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Started by mmztaylor, May 24, 2004, 01:14 PM

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Just got my Atlanta tix and there is no mention of an opening act on the site or the tix...any idea what is up?


answered my own question.  Good Friday Experiment is opening the Atlanta show.  Their site has a few Mp3's that sound promising.  Anyone seen them before?


QuoteJust got my Atlanta tix and there is no mention of an opening act on the site or the tix...any idea what is up?
Anybody know if the Atlanta show is sold-out yet?

"Don't let your silly dreams, fall in between the crack of the bed and the wall."
tameegee in sc


Last night's show in Atlanta was amazing -- even better than last fall's show, when the new guys were really new.  Now they are just unbelevably tight and incredibly powerful.  They played nothing at all from Tennessee Fire, which was a little disappointing (esp. for my husband, who worships that album).  But it was so cool to hear a bit of Cobra and the very jazzy new song, It Beats for You.  Jim was in rare form and looked incredible -- no parrot, though.  I was up front and got totally mesmerized watching the sweat drip off his fingers, esp. during I Will Sing You Songs.  Other highlights for me were an amazing Lowdown that started with a face-melting guitar solo; smokin versions of Mahgeeta, The Way That He Sings, and One Big Holiday; and Steam Engine, which seems to have taken the place of Phone Went West at the emotional heart of the set.  Some amazing jams, too (my husband calls them a "jelly band") and very amusing between-songs patter about the Simpsons, glow sticks, getting used to a new car, and other random thoughts.  Pretty good crowd, too.  On to Birmingham.


what's up?
atlanta was my first MMJ show.  needless to say it was rock show!! i actually enjoyed the opening band too.  the rhodes and synths were a selling point.  i had never heard the band live, so i was pretty psyched to hear how much the rock out live...the albums are much more mellow.  nothing from TN Fire, but enjoyed Cobra.  Damn, just a fine quality show.  these guys give me hope for rock in the 21st century, considering the last 22 years have basically been crap, aside from a few stellar exceptions.  i am new to the list so i look forward to posting.


anybody got the setlist from atlanta??
can't remember the order:/


Isaac Trotter

Did anyone record the show? Would love to get a copy if possible!! The show was a phenominal one with a great selection of songs!! The encore with the blow up snowman was a very nice touch! Also when they came out on stage at the start of the show to Alicia Keys was hilarious!!  8)


Was it a snowman or a ghost?  At the Columbus show and pictures from other shows--it has been a ghost with the words "Boo" on it.  I wouldn't put it past the boys to switch it up and pull out another surprise by using a snowman.  I can't wait to see what surprises are in store for the homecoming/lebowskifest.  carl and bo better be ready for louisville.  anyone know if danny cash will be at the show?  it probably would be a bit awkward, but both sides say there are no hard feelings.  


I'm blanking on the setlist (I know it started with "Golden" and included "Cobra" and nearly all of "It Still Moves" but don't ask me what was played when.)

However, I can confirm that it was a ghost, not a snowman.

My first MMJ show. Awesome. Nice to see some irony-free rock for a change.


brian meccia

I't 2:30, I just woke up, I drove back to Knoxville last night after the show. Set list is as follows:

Just one Reason
The Way That He Sings
How Do You Know
It Beats For You
One Big Holiday
I Will Sing YOu Songs
End of Cobra
At Dawn
Steam Engine
Run Thru

Awesome Moments

-Looking back and seeing a shit load of smiling and head bobbing, especialy during Mahgeetah, which I was glad they played because the guy next to me was really hoping for it.

-Jim's fretboard being inches from my face for the opening lead line of One Big Holiday.

-Sweat dripping off of Jims wrist hand and sweatboard, I'm not sure but I think the guitar might have been sweating to.

-A huge echo during "TAKE YOUR MONEY AND YOUR DRUGS" The band had a few cool sing along moments, The opening of Mahgeetah "ALL WRAPPED UP IN A BOTTLE OF WINE"

-I thought the lights were incredible.

-It was a ghost

-Jims Voice emerging from the dark during AT DAWN

-Having my mind blown to bits during the jam in Run Thru

-The rodie droped the set list into the crowd.................... and I got it. Now I can hang it on the wall in my music room and always remember the night My Morning Jacket Rocked My Ass Off.

brian meccia

I ment fretboard not sweatboard. I'm still a little affected from last night. ;)



-The rodie droped the set list into the crowd.................... and I got it.

You lucky sod!!!  :D


I really really hope someone recorded this show If anybody finds out anything let's post it in this thread, I'll do the same.  I've got to hear that improv jam again where jim started out just playing with the toggle ON/Off switch on his guitar.  
There's Still Time.........

nathan morris

awesome show. i met two tone tommy but thats it. my 4th show and still not bermuda highway. needless to say, this show probably is #2. just because they played nothing off of tenn fire. i think they retired that album or something, b/c the old lead guitar quit. maybe he owns the rights or maybe jim just dislikes that album. they never have it for sale at shows. Anyways. I almost caught the setlist, but i was too busy makeing sure my camera didnt get broke.

I WAS THE ONE THAT THREW THE GLOWSTICKS! =) jim thanked me too. that was probably the most memorable experiance at a concert. I had them left over from Bonnaroo. ::)

anyways. if you would like some pictures of the show email me at i have to do some editing and stuff w/ good ole photoshop. But, it would be simple for me to email you pictures.

Going to see Keane tomorrow night. awesome band. they are playing at the cotton club.

"i will be there when you die"


i am nathan morris. i didnt realize how easy it was to set up an account. and why couldnt i use my name from the buddy system for this? geeze. street team folks should get special treatment. right? (jokes) ;D


thanks for the setlist brian...get some rest!


hey- the atlanta show was my first my morning jacket show... and i was totally blown away. i think i was the youngest person there but i had an amazing time regardless. this show was the best experience of my life. Jim James has to be one of the best(if not THE best)of our time.
The show was incredible and thanks to the kindness of some people in front of me, i was able to get up in front of the stage by the end of the show. I'll be at many more shows to come.


There was a taper a little behind me, I think -- hope he is on this board.  If so -- dude -- find somewhere to post it and tell us about it!


Hey All,
    I'm transferring this show now.  Hopefully by Monday I'll be ready to offer it up.  Thanks for your patience.
   Later, John

Oh yea, I want to thank MMJ's FOH sound man again for making my life easier.

06-16-04, Roxy Theater, Atlanta GA

AKG ck480/ck63(din 70/17cm, dfc, just fob)>V3>da-p1

Golden, Just one Reason, Lowdown, The Way That He Sings, How Do You Know, It Beats For You, Strangulation, One Big Holiday, Dancefloors, I Will Sing, Mahgeetah, End of Cobra, E: At Dawn, Steam Engine, Run Thru


QuoteHey All,
   I'm transferring this show now.  Hopefully by Monday I'll be ready to offer it up.  Thanks for your patience.
  Later, John

Oh yea, I want to thank MMJ's FOH sound man again for making my life easier.

06-16-04, Roxy Theater, Atlanta GA

AKG ck480/ck63(din 70/17cm, dfc, just fob)>V3>da-p1

Golden, Just one Reason, Lowdown, The Way That He Sings, How Do You Know, It Beats For You, Strangulation, One Big Holiday, Dancefloors, I Will Sing, Mahgeetah, End of Cobra, E: At Dawn, Steam Engine, Run Thru
I don't know what to say right now, I'm almost in tears. Thank You, Thank YOu, Thank YOU, Thank You, Tahnk You, Thank YOU................You Make This World A Better Place. ;D
There's Still Time.........