Okonokos observation

Started by anotherfiasco, Feb 05, 2007, 06:51 PM

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sadly i dont think it was tapped...i looked all over for cameras.  I guess it will just be our special treat.  Huh Z man?! remember when Jim played that ONE song and it was SWEET!

Ahhhh what an event New Years was.  I told myself, where ever they play on New Years from now on, i will be there! hopefully forever at the Fillmore.  Hopefully.  that place is magic.
God damn those shaky knees.



My wife cannot stand them or anything that I listen to for that matter.....don't ask I've been trying to get her to like any of m music for 12 years now.

That is too bad to hear man.  I have been listening to MMJ for about three or four years.  My wife would hear some of the songs but not really interested until a while back when I bought OKONOKOS.  She became hooked, that is all she listens to for like the past four or five months!  We went to the Peel last Thursday to see them and it was freaking epic!

Rack me. Late.