Jim James appears on follow the train CD

Started by LaurieBlue, Jul 12, 2006, 04:34 PM

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I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


thats a good record.  dtrain writes some good sheeit.



Funny this comes up today, I just got the album on Emusic yesterday.  It's lovely.  :)


thier last record, an ep i think, should still be available.  its really good too.  im trying to work up a cover of lower than low.



why is Jim's voice so far down in the mix?  Doesn't make any sense to me.  I'm happy for the guys from Follow the Train but for me the CD is a little sleepy, but I think that's supposed to be their thing. :-/


We had considered including a pillow with every CD but you would not believe how difficult it is to stuff a decent pillow into the jewel case AND get it to close.



QuoteWe had considered including a pillow with every CD but you would not believe how difficult it is to stuff a decent pillow into the jewel case AND get it to close.


ha ha
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i hate to talk shit but ashurt usually falls asleep DURING the performances.  true story.  the advantage though is all the hot chicks in their nighties that go-go dance so really as long as you stock up on caffiene its a great show.
