does anyone want to tell me i'm wrong or right???  Comb Filters happening from the different keys of the songs. To my ears the slower ballad songs sound good i.e. "Golden," "Look at You," are great examples.  The Rockin' songs sound muddy.  It might be the recording (data compression, too much compression sensitive stuff these days.) This is only my hopes, for the best in the future, because good sound is priceless!
time is a stripper doin it just for you

Weeks Go by Like Days

I completely disagree with you! Where are you sitting?


you are too old for rock and roll


Quoteyou are too old for rock and roll

no I'm not!


i noticed this on their most recent SNL performance, but I attributed it to the fact that SNL sucks. It sounded like the mic'd the vox and just let everything else flow through that.
I'm surrounded by assholes


i'm thirty and love live sound! we have followed phish ,cheese and the um, but nobody has a singer song writer like jim james.  i love me some mmj, but to get to the next level we got to get the sound right. we have been tapers and audio folks for a little while (cause we are so young).

i love that folks have something to say about this!!

this is fun!!!

cause we love music and have only been able to go to the show it's self to talk about  things like the sound and the set design .

P S i was sitting behind sound board at red rocks and front row jim james side at tempe.

time is a stripper doin it just for you


I do certainly agree with you. The guys bring it like crazy, and I feel like the venues try and really capitalize on that, but at the expense of their sound systems. At the Atlanta show, I was pretty close to the stage and certain songs were just a wash of sound coming at me. I could hear everything, but it was definitely being pushed through a system without enouhg headroom to really be pushing it like that. The venue could've toned it down just a smidge so that they weren't red-lining it and it would've been every bit as powerful. I don't need the woofers to collapse a lung to feel this stuff. At those sort of sonic levels, it kind of loses effect in that the dynamic is either ON or OFF. When these guys play hard, they play hard in many different ways. And when the verse of One big Holiday is already insane, and then the solo needs to go even more insane, there's nowhere to go to, and it just sort of gets pushed harder through a system that can't handle it, thus muddifying it. They need an eleven. Because these guys fully deserve one.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I've seen them 5 times now and only once was i disappointed with sound quality.. The Detroit show.. Not that it was bad i could just hear a feedback that kept coming back... made me cringe. as for the Toronto show... STELLAR!! I had never heard an indoor venue sound so good..

Weeks Go by Like Days

I love live sound too! I would never put put String Cheese or Umphrey's in the same live category with MMJ. Those bands tend to sound more clinical. When I go to MMJ concerts, I feel like i'm hearing a real rock band! I was at red rocks a few rows in front of the sound board and the sound was nothing short of Amazing!!
Being near the stage is nice visually, but I find that all you hearing is the instruments coming off stage. The bass can get annoying too, but it has to come from somewhere? When I go to concerts I always try to find the sweet spot in the room.


Sound was stellar all three times I saw them this year (all three were outdoors). Could it be all of the Cheese and UM that you've pumped into your ears? The remedy is in Hampton in March...
"Music is my savior
I was tamed by rock and roll
I was maimed by rock and roll
Got my name from rock and roll"


I think a lot depends on the venue. The Louisville show is a good example of pushing the sound out as far as possible at the expense of clarity. I was on the rail and several songs were just a wave of bass. A few times in the encore Two Tone hit notes that seriously rattled my internal organs, it was physically unpleasant. Still a kick ass show though, one of the best Ive ever seen.
Say friend, you got any more of that good sasparilla?


In Nashville, Louisville (both open venues) I sat next to the sound board.  Ironically, Ithat is where my seats were NYE.  I thought they all sounded wonderful.  
Hooked on four like one, two, three


i like the number 11 comment-that was a good one!! the mmj community is the shit. ya'll have lots to say. i thought i might get more haters , but thank goodness i was wrong.

i love two tone tommy turned up! that man knows what he is doing.
time is a stripper doin it just for you