Is Jim james single

Started by Laura, May 23, 2006, 06:57 PM

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As I understand Some people are curious, reguarding jim's status....maybe this will help....... when i was at the east rutherford PJ show night 2, the band (mmJ) was waiting with the crowd for pearl jam to finish, I saw jim with a girl who ironically had the same hair style as him, and he was very.... "affectionate" toward her, as she was to him. I dont mean to draw attention to his personal life, but just to put closure to the original question of this thread
No need to shut er down, go round and round in the air


QuoteAs I understand Some people are curious, reguarding jim's status....maybe this will help....... when i was at the east rutherford PJ show night 2, the band (mmJ) was waiting with the crowd for pearl jam to finish, I saw jim with a girl who ironically had the same hair style as him, and he was very.... "affectionate" toward her, as she was to him. I dont mean to draw attention to his personal life, but just to put closure to the original question of this thread

how did my wig look?


In repsonse to Olliges' post:  I got to talk with the guys after the Boston Pops gig--especially Jim.  He informed that his girlfriend was with him (I think all the guys had lady friends in Beantown, maybe to take in the sights between shows eh?).  Sorry to disappoint the ladies here (and some of you guys...)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteSorry to disappoint the ladies here (and some of you guys...)
i'm just a little disappointed that we're talking about this.  i kind of feel like whatever is talked about in interviews is okay, but whatever else is maybe private.

my 2 cents.


i'm just a little disappointed that we're talking about this.  i kind of feel like whatever is talked about in interviews is okay, but whatever else is maybe private.

my 2 cents.

I don't see why it's any different from a person who didn't choose a career that puts them in the public eye.  If a person has a crush on someone else and sees them being "affectionate" in public, why is it bad to talk about it to others?  They obviously don't care to be seen with their significant other, and it isn't untruthful, mean-spirited gossip.  I just don't think the person who was interested in Jim's relationship status should be made to feel guilty because of it.  Unless I'm completely missing your point...


EC--I understand where you're coming from perfectly.  I am happy for Jim and I guess that was the driving force behind posting about it.  I hope Jim doesn't mind....
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



I don't see why it's any different from a person who didn't choose a career that puts them in the public eye.  If a person has a crush on someone else and sees them being "affectionate" in public, why is it bad to talk about it to others?  They obviously don't care to be seen with their significant other, and it isn't untruthful, mean-spirited gossip.  I just don't think the person who was interested in Jim's relationship status should be made to feel guilty because of it.  Unless I'm completely missing your point...

It's not any different - and you're absolutely right about that.  Gossip just isn't cool, period - whether it's about your friends or about a band that you like.  I have no idea if Jim James cares whether people are speculating on his love life, but it makes me feel uncomfortable, because I wouldn't want people speculating about mine.  And nor was I calling it mean-spirited - I certainly don't think it was - neither from Olliges or from Mr. Fanatic or from anyone.  But you can do something in a nice way, and it can still not be the best thing to do.  I think we need to think before we talk about things.  

And, just because you're in a band, doesn't mean your private life is easy grabs for the public.  I've had this argument with so many people before.  And if we keep feeding into it, then it makes others' (ie the people and bands that we like) lives uncomfortable, and they don't get to just live sometimes, and I don't like that at all.  

I'm not tryin' to be a jerk, I'm just explaining my point. :)  I'd rather lie and bed and listen to At Dawn than know if Bo likes cheddar or gouda.


I agree with you also EC but I don't think anyone was trying to be too into Jim's personal life. I think it was just a  topic that got started. If Jim is happy and continues to make great music because of that,  then that is all that matters. I guess it would be one thing if the questions people were asking were more personal, but I doubt Jim would care if we all wondered if he had girlfriend or not. Besides, sounds like he doesn't care if he is with her at the shows. She is a lucky girl!  ;)



I'm not tryin' to be a jerk, I'm just explaining my point. :)  I'd rather lie and bed and listen to At Dawn than know if Bo likes cheddar or gouda.

Ha!  I didn't think you were being a jerk.  It just seems to me that if I had aspirations to be in a band with hopes to be adored by thousands and thousands of people, I would understand that extra attention being paid to me when I'm "off the clock" will come with the territory.  It doesn't mean it's right, by any means.  The question was only asked, I'm assuming, because the person thinks Jim is really cool, so it's ultimately a compliment, however annoying or prying it may be.  The end.  :)



... you can do something in a nice way, and it can still not be the best thing to do.  

yeah, you're the queen of that.

I'd rather lie and bed and listen to At Dawn than know if Bo likes cheddar or gouda.

Then why are you on an mmj forum and not lying in bed listening to At Dawn?
I'm not tryin' to be a jerk, I'm just explaining my point. :)  
ditto ;D


I'm not tryin' to be a jerk, I'm just explaining my point. :)  I'd rather lie and bed and listen to At Dawn than know if Bo likes cheddar or gouda.

when i was backstage making out with Jim, Bo came over and adjusted my wig and informed me his favorite is sapsago.


if anyone gangs up on EC, i'll freaking form a foot clan

"[Adrien Brody] is a big hip-hop fan and plans on becoming a producer. He is being mentored by RZA."


You can use my right one--its detachable ;).  

EC--I am with you, private is private and like I said I am totally happy Jim has found somebody to share his time with.

If Mr. Jim is offended I formally apologize.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


i say if you've heard it straight from the man, the statement ceases to be gossip.  also, unless you know jim personally rather than meeting him at a show and talking casually, i wouldn't think jim would mention anything that he didn't think would be repeated.  take the bonnaroo example just a few weeks ago.  he obviously said something to his friend in passing about radiohead being "sleepy" and it made rolling stone.  i'm sure most musicians are very careful about what they say, so if he made the effort to say he has a girlfriend, it's not something he would want to be secret.

my two cents.


lets play the gossip game.  from what i just read im going to change it to say "jim said radiohead was sucky.".  now wheres a rs reporter when you need one?


Quotei dare anyone here to watch lindsay lohan in robert altman's upcoming "a prairie home companion" and say lohan isn't an actress. i will be vindicated...

There's really nothing very special about her performance.  It's not exactly a very rich role and she doesn't do much with the character.  Other than the fact that she sings, there's very little to distinguish her performance.  She cries, but  so what?  There are plenty of young actresses who can do that and more much better than she can.

Not that there aren't memorable performances in A Prairie Home Companion, because there are.  Lindsay Lohan's just doesn't happen to be one of them.


APHC should never have been made into a movie.  If you want to see the show, go to the Fitzgerald theater or one of their stops around the country.  As far as I'm concerned this project did nothing for what I consider to be the last bastion of old time radio theater...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


perhaps a thread on Lindsay Lohan's acting abilities (or lack there of)?


Why even dignify the subject with its own thread?
P.S.--this one is careening of its tracks (which is ok baseed on its perceived stickiness I guess)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.