Jim James' Top 10

Started by LaurieBlue, Jan 03, 2006, 07:29 PM

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bush is not hitler, but there are some very nazi-esque tactics being used in this country now.  if you dont agree, i feel sorry for you.  hell, we have loads of actual former KGB agents working in washington right now helping to dictate current and future "terrorist" prevention plans.  the bushes directly worked with the nazis, if you dont believe that, go read up.  bottom line, bush is similar to hitler.  they get the blame for everything, but theyre pawns in the global game.  the zionists are in charge right now and have been for ages.  bush is a megalomaniac, and hes unchecked, however, hes nothing in the scope of things.  wealthy businessmen who can magically be linked to one certain country about 50 years old are the ones controlling it all.  its plainly obvious in the news now.  we do what israel wants.  israel tries to hide its policies behind the world's jewish people, and its bullshit.  israel is not judaism.  israel is a terrorist state that somehow runs this country.  when you can tell me the true reasons for that, mabye well get somewhere.

this has gone totally off topic, but i figure we should open up the can as much as possible.

women know what rap videos are like.  arent they to blame if they choose to be subjected in that manner in a video.  money talks, thats why they do it.  doesnt that mean those women have the power since thats the only reason theyre doing the videos?

this administration is blatantly racist, and its a shame that a black man isnt able to point that out because either a) black people use the racism card too much, b) you dont like his music, c) you're truly racist trying to blame the objectification of women and drug use in this country on blacks.  ha, do you know how crack cocaine was created?  i find that most people who have worked for the government, no mattter how long ago, are mindless drones.

lets see how many can get pissed off now.


ratsprayer, your ignorance doesn't piss me off, actually, it should piss you off!  ;)

Racists don't hire blacks to oversee whites. That's not racism. Racists do not put blacks in positions of authority over whites, PERIOD. That's not what racists do.

as far as blaming blacks on the objectification of women and drug use, I never said that. You have read something into what I have posted.

You seem a bit confused...


im not pissed off at all, very comfortable with my views.  im glad differing opinions to you mean a lack of intelligence or what you perceive on my part.  

i did make a mistake in reading your earlier post about blaming rappers for drug use and such, my apologies.  

it might not be an entirely racist thing, but it all follows with the poor sector.  those people were left to die because theyre poor.  you are correct about the fact bush isnt to blame for katrina's mishandlings.  it was known years ago that even a category 3 hurricane would devastate new orleans.  it just happened to occur during this awful's regime timeframe.  florida never has this problem because its full of mostly rich white people.  its bad timing for bush, but it only highlights the fact that poor people are left to rot in this country.  


this is all fucking jim's fault for liking kanye.  


One of our difference's of opinion is the definition of RACISM. If you think racists hire black people for powerful positions (let's say Secretary of State) and have them hire, fire and/or control white folks, then I do have to question your intelligence.

It's not a difference in opinon, it's a difference in how we perceive reality.


QuoteOne of our difference's of opinion is the definition of RACISM. If you think racists hire black people for powerful positions (let's say Secretary of State) and have them hire, fire and/or control white folks, then I do have to question your intelligence.

It's not a difference in opinon, it's a difference in how we pereceive reality.

question my intelligence all you want.  you must think skin colour is supercedent to attitude and everything else.  how black do you think condoleeza is?  is this an awesome palette of diversity in the government because alberto gonzales is attorney general?  our reality is quite different, and im glad i dont subscribe to yours.  ill put on a tracy mask, spew my beliefs, and youd believe me because i looked like you!  isnt that right?

do you think the outside means more than the actions and beliefs of someone?  

hey, i got a theory.  george bush created kanye west to be a black man to make black people look stupid!  yeah, thats the ticket.  


Quotehow black do you think condoleeza is?

ummmm, I think this is where I step off. Not sure I can follow the logic where questions are asked like: how black do you think condoleeza is?


peanut butter puddin surprise

zycartrobz, you totally ignored everything I said because you didn't like my language?!  I'm not trying to convince you of anything-I'm smart enough to know you ain't changing your mind.  Don't read if you don't like your sensibilities to get soiled.

And, I'd like to know how this is about the election being rehashed here.  I didn't mention the election at all-in a rather colorful way, I illustrated just what's wrong with our current administration-YOU chose to bring John Kerry into this.  No victim mentality at all.  I am part of the solution-by pointing out how fucked up the administration is, with the help of some well timed midterm election victories for someone other than the DeLay's and other corrupt shitheads in Congress, we will make it better.  

Also, what the hell do I have to take responsibility for here?  I surely didn't vote for any of this.  Quite frankly, I consider myself being taxed without representation.  If you can't take some Hitler=Bush comparisons, perhaps you need to read up on secret wiretaps, Camp X-Ray, suspension of the 4th Amendment through the so called "Patriot" Act, etc.
I'm just about sick of this shit.  What, I can't bash Bush?  The easiest target in all of presidential history?  My "language" is why Kerry lost?  That my friend is HORSESHIT.  Kerry lost not because of haters, but because the hype machine scared people into believing he was a Boogeyman.  If anything, the haters on Bush's side who "Swiftboated" John Kerry had a lot to do with W's slim margin of victory.

AND, one more time...West has NO POWER.  He can't (if you had read my earlier post) control any of the real outlets of power.  He is a minstrel dancing for the real powerbrokers, something YOU SAID.  You think all those lyrics and videos just get self produced and promoted without serious cha-ching behind it?  The ones in power do that, not West.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I'm just trying to get you to see all sides of a discussion and not get pigeon holed into the mindless mantra that is HATE BUSH. Hating Bush does nothing to Bush, it only eats away at you.

I reject the language of comparing Bush to someone who killed millions of Jews. Totally reject it.

And I totally reject the notion that Bush "gave permission for people to go to New Orleans and shoot blacks". Are you freaking kidding me? You buy into that? You buy into the notion that Bush is a mass murderer?

And finally, when you claim West has NO POWER, then what is he responsible for? Is he merely not surviving? He couldn't possibly be responsible for anything he says or how women are portrayed in his videos, because he has no real power. He has no power other than to be a rapper, and do exactily what the label says. He is merely reacting to his environment. He sounds like a victim.

Bullshit. Kanye West has a lot more power than you will acknowledge. I don't see why you refuse to see that. Those rappers have a ton of power but refuse to use it b/c they're after the same thing the record execs are: MONEY.

Rap music has more infuence over culture that any other music ever. That is power. Too bad they cannot use their power in a more productive way b/c the record execs would follow.


zycartrobz..... the song you quote, the new workout plan, is a freakin' parody! did you see the video? it's like n.e.r.d.'s lapdance using all white strippers being controversial.  if you actually listened to kanye's music and lyrics, not just one song taken out of context, you may figure that out.
i agree that comparing bush to hitler is silly. bush is just a nice guy who is in waaaay over his head. so he does all his friends and cronies favours while he can so he can count on them when he is *former* president W. by gutting FEMA and making it ineffective, by leaving the poor in this country to fend for themselves while giving the rich more tax cuts, by having no clue of what is going on in his country or abroad, he may as well have signed their death decree. they're done for.
i don't think W is a racist. i think he's a class-ist. and unfortunately, in this country your race IS your class. if you're black or hispanic you're more likely to be poor. and the rich don't care about the poor so long as they're too poor to rise up and do something about it. but that time is coming.

and ratsprayer... your ridiculous rant about israel is just that. ridiculous. you have no idea what you're talking about and your borderline racist remarks have no place in intelligent conversation. you've never been to israel. you've probably never even been to the middle east. try having your home attacked by missiles daily then come talk to me.
everything sucks. really.


PS... love the raging political debate. hey, at least we're passionate enough to discuss this instead of not voting and playing some more xbox... it's uplifting.
everything sucks. really.


I agree wellfleet, the next struggle will be a class struggle.

As far as West goes, I don't know enough about his lyric to throw him in with the rest of the rappers, I just didn't like his political name calling.

I work with inner city teens and their families and some of them mention that they look up to West. But when I see the "eyecandy" like in the Goldigger video, I have to question his motives. Most of that stuff is harmless, however, most of the kids I work with have no fathers and these male rappers ARE their adult role models. They also believe West when he says Bush advocated the killing of blacks in New Orleans. That's dangerous.

I'll take your word on West and I'll get some of the kids explain how West is different.



the one thing i do begrudge rappers in general, and i'm sure that you will vouch for this, is the glorification of money and "hussling". i find that too many kids think the only way to make it is to become a rap star or pro athlete. how unrealistic is that? i understand that when you come from an underprivileged background, you dream about having lots of money and fancy cars and an entourage... i guess i respect rappers and musicians who go back into the community and tell kids to stay in school and give back to their neighbourhood.
it's definitely a class struggle. it breaks my heart that in one of the richest countries in the world, travesties like New Orleans can happen. all those people...
everything sucks. really.


i love it.  you say think for yourself, and when i obviously do, well im not intelligent because i dont agree with you.  get over it, im an independent thinker, and it may be totally different than you, but its called respect.  im not lowering myself to immature name calling because your opinions dont match mine.  

and wellfleet, how did i know youd take offense to my remarks?  no i have not been to the middle east or israel.  if youve been misplaced for over 50 years and had more and more land taken away, youd resort to any means necessary to keep your way of life.  if the germans were really responsible for the massacre of so many jews, and austria had its part in the holocaust as well, why wasnt israel carved out of middle europe?  you should study history and not use israel's policy to solidify yourself as a confident jew.  israel does not act in the good intent of the world's jewish people.  they put them out there to be attacked and throw out the 'anti-semite' on anyone who dares question their policies.  

tracy, dont ignore my question because i used irony to point your flaw in logic.  you think the fact there are minorities in this administration proves its not a racist effort in this country.  its funny you avoid answering the question when it encroaches poking holes in your argument.  do you think condoleeza acts with the postiive intents of her people in mind, or is she a corporate whore like the rest of them?  im glad so many of you take things as face value.  thats not thinking for yourself.  call me maladjusted, stupid, bitter, what the fuck ever, its clear i spend time and effort to research what im talking about.   you may not agree, but its hard to believe someone whos supposedly zen and cool with everything has to react when theres varying opinions thrown around.  


hey dude, i don't care if your opinion is different than mine. at least in the USA, everyone is allowed to be as uninformed as no child left behind will permit.
i am as critical of israel's policy as the next person. there are things i don't agree with, there are things i strongly believe in. i believe in sharing the space. i believe in palestinians and israelis living as PEOPLE in a tiny strip of land that takes three hours to cross east to west at its widest. i didn't call you an anti-semite, i just said you were grossly misinformed. there's a difference. you can be an anti-semite. hey, you can hate whomever you like, it all comes out in the wash. dust to dust...
i do suggest, however, that those who have never experienced living under constant threat do not act so presumptuous. you can show me a hundred books that talk about the illegitimacy of the state of israel and i can show you a hundred that show the opposite. facts and statistics can be grossly manipulated in either direction. when i went to school in israel, i had to learn arabic as part of my curriculum. i was never taught to hate anyone or wish anyone harm. even when the buses i took to school were under perpetual threat, i wasn't afraid to make friends with muslim neighbours. i know how this sounds, but we all bleed the same blood. i feel terrible for the mother who loses her son whatever side of the gaza strip she may be. but dude, i lived through the Gulf War version 1.0, had a Patriot missile intercept a Scud right over my building, put on the gas mask and watched my parents and little brother do the same. i watched my dad go off to mandatory military duty and come home with his M-16 that at the time was taller than i was. i would ask him questions that he couldn't answer. at one point he had to guard a prison near Lebanon and hated how he had to stand over someone who had never hurt him, who had no less rights... i also had family in the golan heights that had missiles launched at them DAILY. i have friends in the army who were 17, 18, 19, and forced to defend themselves against boulders being thrown by children. children are used over there as a human shield. their parents shoot ak-47s while their kids throw giant rocks. ever taken a rock to the head, ratsprayer? how do you defend yourself when you MUST stand guard?
if you've never lived in a war zone, don't theorize about history that you've only read about. it's presumptuous and arrogant.
you, of course, have the right to think what you like. but i would never tell an Inuk what it's like to live near the North Pole. So don't you tell me.
everything sucks. really.


rats, thinking for yourself does not mean making stuff up. You misunderstood my point.   ;) I believe you are bringing a lot more issues to this discussion that I have  absolutely nothing to do with. You seem to be venting a lot of pent up frustrations over shit I have not said.

Is that a chip on your shoulder the size of Rhode Island? Good grief man.

You want to say C. Rice is a corporate whore who does not have the intentions of fellow blacks in her heart? Great, go ahead. The flaw in your "argument" is that you changed the direction of the discussion in mid stream. I said nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Rice as a person or a leader or anything. I simply adressed the FACT that racists don't hire blacks.


Understand this, you have been brainwashed somewhere along the way. Blacks and whites do not join forces to promote racism! Say that out loud, it might help. You are confusing classism with racism.

You need to sort out your bitterness and hang ups before you step to the plate and start twisting the discussion to where you think it should go.

As for answering the question: "How black do I think Codoleeza is?" Let me guess, she would REALLY be black if she were poor, pregnant, single and addicted to the rock.
Are you really that out of touch? No way a black person could be Secretary of State, huh? Is that your mind set? Bush gives a black woman a position of authority because he needs to pull in the black vote? That's it. I already know your argument man, I have heard it 100's of times before; it's not based in reality. It's like the poor black teens I work with, EVERY DAY, who make straight A's; they're called "sell out" by other blacks; they're called white; they are told that they are not black; Because they want to have better lives! Because they do good in school and have motivation, then they are "trying to be white". Non-fucking-sense.
It's garbage! And we don't need assholes saying that Condoleeza Rice is NOT a role model b/c she is a republican. I guess Lil' Kim is a better role model?
Fucking nonsense.

I guess I expected more of an original discussion, not some Bush bashing bullshit that has absolutely no bearing on anything. I swear.



its all the same bush bashing even though in your words i twist the discussion in every different direction?  well then, there should be plenty for you to address.  no im not that out of touch with black people, but youre certainly a comrade since you deal with them every day.  

i understand what you say between classism and racism, but true greed will promote anything possible to accomplish the goal.  im talking about condoleeza because you brought her up saying the administration couldnt be racist in hiring her.  why?  because shes black?  that fact alone?  shes a lap dog and promting the agenda in a hidden way.  look at the reports now.  shes the most popular person in the administration, by far.  BY FAR!  shes still doing everything the neo-cons wants, but shes somehow seen out of the loop.  shes doing what shes supposed to be doing to further the cause.  did she speak outrage at the handling of katrina?  fuck no, she was off buying $1,000 pair of shoes.  have you ever heard about a wolf in sheep's clothing?  the white man is and has been the most evil creature this world has ever seen, and dont think they wont utilise any resoure necessary to further whatever they want to further.  

its good to see that absolutely no one on this board so far has been deemed by you as a worthy debater.  we are re-hashers or whatever you want to call us.  ive seen enough of these arguments among various topics, and theyve been with mostly different people every time.  perhaps you can get your own topic section where you enlighten the rest of us with your wisdom.

ill be waiting for my tracy mask any day now.  if you need my address, let me know.    


Quoteits good to see that absolutely no one on this board so far has been deemed by you as a worthy debater.  we are re-hashers or whatever you want to call us.

I throw props to debators, if they deserve it. Conway, wellfleet, tom (and his bogus secret machines). You too rats, I got no beef with you; I wouldn't be debating if you were saying the sky is green. I just can't stand the Bush bashing b/c it solves nothing.

Talk is cheap.

This is also not the most productive format for debate.

As for the Tracy masks, you'll have to wait. I am saving them for the campaign. When eleceted, I'm gonna get Patrick's head put on the Quarter.  ;)

Peace, out.


I'm here b/c of the music folks. The Jacket.

If we can stay connected by the tunes, then the debates can be productive.

I apologize ahead of time for any insults I may sling.

Now fuck off!  :-[


QuoteI'm here b/c of the music folks. The Jacket.

If we can stay connected by the tunes, then the debates can be productive.

I apologize ahead of time for any insults I may sling.

Now fuck off!  :-[

i agree with that.  i love music, a lot of the same music you people love.  im sure we could get in to debates where id be the outcast even in music, but hey, diversity makes a population healthier, and there always needs to be a nut to point at.  

long live the tunes, no matter where they come from.

i really like rush, we can agree on that, tracy.  

what campaign?  county auditor?  state senator?   ;)