MMJ music in local movie

Started by cmccubbin@work, Apr 16, 2007, 08:15 AM

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Borders' 'Paper Cut' gets premiere treatment
By Judith Egerton
The Courier-Journal


"Borders said he's excited about seeing the cover art for the upcoming DVD and the movie's soundtrack, which features original songs performed by area musicians, including My Morning Jacket, Bodeco, Peter Searcy, Ray Rizzo, the Pointy Kitties, the Pollywogs and Love Jones. Many of them appear briefly in the movie too."


anybody know if this is a new song?
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


On the movie website there is a soundtrack sampler featuring "at dawn".



hoping for a new, unheard song!
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


The fact that my hearts beating, is all the proof you need.


Cool!  It's finally coming out.  I play an extra in the scene shot at the Mercury Paw.  I should be a pretty prominent part of the scene.  I didn't realize the jacket were on the soundtrack.  I'm surprised the article didn't mention the cameo by Hunter S Thompson.



Dylan is a movie star...will definitely have to check this out at Baxter Ave!!!
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


Album Review
Movie music
By Jeffrey Lee Puckett
The Courier-Journal

By Jeffrey Lee Puckett
The Courier-Journal

"Paper Cut," a romantic comedy written and directed by local filmmaker Archie Borders, revolves in part around Louisville's music scene in the 1990s, when Love Jones was hurling insults from the stage like bouquets of shrapnel, and Rodan was spreading the unlikely gospel of math rock.

After numerous delays, the film will finally be released on DVD this week, accompanied by a screening Tuesday at the Baxter Avenue Theaters. As a huge bonus, a soundtrack heavy on Louisville music — including some never before available — has been compiled by Love Jones' Barry Thomas, who also acts in the film.

Because the movie uses music dating back to Soul Inc.'s 1968 hit "I Belong to Nobody," Thomas had a pretty broad timeframe with which to work. He also takes the occasional liberty, such as including a My Morning Jacket track from 2001, but the soundtrack is ultimately meant to capture a place and a feeling, which it does well.

Local musicologists will love the inclusion of several rare tracks.

Fanci Pantz's previously unreleased "Killing Machine" has the short-lived band, featuring Ben Daughtrey and Peter Searcy of Squirrel Bait, merging punk and funk as if they were mad at somebody (probably each other). The Blinders' excellent "It's Understood" finds the early punk band in garage-pop mode. Mods The GO! plow through "Big Big World," while mall goths Hopscotch Army battle their 20s in the previously unreleased "Scream the Truth."

Better-known tracks include MMJ's "At Dawn," Rodan's "Bible Silver Corner," Bodeco's stellar "Hard to Tell" and Cooler's two-minute anthem to gone girls, "When She Was Mine." The most pleasant surprise might be A.B. "Happy" Chandler's warbling love letter, "Back to Your Kentucky." If it doesn't make you want to stand at attention, hand over heart, you're in the wrong state.

Tuesday's screenings are at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $10. The soundtrack will be available Tuesday at ear X-tacy records, 1534 Bardstown Road, and at the screening.

Jeffrey Lee Puckett is SCENE's pop music editor and oversees this page.