My Morning Jacket Karaoke Night!!!

Started by Dodobird, Nov 02, 2010, 01:45 PM

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QuoteI would need to be really really really drunk......that being said, I'm in!  :)

In fact, I am considering buying a karaoke machine for my daughter for Christmas (she would like to sing Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga songs blech!) so if we do that, we can party here!  Will keep you posted!

Where do you live??

Cranford, New Jerzeeeeeeeeeeeeee (30 mins from the city) Winter Wonderland MMJ-Karaoke party ?  AND there is a train stop 3 blocks from here for all you NYC folk!  Seriously need to start plotting and planning something for the dead of winter.  Will keep you posted!!

Sounds good! Yeah, this is def more a reason to get together again. Karaoke will just be one of the many fun things we can do. I'll have to dust off my xmas music that I can play on the pipes. Joy To The World and The Little Drummer Boy! LOL  :D

Lookig foward to it! Any dates in mind yet?

I am thinking Jan or Feb......need to look at the calendar and see what works.....I want as many people to be able to make it as possible, so I am thinking Feb....maybe a Valentine's weekend MMJ jamboree??  

Jan or Feb sounds good to me! Keep in mind that football playoffs will be hapenning in Jan. I[highlight] have season tickets for the Giants and it looks like they should be in the playoffs if they keep this up! [/highlight]So Feb might be perfect. Maybe the weekend in between the superbowl when nothing is going on? Sound good? The Superbowl is on Feb 6th this year. The weekend before that would be Jan 29/30. Sat Jan 29 would prob be best.  

You are too funny! Yes, we are Giants fans too so no worries about a conflict there.  Bob has been to 3 games this season -- and he will probably be at more)

That being said, the weekend of Jan 29-30 is usually booked for some non-football male bonding activities with Bob & friends -- poker or some other activity to ease the pain of a no football weekend -- so that won't work.
I am seriously looking at the weekend of February 12th because I think that is also some sort of holiday weekend, which may make it easier for people who might be travelling to us.  I need to check it and get back with something more concrete.....
In the meantime, for anyone who is looking at this, and interested, how does that weekend work?
Obviously we won't be able to get everyone, but I would like to aim for a majority :)

Feb 12th should work perfect! I usually play cards that weekend between the superbowl too. I will let some of the other jacket fans who where at T-5 know about it. Some are not on the board.

Wakin up feelin good and limber!


QuoteI would need to be really really really drunk......that being said, I'm in!  :)

In fact, I am considering buying a karaoke machine for my daughter for Christmas (she would like to sing Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga songs blech!) so if we do that, we can party here!  Will keep you posted!

Where do you live??

Cranford, New Jerzeeeeeeeeeeeeee (30 mins from the city) Winter Wonderland MMJ-Karaoke party ?  AND there is a train stop 3 blocks from here for all you NYC folk!  Seriously need to start plotting and planning something for the dead of winter.  Will keep you posted!!

Sounds good! Yeah, this is def more a reason to get together again. Karaoke will just be one of the many fun things we can do. I'll have to dust off my xmas music that I can play on the pipes. Joy To The World and The Little Drummer Boy! LOL  :D

Lookig foward to it! Any dates in mind yet?

I am thinking Jan or Feb......need to look at the calendar and see what works.....I want as many people to be able to make it as possible, so I am thinking Feb....maybe a Valentine's weekend MMJ jamboree??  

Jan or Feb sounds good to me! Keep in mind that football playoffs will be hapenning in Jan. I[highlight] have season tickets for the Giants and it looks like they should be in the playoffs if they keep this up! [/highlight]So Feb might be perfect. Maybe the weekend in between the superbowl when nothing is going on? Sound good? The Superbowl is on Feb 6th this year. The weekend before that would be Jan 29/30. Sat Jan 29 would prob be best.  

You are too funny! Yes, we are Giants fans too so no worries about a conflict there.  Bob has been to 3 games this season -- and he will probably be at more)

That being said, the weekend of Jan 29-30 is usually booked for some non-football male bonding activities with Bob & friends -- poker or some other activity to ease the pain of a no football weekend -- so that won't work.
I am seriously looking at the weekend of February 12th because I think that is also some sort of holiday weekend, which may make it easier for people who might be travelling to us.  I need to check it and get back with something more concrete.....
In the meantime, for anyone who is looking at this, and interested, how does that weekend work?
Obviously we won't be able to get everyone, but I would like to aim for a majority :)

Feb 12th should work perfect! I usually play cards that weekend between the superbowl too. I will let some of the other jacket fans who where at T-5 know about it. Some are not on the board.

Fantastic! I also posted a separate thread under the Band section with more info on location etc.  yay!
.....Back at the Model Home


E wind...where do you live?

Quotewhere do you all live? what city are you referring to?