Quick Jim Question

Started by Jaimoe, Sep 29, 2006, 07:39 PM

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I believe Jim contracted pneumonia last year. When did he stop touring with the band due to his illness?


They finished out their tour at the Louisville Palace on November 23rd (the Wednesday right before Thanksgiving, if I'm wrong on the exact date)
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


And they shut it down due to the illness, right?

I'm currently writing an Okonokos review. Jim sounds a little weary on Okonokos, which can be attibuted ot his illness.


They didn't shut it down, actually. Louisville was the last stop on the tour (good lord, I saw them at the beginning of October and they ran straight up to Thanksgiving!). But anyways, Louisville was supposed to be the end. Normally they wear themselves out and get a bit sick by the end, so I think Jim just thought he was road weary, but I've heard stuff that he got really sick after that one, coughing really badly, and they took him to the hospital and found out that he was suffering from complications due to pneumonia. Not only did he play through pneumonia, he gave so much to the live show that he pushed through and made it worse. It speaks for his dedication to this band, and is, I'm sure, a good thing. I'm sure he will not be hesitant to get stuff checked out when he gets a bit sick on the road from now on.

But pneumonia's bad. Complications from it are even worse. They wanted him to stay in bed for a darn long time, and just generally take it easy, as to not aggravate it (typical recovery stuff), so they had to cancel the entire European tour. Which definitely sucked.

But I tell you what man, I was lucky enough to see the guys play their first show after Jim was ill, and they had serious vigor. I have no doubt that Jim became fully aware of what life is worth from that whole episode, and it showed with the intensity and vigor with which they played that night in March.

Jim was definitely probably beginning to be run ragged by the time of the Fillmore show, but I don't know how far along by any means, but I know that giving everything you've got night after night like that will always take a bit out of you in one way or another. And a voice is a hard thing to keep in perfect shape at that kind of level of power.

Good luck with the review man!
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Thanks Tom. I'm going to drop the sickness angle. Jim's voice is noticably tired on a number of songs, attributed to road weariness... I guess.


QuoteThanks Tom. I'm going to drop the sickness angle. Jim's voice is noticably tired on a number of songs, attributed to road weariness... I guess.

I was at the Palace show, and it wasn't like people were going "Now, why is Jim so tired and low-energy tonight?"  In fact, probably the opposite. :)

Woweee.  That was almost a year ago, now.  How crazy.


His voice may have been tired, but he sure as hell wasn't. It's not like he lost his energy, but I guess his body just didn't keep up with him that time around.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteWoweee.  That was almost a year ago, now.  How crazy.
Wowee indeed.  That was a good Thanksgiving present.

I must see them this November, I MUST.  Let's start a new tradition, MMJ.  Me, you, and Thanksgiving vibes.   :-*


QuoteHis voice may have been tired, but he sure as hell wasn't. It's not like he lost his energy, but I guess his body just didn't keep up with him that time around.

You really can hear a weariness in his voice on Anytime and Run Thru, and even Off The Record. Still, an occasionally tired Jim is better than most rested lead singers.