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the name

Started by catsgame, Mar 09, 2006, 12:34 PM

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hey somebody here's bound to know--

where's the band name come from? i always imagined it was a country thing, just the fact that a country man might have a jacket he likes  for morning walks. i can relate to that.
but my friend thinks that the name might allude to a line in the love song of j alfred prufrock, where he says "my morning coat". anybody know for sure?


you know, i think you are the first to ask such a question. But you are way off on your j alfred prufrock theory. try again.

Angry Ewok

The story I heard, which may or may not be true -

One of Jim's favorite bars burnt down, one night. The next morning, Jim thumbed through the charred remains and found a jacket stitched with the initials 'MMJ' - which he decided stood for 'My Morning Jacket'...

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteThe story I heard, which may or may not be true -

One of Jim's favorite bars burnt down, one night. The next morning, Jim thumbed through the charred remains and found a jacket stitched with the initials 'MMJ' - which he decided stood for 'My Morning Jacket'...

Urban legend... ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Angry Ewok

So... does anyone know?

Do the people who know prefer to keep it a secret?

Is there some sort of secret club where the know it all's can snicker at us lesser informed folks?

Peanut Butter and Jelly, or Ham and Cheese?

What was the bad guy's name in Tron?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I was told Jim was walking down the street (Highlands) and ran across an old jacket with the inscribed letters 'M.M.J' and one of his friends asked him what he thought they represented...his reply: My Morning Jacket

any other suggestions?
You Are Everything


The way it was told to me is that MMJ came long before the name and that Jim had seen in written on a wall  in Lexington when he was in college.  As for how My Morning Jacket came about, I don't know.  I guess I am not amongst the fortunate ones to be in that inner circle.


Quoteyou know, i think you are the first to ask such a question. But you are way off on your j alfred prufrock theory. try again.

not my theory, and i don't buy it.

i guess i'll ask 'em next time i see 'em



subconciously, it refers to Jim's favorite movie Full Metal Jacket.  maybe he was hammered but it definitely helped him come up with this name.
eat meat, eat meat, eat a big ole stear.

scientology is the answer.  sorry jesus.


I like to think it's just about an Awakening........It's awesome that Jim named his band My Morning Jacket.
There's Still Time.........



not my theory, and i don't buy it.

i guess i'll ask 'em next time i see 'em

i like to think it's from prufrock, too, even though i think it isn't.  :)


It's all one in the same
There's Still Time.........


On a recent addition of the Rolling Stone Magazine, there is a large article about MMJ. It interview Jim James and asks him where he got the name My Morning Jacket from. and he responded by saying that he was at a Neil Young (Jim's idol) performance, when Mr. Young threw an old jacket out to the crowd. Jim caught it and noticed the letters MMJ stitched in it. So thats where My Morning Jacket came from.


What issue of Rolling Stone was that article in? Anyone know what the date is?


I saw this why I was browsing around... it may give you what you're looking for...


HA! So it is a metaphor for a bathrobe--I knew it! :-*
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


I wonder just how long he went to the University of Kentucky... hrmm...


Well that article was dated in 2003 and he was like 24. It sounded like he went all four years, but he would have been done before It Still Moves came out. I could be wrong though!


"MMJ has logged four headlining tours in Holland and Belgium, is the subject of a Dutch documentary, and made most Dutch critics' Top 10 lists last year."

Saw that in the article ofelfelo posted. Thanks. Anyone know if  this doc is available anywhere on DVD or online?  :)