Dear My Morning Jacket,

Started by EC, Jun 06, 2006, 12:07 AM

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Here is a list of the reasons I like you, heightened by red wine, a large conversation with Shelby, and a crazy day (week, month, year)
1.  Your music makes me feel terrific.
2.  I like your style, even though it's not supposed to be a style.
3.  I feel like you're a sports team that I always want to see win.
4.  Your live performances make my chest explode.
5.  You're all hot and exciting to watch.
6.  The music you make is like chocolate and also like salad.

Yours truly,

(now everyone go!!!!)



Please announce some more dates soon, there are many people who need to be ROCKED!!

and Patrick rocks hard, so much so that i think he needs a huge GONG on stage!!!

\m/  \m/  



EC i'd like to second your no. 6... mmj's music is definitely like chocolate (smooth & rich)

1. guys - you are a great, lovely, hairy, talented bunch of musos
2. no matter what mood i'm in: happy, sad, tired etc something in your music always fits perfectly
3. you wrote golden (which always makes me think of lazy summer saturday afternoons) and knot comes loose (which is the most gorgeous song i've heard in a long time) - for those two alone, i love you

love a song for the way it makes you feel


I love MMJ because they brought me back to my Rockin' Roots from the 70's that I seem to have lost in the 80's and 90's.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary

Easy Morning Rebel

The best reasons and description of MMJ - ever!
And yeah, please announce more tour dates, in Europe particularly. I really need you now.

Even cowgirls get the blues

peanut butter puddin surprise

One far away day in the near past, I was sitting in a room with friends and was being bored to tears with several other bands playing for a local TV show.  The forty or so people in the audience must have felt the same, as I looked around to squirming and chatter as the last band starting setting up.   I ask my friends if we should leave-but my one friend insists we stay for the last band.  Here's these guys, dressed in thrift store vintage clothing and the singer is wearing this red, 8 inch lapel, polyester jacket and sports a mane of curly hair.  After a long introduction by the host, they start.

This is the first time I've heard the singer's voice.  I am mesmerized.  I get chills in my spine.  It is eerily familiar, yet fresh and different to the extreme.  The room is full of energy-energy that is coming from the speakers.  I sat back in my seat and thought to myself-this is the birth of stars, right before my eyes.  The music is intoxicating, thrilling, sad and joyful at the same time-like some of the greatest bands in the world are supposed to do when they play, like great bands of the past I've seen and heard play live, it reenergizes my love for musicality and starts a love affair consumated every day when I push play on my CD player.

The show is short, but I am still in awe.  When it's over, I feel like I need a cigarette.  There he is, in his red jacket, selling CD's and posters.  I run to the nearest teller machine and empty my meager savings and run back to this young carnival barker/wizard/magician with a guitar and buy everything he has.  I feel he was taken aback by the instant adulation he got, and his shyness belies the superstar talent I knew coursed through his veins.  

That was almost seven years ago.  The first time I saw them play, here in Louisville, with forty other lucky souls.  My life, and music as we know it, have never been the same since.

Thank you for that.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

Mr. T.

QuoteOne far away day in the near past, I was sitting in a room with friends and was being bored to tears with several other bands playing for a local TV show.  The forty or so people in the audience must have felt the same, as I looked around to squirming and chatter as the last band starting setting up.   I ask my friends if we should leave-but my one friend insists we stay for the last band.  Here's these guys, dressed in thrift store vintage clothing and the singer is wearing this red, 8 inch lapel, polyester jacket and sports a mane of curly hair.  After a long introduction by the host, they start.

This is the first time I've heard the singer's voice.  I am mesmerized.  I get chills in my spine.  It is eerily familiar, yet fresh and different to the extreme.  The room is full of energy-energy that is coming from the speakers.  I sat back in my seat and thought to myself-this is the birth of stars, right before my eyes.  The music is intoxicating, thrilling, sad and joyful at the same time-like some of the greatest bands in the world are supposed to do when they play, like great bands of the past I've seen and heard play live, it reenergizes my love for musicality and starts a love affair consumated every day when I push play on my CD player.

The show is short, but I am still in awe.  When it's over, I feel like I need a cigarette.  There he is, in his red jacket, selling CD's and posters.  I run to the nearest teller machine and empty my meager savings and run back to this young carnival barker/wizard/magician with a guitar and buy everything he has.  I feel he was taken aback by the instant adulation he got, and his shyness belies the superstar talent I knew coursed through his veins.  

That was almost seven years ago.  The first time I saw them play, here in Louisville, with forty other lucky souls.  My life, and music as we know it, have never been the same since.

Thank you for that.  

Besides from some obvious factual differences, the exact same thing happened to me. How bizarre  ;)
We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times


QuoteHere is a list of the reasons I like you, heightened by red wine.....
6.  The music you make is like .. salad.

I'm glad there's someone out there too that enjoys a few glasses *cough*bottles*cough* of red wine while listening to MMJ and professing their love for them to everyone.

And wouldn't we all like to toss their salads!!  ;D
Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes,
He can taste his blood,
An' blood never lies,
Pale face die. - Kiedis


Longtime lurker, first time poster.  It worked for me from the live shows backward.  I was at the opening night at Headliner's in September, '03.  The boys, including Johnny and Danny at that time, just stormed the stage with such passion, energy and mystery (behind that hair and a wall of sound) that I was hooked.  Having seen a number of shows since and having talked to several band members and two fathers of band members, I am cheering for their success just as much as I am having a fabulous time with their music.  They are genuinely great people who love what they are doing and I am very lucky to have caught the wave!

I agree with each of EC's and John's comments above and I look forward to being on this wave for a long time to come.  By the way, the backward exploration of their CD's and EP's has been just as rewarding as the live shows.  Endless variety and punch.  Also, I think the "Return to Thunderdome" show from Bonarroo in '04 is a great expression of the Band's music at that point and gets to why I appreciate and enjoy the Band's music so much.  Peace and thanks MMJ!


Thank you for being so gracious the 1st time I saw/met you all and everytime there after, for making music that never fails to take me to a different ecstatic astral plain and for just being who you are--real folk making beautiful sounds to seduce the masses lucky enough to have crossed your aural path. 8)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


To the sweet boys of MMJ,
 You are the first band that I have heard that has made me understand what people mean when they say music speaks to them.
That sounds a big corny, but it's true.
In all honest y I never had heard or will hear anyone like you guys and that is what makes you so special. From the first time I heard Mageetah and Dancefloors there was a strange and haunting sound to you that stuck with me.
I have to thank my jerk of an ex becuase if it weren't for him always talking about how kick ass you guy are and introducing you to me, I would not be as big of a fan as I am! At least he was good for something!  ;)

Plus I think it is extremely cool that when I think about getting older and if I have kids (yikes...scary) hat I would totally make Jacket to them what Zepplin is to me!




Are you ready to be shot into the stratosphere?  After seeing the webcast of the '06 roo show (as well as many others) it looks like the secret is about to 'get out'.  Bring space gear.



I have a hard time expressing what you guys mean to me because you fit every mood i am ever in in a perfect way.  i met one of you after a show at a hotel, you shook my hand and signed my ticket and to this day i feel like i am a better person for it.  THANK YOU!
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


Dear guys,

Thank you so very much for rekindling my passion for guitar rock.  Back in May of 2004 I had thought I had already found every good rock album I was ever going to hear, mainly because of the endless stream of crap that the local radio stations were kicking out.  Then one day I was over at my friend's house and he mentioned that he had been checking out some bands that were playing at bonnaroo before he went, and he burned me copies of It Still Moves and At Dawn.  These two records re-taught me to love the guitar solo, scruffy clothes, and manes of hair waving all over the place.

Any time I am driving down a highway around tennessee on a pretty day, I think of your music and it puts me in a great mood.  I remember the four times I've seen you guys pour your entire souls into a show, and I remind myself that as long as you guys are kicking ass on the road and cutting spectacular albums, rock and roll is still alive.