Just heard about Z rootkit issues...

Started by MetalGearJ, Jan 25, 2010, 01:05 PM

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Hello. I had just heard about the Z rootkit issues that plagued the album on its release. I was curious if they ever took care of the issue and if there is any way to tell the difference of a DRM affected album from a DRM-free album. I recently bought it and I don't want to open it unless there is one way to see if it will work or not. I also own a macbook pro and an ipod. Will the rootkit affect my computer?


BMG stopped using the software so if you recently bought a copy you should be okay. To be sure, look at the back of the cd case. If "SunnComm" appears in the Web address at the bottom of the grid where it says 'Compatible With', then it contains the DRM. Also see these links for all the info you need: