10 Ideas for MMJ

Started by Dustin Leathers, Feb 06, 2006, 04:11 PM

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are you high?
nope.  but i'm probably acting funny.  i've had heaphones on my head for the past three days and nights trying to decipher frequencies.  

you're both hysterical, though.




hey guys how bout this idea: LET THE JACKET DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!!

to be honest, think if u had a band, and you had bitches like yourselves telling you what to do....and how to do it...and constantly never being happy with ANYTHING!!!

get real and get a job....i like music...i love people who tape it...i bitched about mmj and pearl jam but id rather see mmj open for wsp...sorry this hippy is here to stay...and doesnt anyone remember what the band looks like??? i coulda swore they looked like some dirty hippies....i apologize to the jacket for my opinion but not to any of you.
four on the floor and four in the air....


There's Still Time.........




hey guys how bout this idea: LET THE JACKET DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!!

to be honest, think if u had a band, and you had bitches like yourselves telling you what to do....and how to do it...and constantly never being happy with ANYTHING!!!

get real and get a job....i like music...i love people who tape it...i bitched about mmj and pearl jam but id rather see mmj open for wsp...sorry this hippy is here to stay...and doesnt anyone remember what the band looks like??? i coulda swore they looked like some dirty hippies....i apologize to the jacket for my opinion but not to any of you.

perhaps the first time ever a hippy has used the phrase, "get a job" as an insult.

Write it down...Monday, March 20, 2006 10:24 CST. The Hippy Generation has officially died.

Long live the hippies!


Man, that hippie must have run out of weed or patchouli or something.  Quick, someon send that hippie a care pack.  Mabey someone stole all his widespread and dead bootlegs.  Where the Fuck did he find a computer anyway.

Also, for those at home keeping score I just scored the ditto hatrick on this thread.  

There's Still Time.........


QuoteMan, that hippie must have run out of weed or patchouli or something.  Quick, someon send that hippie a care pack.  Mabey someone stole all his widespread and dead bootlegs.  Where the Fuck did he find a computer anyway.

Also, for those at home keeping score I just scored the ditto hatrick on this thread.  

Throws hat onto ice


Quotehas anyone wondered why "Z" was protected?  Maybe MMJ had some input on that except for the hidden software aspect of it, but maybe they want money from sales because after all their job is making good music for the fans to enjoy, but for a price... And for them by supporting the protected cd type then they would make money off of hard copies.

To address this I reprint the post from Jimmy Chavez (a/k/a Jim Olliges, a/k/a "Constrictor", a/k/a Jim James):
hi guys- here is one of many letters we have recieved from fans who bought our new album:
"Hi, my name is ---- and I'm a mailman in Canada.I like to listen to music while I deliver the mail in Canada.I use my trusty sony minidisc player to listen to the music I like.I like your music,so I went out and bought your new cd "Z" and tried to record it onto my minidisc player and this new security thing that is on the disc won't let me,and now I want to tear my eyeballs out of my head by sticking my hands up my ass and reaching into my head mashing through my brain so I can get to my eyeball cords and pulling them back down through my ass.So as you can see I'm not to happy about the fact that I can't listen to your music while I'm delivering the fucking  mail in fucking Canada. "
although this mail is HILARIOUS-it is very saddening. we are in no way in favor of the copy protection devices that are causing some people problems with loading and listening to the record on their computers. we were told this would not be a problem and are upset that it has become one. hopefully wth alll the tips people are posting on the site this problem can be overcome....and hopefully we can take care of it in the future. just believe me when i say that this is not intentional- and that we and everyone we work with hope that this can be solved asap.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



As far as the merch goes, does anyone else hate it when bands have toooo much merch? I'm glad they dont sell MMJ trucker hats, track jackets and coffee mugs and assorted bullshit.
Hey I love my MMJ trucker hat! ;D


I NEED one of those.  
There's Still Time.........


Tony, I was wearing my t shirt just the other day.  You should wear your hat to the show and I'll wear my t-shirt, and we can be the COOLEST people in Nashville!!   ;D  


THAT HAT, I NEEDS IT. PABST LOGO WITH mmj ON IT, OH MAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   where the FUCK did you get that!!!!!!!!!
wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into a dream - pink floyd


you know, you guys are an awefully proud, self-congratulatory bunch.

ooh, 'hat trick.' oooh. oooh.

i'm no huge fan of WSP, but if any of you guys were half as open-minded as you claim to be, you would realize that WSP has their heart in the right place when i comes to music, specifically live music.  And MMJ opening for them wouldn't be all that bad, IF IT WAS 2001.
And that hippies aren't all bad, though they can be just as close-minded as anyone else (hipsters? anyone?)

by the way, if a 'hippie' goes so far as to find a computer to tell YOU that YOU need to get a J-O-B(because you spend all your time posting on every thread to prove you're cool and you're the #1 fan , and that you're super-cool cause you KNOW  you are and everyone needs to know it and should know it because it means something) then maybe you should listen, maybe you're spending too much time on the boards (at least, i think that was his implication). it was an insult and it was contradictory for EMPHASIS.

and THAT shouldve been a hint and a half for your ass(es)

unfortunately, you guys were to busy sniffing each other's to notice.
You need it.  That's for sure.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quote(because you spend all your time posting on every thread to prove you're cool and you're the #1 fan

wow, you like totally had me until this;  you can't gripe about others posting on a board, when you're posting on the very same board.  kinda like Republicans bitching about the media on a talk show...

and then...

Quoteyou guys are an awefully proud, self-congratulatory bunch.

be it ever so humble...there's no place like home.... :)  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


*hangs head in shame*
There's Still Time.........


Quoteyou know, you guys are an awefully proud, self-congratulatory bunch.
[size=8]congratulations everyone!!  especially ec!![/size]



- we're all just having a good time here, you know, joking around and stuff. No need to take it so seriously. But be careful, we are in 4th place nation wide as far a fan message boards go. Someone out there knows their shit.

-Sorry we pissed you off about the whole "hippie telling you to get a J-O-B segment". The irony is simply fantastic, the ol' role reversal if you will. You know, hippies (true hippies) aren't known for their strong work effort, so the comedic quality of such a statement was not lost on me. Now what I find interesting is the implied authoritative posturing of such a statement "get a J-O-B" and how you feel this is some form of open mindedness. That even makes it funnier, IMO.
Can't get much more parental than that, you know, get a job? Get a job? Get it?

-It's like when Avril Lavigne was introduced to the world as "punk". Then "punk" changed for millions of people and punk was tame and marketable and sassy. This is what's happened to the poor old hippy. "Hippies" now have jobs, they follow their favorite bands in their gas guzzling SUV's with their WSP and PHISH stickers, they bathe and are educated. That's sad (and funny) to me, that people pose like that. And then attack me b/c I like MMJ and post here. Very non-hippiesque, this need for power, not loving, authoritative stance. These people are not hippies, so...

-so splat, splat, how 'bout you don't take this board so personal? I mean, you're against people coming here, posting their views, having fun, poking at other bands and, most importantly, we poke at each other. We're not a group of posers or wannabees, we're just regular idiots, with jobs, who enjoy spending time with each other. We are smart and dumb and closed minded and open minded and we smell and fart and smoke and drink and don't drink and pray and hate and argue and agree and make-up....we're like "the American Heartland of band message boards". We're like Iowa with some European, Far East, and Australian influence. Welcome to Des Moines, take your shoes off...

-It's almost certain that when someone challenges someone to be "open minded" it's usually projection. (Psychology says projection is a defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits).

-And some advice, I tried to take on the entire Ryan Adams fan board to talk about how lame he is (and his fans) after the Ryman debacle here in Nashville a couple of years ago; and I did not succeed, at all. So, in the same light (and I know you're not saying MMJ is lame), coming here, calling us closed minded butt sniffers (which is actually a compliment to most here)  just makes you look silly as we go on with our daily, closed minded, MMJ worshipping, unemployed, WSP hating, butt sniffing, congratulatory, waste of a life selves. ie, we don't take you seriously  :-/

-But we still love and care about you (honestly).

>OK splat splat, you can stop reading now, the rest is for all the closed minded butt sniffers<

Congratulations guys...


On another note..........  This is my 2,000th post BITCHES.  [size=29]NUMBER ONE FAN, RIGHT FUCKING HERE!!!!!!!!! RECOGNIZE [/size]
There's Still Time.........

peanut butter puddin surprise

well said,  ycartrob....

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


congratulations Sweatboard!