general new york question

Started by Jef, Dec 29, 2008, 09:03 AM

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hello -

just trying to get my plans finalized before i leave for this show tomorrow night.  

i need to find a place to park my car once i get to NY.  all i need is to find somewhere that a) requires a somewhat reasonable walk to a subway station that can take me to MSG and, b) a place wehre my car will be relatively safe.

any suggestions or exit numbers?  im not overly familiar with new york.  planning on leaving Virginia tomorrow night and driving through the night to get to NY as early as possible on the 31st.



If you plan on using public transit, consider parking at the NJ transit station in Princeton and riding the train into the city.  They have plenty of trains, and Penn station is directly under MSG.  

I plan on doing either that, or a combo of NJ transit and SEPTA since I live near Philly.

I would like to hear from others about that idea since I am no NYC expert either.
...words only got in the way


thanks for that idea.

do you know if that train from NJ transit station will be running all night?


Looks like they have special service for the holiday.  Note there is a Princeton station and a Princeton Junction station:

God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


...words only got in the way


thanks for that link - im going to have to spend some time figuring what the hell all of this means.

thanks though.


yep ....

I think trenton and princeton (both near philly) are suitable to park at.  -- well lit parking lots, etc
...words only got in the way


hey guys,

just from experience living in new jersey all my life, everybody and their mother leaves their car overnight at NJ Transit stations on new years eve and often, at the smaller stations, it's difficult to find parking on nye.  i can't speak specifically to princeton or trenton station, but my guess is that both of their parking lots will be pretty full on nye with the cars of people heading into new york to party, so you guys might want to keep that in mind.

i have one or two friends who live in apartments in nyc and both of their buildings only charge $20 bucks for overnight guest parking, as long as you know somebody in the building.  so maybe that's an option.  also, i seem to remember that there are tons of lots in Hoboken, right near the path, but maybe somebody from hoboken could clear that up....


another question - is it the worst idea in the world to just get to brooklyn tomorrow night and just try to find a parking spot all night/morning if need be?

even though it is a full day in advance, would i just be wasting my time?


If you go in tomorrow, I don't think you'll have a problem finding parking.  Alternatively, you could park at one of the nearest LIRR stations and take one of those in instead of the subway.  Either way, good luck to you!
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


pardon my lack of knowledge, but what is an LIRR station?

thanks again


Oops, sorry!  LIRR is Long Island Railroad.  I'm not intimately familiar with some of the stations that are closest to the city as I used to take it in from Garden City, where there was ample parking.  Perhaps a Long Islander can shed a little more light.  Just thinking parking for LIRR may be a little easier for you if you opt to take the train in.  Regardless, I think the previous poster was spot on when he said that a lot of the station lots will be full with people headed in to the city for NYE.
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


To reiterate ... you should not attempt to drive into Manhattan on NYE under any circumstances.  Parking in Jersey and training it in makes sense ... so does heading into Brooklyn, parking, and taking the subway into the big town.  If you decide to subway in from Brooklyn, you want to park near the following subway lines: A,C, 2, 3.  Each runs directly into Penn Station/Madision Square Garden (in the same building).  Google maps of Brooklyn show subway stops.


thanks again, everyone.

great advice all around.


If your taking the NJ Turnpike, get off at NJTPK
Exit 11 and park at the Metropark train station.  From there it's a 30 minute direct to MSG


oh...more like 60 minutes on the train...but, it lets you off at Penn Station NY which is underneath MSG


If you drive to Astoria, Queens... in the 30th Ave - 36th Ave area above 31st street, it's easy finding parking. You should find a good spot in 20 minutes, no problem. Even on NYE. Find a spot near 35th ave and 35th street and come to the pre-show hang at sunswick.

Astoria is a 25 minute train ride to MSG on the N line. It's a lot easier finding parking around there than anywhere in Brooklyn near the city.