Should we collectively put together an FAQ?

Started by olwiggum, Dec 04, 2006, 11:52 AM

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There's Still Time.........


QuoteI think the omnichord question has gotten asked the most of all.  :o
Is that the little white thing Jim uses sometimes?   ;D


what if there was a stickied FAQ thread at the top and all and when you opened it there was a link to click "FAQ" and it just lead to the search page... hahahaha!

Ok, I laughed...
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Ha!  Great idea Kory! I've noticed that the search engine isn't as good since we moved over to the new forum.  or at least I haven't figured out how to use it as well as the previous one.

It'd be cool if we could wiki the FAQ somehow at least until it's created.


I think we should all take turns making up completely false statements for the answer section of our FAQ.

Q. What is that white device that Jim plays on his lap sometimes?

A. Well, in short it's a computer.  It has a wireless connection that links up with some microphones on a distant planet where space aliens (that long ago abducted Jim James and informed him to name his band My Morning Jacket) pipe in ideas and random thoughts about the nature of the cosmos and our place inside it.  These ideas are then filtered through the computer which in turn translates the alien language into sounds that Jim is able to decipher, a sort of Morris code if you in essence it's a computer but then again it's also a phone.  You might think of it like this, whenever you see Jim playing the computer in concert.......He's really just checking his e-mail.

There's Still Time.........


Quotewhat if there was a stickied FAQ thread at the top and all and when you opened it there was a link to click "FAQ" and it just lead to the search page... hahahaha!

Ok, I laughed...

When you open it there should just be a link to this thread, or the one about Jim James being dead.
There's Still Time.........


Quotewhat if there was a stickied FAQ thread at the top and all and when you opened it there was a link to click "FAQ" and it just lead to the search page... hahahaha!

Ok, I laughed...

When you open it there should just be a link to this thread, or the one about Jim James being dead.

because the more people who think Jim is dead, the MORE people will listen... you know, the ole dead+good=latently famous...


i vote for as much general misleading as possible. anarchy, truly.
-i got a fever,
and the only prescription
is more cowbell!


QuoteI think the omnichord question has gotten asked the most of all.  :o
Is that the little white thing Jim uses sometimes?   ;D

My Morning Jacket is listed in Wikpedia under "Omnichords in popular music"
An Omnichord is an electronic musical instrument manufactured by the Suzuki Musical Instrument Corporation. It typically features a touch plate and numerous chord buttons.


If this happens it should be called "an FAQ" in honor of this thread.


QuoteIf this happens it should be called "an FAQ" in honor of this thread.

I need to hide from you.
There's Still Time.........


There's Still Time.........


QuoteIf this happens it should be called "an FAQ" in honor of this thread.

I need to hide from you.



I think he means he is bad at grammer and spelling.


What My Morning Jacket me:

I see Jim James very connected to nature.  We can see this with his lyrics, song titles, his set design, his dedication to animals etc...I also see he is very connected to love and women and a lot of his lyrics seem to take place in the morning...waking up next to a woman, as the sun rises...the album name is At Dawn.  

I have this wonderful visual of Jim James waking up as the sun is rising, throwing on his Morning Jacket and sitting in nature and writing songs as he thinks of all the wonderful women in his life.  Personally I dont want to know what My Morning Jacket means in reality or to Jim, cause it means sooo much to me as it is.  

Also I think it's more of his sur name rather than his Band it's his alter ego name...

What does it mean to everyone else????
God damn those shaky knees.