My Morning Jacket Supports ear X-tacy

Started by admin, Feb 16, 2010, 10:06 AM

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from the band...

"Hey Gang,

Louisville was hit with some alarming news. Our beloved independent record store and pillar of our community, ear X-tacy, is on the brink of closing down due to a decline in business over the last three years. We as a band cannot express how important local businesses are to the very fiber of a community, and stores such as ear X-tacy are prime examples. It is out of our distinct appreciation and respect for John Timmons and the ear X-tacy staff that we offer a digital download of our live album, Celebración De La Ciudad Natal, for $4.99, with all proceeds going to ear X-tacy.

The EP can be purchased at the ear X-tacy digital home page here:

Please support your local businesses...they need us and we need them!!!



terrible news.  i make special trips to downtown austin to purchase all my music at waterloo instead of itunes.


What great people! I just posted it on Facebook, and I'll pretend I'm making a difference. I bought this up at Pure Pop in Burlington, vinyl style.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteWhat great people! I just posted it on Facebook, and I'll pretend I'm making a difference. I bought this up at Pure Pop in Burlington, vinyl style.

knowing is half the battle.

very cool the band is doing what they can to help out.  sucks about Ear X-tacy.

capt. scotty

Wouldnt they help raise more loot for ear x-tacy if the played a show at the store every night for a week and promised to play every song in their catalog at some point during said week?
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


So I am a guy who still buys all his music at a local independent record store. I gotta ask though, so the solution to a local business closing is to offer a digital download? Huh? So Jim is somehow involved in Remouvador rocordings and solutions and now when I go to see what options I have to  purchase the new Ravenna Colt I can only buy it digitally. So how exactly is that going to help your local independent?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteSo I am a guy who still buys all his music at a local independent record store. I gotta ask though, so the solution to a local business closing is to offer a digital download? Huh? So Jim is somehow involved in Remouvador rocordings and solutions and now when I go to see what options I have to  purchase the new Ravenna Colt I can only buy it digitally. So how exactly is that going to help your local independent?

it's going to help your local independent musician long run exposure wise.  Jim and the guys haven't been shy about their love for vinyl, so I'd suggest giving them time and a little faith before they get their business running up to par.  it seems like a really cool experiment.  

plus, the digital download doesn't add any cost to the fundraiser.  it's pure profit for the store since they can download it instantly.  MMJ is a fast growing international band, they can reach people all over the world to help and hopefully even give other people ideas on how to help out their own independent shops.  

It's about raising money. selling digital downloads is the easiest and fastest way to do that with music.  it's instantaneous.  from a commerce perspective it's a really smart way to go about raising money.  

This is one of the only ways shops like Ear X-tacy can compete with itunes and whatever.  Using downloadable music to save an independent shop is pretty ingenious.  


I appreciate that they have been supportive and that Jim and the guys genuinely want to keep supporting the small independents. I did of course go out to said independent in my town last year and bought the MMJ and other exclusives on record store day. But if Jim and Patterson Hood and others like them who grew up with and love record stores want them not to disappear they are going to have to recognize that they themselves are doing things in conflict with their goals.


QuoteI appreciate that they have been supportive and that Jim and the guys genuinely want to keep supporting the small independents. I did of course go out to said independent in my town last year and bought the MMJ and other exclusives on record store day. But if Jim and Patterson Hood and others like them who grew up with and love record stores want them not to disappear they are going to have to recognize that they themselves are doing things in conflict with their goals.

I think you're missing the point.  All proceeds go to Ear Xtacy, a local independent business.  How does that conflict with their goals?
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI appreciate that they have been supportive and that Jim and the guys genuinely want to keep supporting the small independents. I did of course go out to said independent in my town last year and bought the MMJ and other exclusives on record store day. But if Jim and Patterson Hood and others like them who grew up with and love record stores want them not to disappear they are going to have to recognize that they themselves are doing things in conflict with their goals.

I get what you're saying.  I don't think what they are doing conflicts with their goals though.  Only because digital music is becoming dominate in this industry.  Ear X-tacy making the step to provide digital downloads is most definitely helpful to their long term survival.  Making the music/store accessible to the public online is also a step in the right direction.  Sure you might not be getting recommendations from a trusted friend when you buy online and lose out on that overall experience in general but in the end if that's what it takes to keep these music sanctuaries alive so be it.  

it sucks part of our culture is changing is such a big way, but in the end it is business.  It's the record shops who have to stay on the ball with this digital stuff, it will eat them alive if they aren't careful and do not adapt.  


Thanks for the reasoned responses. I am thrilled that they stepped up and try to draw attention to the problem in general as well as help a specific business they themselves love and care about. I figured hey, who knows, maybe Jim would become aware of the discussion this generated and at least think about what I am pointing out.
I think you get that I am concerned about the mixed message because I can't pick up the phone and call my favorite local store, and have him order me the new Ravenna Colt cd. I actually have to choose supporting Jim's venture and Johnny's new project or my local independent. I may be a dying breed but at least its something to think about.


QuoteThanks for the reasoned responses. I am thrilled that they stepped up and try to draw attention to the problem in general as well as help a specific business they themselves love and care about. I figured hey, who knows, maybe Jim would become aware of the discussion this generated and at least think about what I am pointing out.
I think you get that I am concerned about the mixed message because I can't pick up the phone and call my favorite local store, and have him order me the new Ravenna Colt cd. I actually have to choose supporting Jim's venture and Johnny's new project or my local independent. I may be a dying breed but at least its something to think about.

I've been focusing my schooling on the changing business models involved in entertainment when it comes to these things...though focused on a legal slant, it's all the same game.

There's no way an indie store will be able to stay in business offering strictly old media. If stores like this can give iTunes a run for their money, they may have more power than they ever realized. After all, iTunes has a 90% stranglehold on this. Imagine if Wal*Mart had 90% of all the CDs in the world? On top of that, the competitor (Amazon) has come under fire lately for a lot of "Big Brother" type antics, going so far as to remove an entire publisher's catalog from their digital AND physical shelves. Imagine if Apple just suddenly decided "ATO" isn't worth it or their tape-friendly policy hurts album sales too much?

The reality is that vinyl and CDs are fast becoming collectors items and won't support a store alone. Granted there are some technological barriers to a non-iTunes digital download, for example, I can't download directly to my phone. But at the same time, just because it seems like a mountain doesn't mean the indies shouldn't try and climb it.

The way I see it, they've thrived on giving customers EVERYTHING they've ever wanted musically, and what they can't get they'll seek out and find. So long as they can afford to keep doing that, then they can survive. Digital is a necessity in that sense.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteThanks for the reasoned responses. I am thrilled that they stepped up and try to draw attention to the problem in general as well as help a specific business they themselves love and care about. I figured hey, who knows, maybe Jim would become aware of the discussion this generated and at least think about what I am pointing out.
I think you get that I am concerned about the mixed message because I can't pick up the phone and call my favorite local store, and have him order me the new Ravenna Colt cd. I actually have to choose supporting Jim's venture and Johnny's new project or my local independent. I may be a dying breed but at least its something to think about.

yep, talking about this stuff is all we can do at this point.  the poor consumer, we are.  as long as the discussion about how great vinyl is never stops they will always exist.  there is something very special about vinyl.  hopefully the concept of what a real record is doesn't get phased out completely.  I hope my kids are down with vinyl.  unfortunately chances are they're going to love some new digital hybrid sound with way too much compression.  and now autotune, wtf.  it was cooler when frampton did it.. sort of. at least then he had to blow through a tube.  it took some good tube mouthing skills for sure.  now lil wayne and t pain are all up in that piece with that shit.  grain shifter is where it's at anyways.  for as many bad ass effects these "rappers" have at their disposal they sure don't utilize it very well.  

The fans here are great man, nice to have a new voice around.  keep it up on your quest for musical purity mike.  


QuoteThanks for the reasoned responses. I am thrilled that they stepped up and try to draw attention to the problem in general as well as help a specific business they themselves love and care about. I figured hey, who knows, maybe Jim would become aware of the discussion this generated and at least think about what I am pointing out.
I think you get that I am concerned about the mixed message because I can't pick up the phone and call my favorite local store, and have him order me the new Ravenna Colt cd. I actually have to choose supporting Jim's venture and Johnny's new project or my local independent. I may be a dying breed but at least its something to think about.

yep, talking about this stuff is all we can do at this point.  the poor consumer, we are.  as long as the discussion about how great vinyl is never stops they will always exist.  there is something very special about vinyl.  hopefully the concept of what a real record is doesn't get phased out completely.  I hope my kids are down with vinyl.  unfortunately chances are they're going to love some new digital hybrid sound with way too much compression.  and now autotune, wtf.  it was cooler when frampton did it.. sort of. at least then he had to blow through a tube.  it took some good tube mouthing skills for sure.  now lil wayne and t pain are all up in that piece with that shit.  grain shifter is where it's at anyways.  for as many bad ass effects these "rappers" have at their disposal they sure don't utilize it very well.  

The fans here are great man, nice to have a new voice around.  keep it up on your quest for musical purity mike.  

Hey, at least Jay-Z has taken a stand against auto-tune. I'm not much of a hip hop fan, but I typically enjoy his stuff.

But yeah, I hope the art of the album never goes away. Then again, that's part of the creative package. Unless a band is just trying to cash in on a single, it'll never die so long as there's a story that can be told in more than one song, whether it be lyrically or just as music.

I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteThanks for the reasoned responses. I am thrilled that they stepped up and try to draw attention to the problem in general as well as help a specific business they themselves love and care about. I figured hey, who knows, maybe Jim would become aware of the discussion this generated and at least think about what I am pointing out.
I think you get that I am concerned about the mixed message because I can't pick up the phone and call my favorite local store, and have him order me the new Ravenna Colt cd. I actually have to choose supporting Jim's venture and Johnny's new project or my local independent. I may be a dying breed but at least its something to think about.

yep, talking about this stuff is all we can do at this point.  the poor consumer, we are.  as long as the discussion about how great vinyl is never stops they will always exist.  there is something very special about vinyl.  hopefully the concept of what a real record is doesn't get phased out completely.  I hope my kids are down with vinyl.  unfortunately chances are they're going to love some new digital hybrid sound with way too much compression.  and now autotune, wtf.  it was cooler when frampton did it.. sort of. at least then he had to blow through a tube.  it took some good tube mouthing skills for sure.  now lil wayne and t pain are all up in that piece with that shit.  grain shifter is where it's at anyways.  for as many bad ass effects these "rappers" have at their disposal they sure don't utilize it very well.  

The fans here are great man, nice to have a new voice around.  keep it up on your quest for musical purity mike.  

Hey, at least Jay-Z has taken a stand against auto-tune. I'm not much of a hip hop fan, but I typically enjoy his stuff.

But yeah, I hope the art of the album never goes away. Then again, that's part of the creative package. Unless a band is just trying to cash in on a single, it'll never die so long as there's a story that can be told in more than one song, whether it be lyrically or just as music.

oh that Jay-Z.  I'm not sure what to think of him.  sure he bitched about auto-tune, but on the other hand he works with the most mainstream, money pop artists there are.  The worst of the worst, Linkin Park + Jay Z? sha right. linkin park by themselves is horrible, why Jay, why?  What the hell was that shit with coldplay at the grammy's a couple years ago? or Bono and the Edge for that Haiti Benefit haha.  It's all opinion but I think Jay Z was way cooler back before he retired.. or I think it was the first time he retired.  did he retire twice? I don't remember.  who cares haha.  I guess what I'm trying to say is he's got some awesome tracks, but I pose the question:

Is Jay Z a hypocrite for talking shit about auto-tune when he really, when you break it down, is making basically the same music he's always made?  he always brags about reinventing himself in new ways and whatever, I'd love to hear him sing some opera or something.  maybe a country song.  even a normal funk song.  that would be different.  Maybe I'm generalizing him and he does play music with all types of emotion.  99 Problems kicks fucking ass.  

word though, hopefully people grab that MMJ live album from ear X-tacy.  it's worth the money no doubt and the cause is great.  [smiley=birthdays.gif]


I'll skip the quote to save space, but when I say "I like Jay-Z" I should say I really like the Blueprint and the Unplugged Album. Plus I saw him live once for one song and it was great.

But yeah, he has sold himself cheap. I see it as business decisions - you go where the profit is (he's one of the first and biggest 360 deals with LiveNation I believe as well) and that's all fine, but it speaks to your point: If it's all about profits over professional products, then you've missed the point, at least to those of us who have musical integrity.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Sunday Morning had a great feature on vinyl about a year ago.

Sure, digital is going to make a difference but thankfully vinyl isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Some of my first musical memories were of sitting in my basement as a kid listening to my parents 45's. We have to keep it alive.
Because we're all in this together...

capt. scotty

QuoteI'll skip the quote to save space, but when I say "I like Jay-Z" I should say I really like the Blueprint and the Unplugged Album. Plus I saw him live once for one song and it was great.

Im sure you arent a hip hop fan otherwise youd post in the Diggin In The Crates thread. Im not a fan of Jay-z at all, but Reasonable Doubt is a great album. I only own that and Unplugged.

I saw him live for 2 songs and it was great. Phish 2004, Brooklyn Zoo, NY....99 Problems and Big Pimpin....AWESOME
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Ive got an EVIL plan babe

QuoteSo I am a guy who still buys all his music at a local independent record store. I gotta ask though, so the solution to a local business closing is to offer a digital download? Huh? So Jim is somehow involved in Remouvador rocordings and solutions and now when I go to see what options I have to  purchase the new Ravenna Colt I can only buy it digitally. So how exactly is that going to help your local independent?

From the Revenna Colt website:  
"The Ravenna Colt released it's debut album 'Slight Spell' on February 16th. It's available at Removador Recordings And Solutions as a download. CDs can be purchased at an indie retailer near you. Available on Vinyl at Karate Body Records. Please support your local record mom and pop record stores! All merch is Available at live performances as well."
Just cause it starts off slow babe, doesn't mean I  don't have evil urges.


QuoteSo I am a guy who still buys all his music at a local independent record store. I gotta ask though, so the solution to a local business closing is to offer a digital download? Huh? So Jim is somehow involved in Remouvador rocordings and solutions and now when I go to see what options I have to  purchase the new Ravenna Colt I can only buy it digitally. So how exactly is that going to help your local independent?

From the Revenna Colt website:  
"The Ravenna Colt released it's debut album 'Slight Spell' on February 16th. It's available at Removador Recordings And Solutions as a download. CDs can be purchased at an indie retailer near you. Available on Vinyl at Karate Body Records. Please support your local record mom and pop record stores! All merch is Available at live performances as well."

I was just coming to post this. I saw on think indie that you could get the Ravenna Colt at the store and actually there were quite a few things there that I think were exclusive to the indies. So I say Bravo! I'll be ordering tomorrow!