Pitchfork Top 500 Tracks of the 2000's

Started by kydiddle, Aug 17, 2009, 12:55 PM

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Should my professor be examined for mental illness because she loved Artist's Shit and also told us Thomas Kinkade was a hack? Should the curator's be examined because they didn't acquire any "Shock Art" in their collection?

Heh.  I was an art history major in undergrad and one of my roommates once asked me if we studied Thomas Kinkade.   ;D  Uhhh...let's just say he wasn't on the final.

I think people worry about Pitchfork too much.  They are just one source among many.  Yes, they've positioned themselves as tastemakers, but I don't think they take themselves as seriously as their critics do.  

And they put on a damn good fest here in Chicago every year.   ;)
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


and they report on MMJ...which is cool
God damn those shaky knees.


QuoteThe thing about art, in my opinion as an Art Major undergraduate and as an Art Education graduate student is this-  Art, of any sort, is always going to be critiqued or criticized by someone.  humans have opinions- about politics, about books, about visual art, about music, about life.  It is natural to judge. Good artists know that their work wont be accepted by everyone.  True artists look at the criticism constructively, "do the critics have a point?" "can I take what they are saying, use it, but still keep what I am trying to do in tact, stay true to myself and to my fans?"  or "The critics have nothing to contribute to what I am trying to create, I am going to make/design/compose/write whatever I want, too bad they don't/won't get it.

I too have a difficult time with critics, I think that there is good and bad in them. (as in everything)

here is a great quote from the movie Ratatouille

"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. ...

Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. .... "

-- Anton Ego, a fictional critic in Ratatouille (2007)

Art Education! I didn't have the confidence to go in that direction.

Cow temperature.


Should my professor be examined for mental illness because she loved Artist's Shit and also told us Thomas Kinkade was a hack? Should the curator's be examined because they didn't acquire any "Shock Art" in their collection?

Heh.  I was an art history major in undergrad and one of my roommates once asked me if we studied Thomas Kinkade.   ;D  Uhhh...let's just say he wasn't on the final.

I think people worry about Pitchfork too much.  They are just one source among many.  Yes, they've positioned themselves as tastemakers, but I don't think they take themselves as seriously as their critics do.  

And they put on a damn good fest here in Chicago every year.   ;)

A fellow art history major. Great minds think alike.  :)
Cow temperature.


Should my professor be examined for mental illness because she loved Artist's Shit and also told us Thomas Kinkade was a hack? Should the curator's be examined because they didn't acquire any "Shock Art" in their collection?

Heh.  I was an art history major in undergrad and one of my roommates once asked me if we studied Thomas Kinkade.   ;D  Uhhh...let's just say he wasn't on the final.

I think people worry about Pitchfork too much.  They are just one source among many.  Yes, they've positioned themselves as tastemakers, but I don't think they take themselves as seriously as their critics do.  

And they put on a damn good fest here in Chicago every year.   ;)

A fellow art history major. Great minds think alike.  :)

AWWWWW PHOOEY! Names, dates, and dead people if you ask me!

Quit living in the past, man!  ;D
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side