Jim James' Playlist - NY Times

Started by LaurieBlue, Jul 02, 2006, 08:59 AM

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July 2, 2006
Strange Musical Variations on a Healing Theme
JIM JAMES, singer, songwriter and guitarist of the band My Morning Jacket, managed to find a week recently to relax on his back porch in his native Louisville, Ky., after touring with Pearl Jam. Last month the band played the Bonnaroo festival, followed by two concerts with the Boston Pops; Summerfest in Milwaukee and the Taste of Chicago are still to come this month. Mr. James's drawling, gravelly speaking voice is a far cry from the rapturous falsetto that can be heard on his band's fourth album, "Z" (ATO/RCA), which was released last year to critical praise. Speaking by phone with Winter Miller, he waxed politic about what he called music's responsibility to heal social divisions while discussing what he is listening to now.

Gnarls Barkley

Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse are right on the cusp of what is starting to unify everybody. People don't have enough in common, the world is trying to isolate us, but they're a good spiritual force and have something to say. There's something strange going on with them, and I mean that in a good way. Intricate melodies, great beats, great lyrics, these guys are hitting it all. The songs on "St. Elsewhere" (Downtown/Atlantic) are also reminders that either of these guys is capable of making a real generational milestone album, like "What's Going On" or "Dark Side of the Moon," those types of albums that are immortal. I think they're capable of really changing the face of music.

DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince

"The Very Best of DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince" (a reissue from Jive/Legacy) speaks to our generation. The song "Summertime" is their timeless classic; it's one of those songs that's just a mind-blower, sunny-day cruising music. The lyrical picture they paint is very vivid. You can feel it happen: the summer, the barbecue, new haircuts, getting excited to meet new girls and guys. It's like artificial summertime in the winter; if I'm depressed, it never fails to lift my spirits at least a little bit.

Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings

Sharon Jones is one of the timeless soul singers. When you put on "Naturally" (Daptone), you'd think it was made in 1965. There's hot, powerful magic on it. It's indescribable. In my mind the period from the mid-60's to mid-70's is when almost all of the great rock and soul music was; there was just a magical tidal wave back then that took over everything. No matter if it was a gospel record, a soul record, Led Zeppelin, Ray Charles, there was electricity. With "Naturally" it's the songs, but also just as much the production. It's made with so much love and attention to detail — how the drums and horns sound, the reverb on the vocals, how much guitar — it's very well thought out. I can't stop listening to it. "How Long Do I Have to Wait for You?" is just crazy, and then, right when the drums come on, you can't believe how huge it is.

Scott Carney

He's a guy from Louisville. I went to high school with him, never knew him, and he moved away to Pittsburgh. "Black and Endless Night" (scottcarneymusic.com) came out in late 2005, and I couldn't believe it was from this time period: it's got a futuristic energy, a lot of elements I've never heard work before. A combo of all these things you remember from the past. You can sense some David Bowie in it. It's so unique, it's hard to place. The cool thing about it is he made it by himself. Every single instrument is played by him, and he paid attention to the details. Enough people don't pay attention to the production of a record. Lots of people think about the songs or where they're going to record. They think about everything but how the record's going to hit your ears. The production is amazing, the songs are amazing. It takes you to a different place in the future.

The Slip

The Slip is a rock trio from Boston with tons of live releases. I had heard from friends I would like them. Then finally I had the chance to see them play, and seeing them live was amazing. I've seen so many thousands of bands; most times I see a band I'll give them one or two songs, but I instantly felt a bond with these three guys with very weird brains doing some weird music. They can build a good song and take it somewhere. "Children of December" is the song on their Web site (theslip.com) that hit me hardest. It's going to be released in a new form. I've heard it, but it's not out yet. The way the guitar and the melody interlace, it's incredible. You see so many tired, boring rock acts doing the same thing over and over, but these guys are reaching out. They have creative drumbeats, weird liquid bass lines. It's like a big pool of lyrics; it's really rhythmical. It could even appeal to some kid who really likes punk rock. It's really challenging. They're taking what we know of music and trying to take it and twist it to a different place.


It's always great to hear what the band are listening to & what inspires them. I need to check out those last 3...
Thanks for posting Laurie  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


scot carneys group is probbably the best band in louisville right now.  they are simply amazing both live and on record.  this last saturday they played and broke out the old film footage to play behind them.  they had two guys running 8mm projectors with various old stock footage along with the songs.  it ads a really great element to the live performance.  definetly check these guys out if you get a chance.



Nice.Thanks for the info Ms. Blue.  :)
A! You are going to f'n love Naturally. Everyone will. And Scott Carney's stuff, well the 4 songs I heard on his myspace sound real good. Mr. James is a good man. Thanks 4sharin the love!!!