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Started by dwight, Nov 11, 2003, 08:12 AM

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Just saw one of these this weekend. Seems awesome. I know Jim's got one.  Any of you folks have one and care to comment?  My only concern, other than the 450 bones.. :-/... is that it's too fragile. Can't beat it up.

Thoughts??  8)



iPOD is indeed very cool! Superb design. Brother has one, and he's happy about it as far as I know.
The back is made of aluminium, so fingerprints all over i guess. The ring in front is in fact a touchpad, so no scrolling necessary...nice!

Less cool, but also huge storage: NOMAD Jukebox Zen (Creative)... bit cheaper too I think.
All of us get lost in the darkness...
dreamers learn to steer by the stars


I actually just bought a Nomad for my boyfriend. Its was the Nomad Zen NX or something like that. The guy at best buy said it was better... held more and was about $40 cheaper. Which isnt much but oh well. He said buying an IPOD is just buying the name. The Nomads do the same thing.


Thanks Gallsgirl!
This may be my Christmas splurge.
From what I understand, these things hold ..7000 songs (700 CDS) and you can get a transmitter to your car radio into some FM channel.  Mind blowing. No more carring the disc man or a hundred CDs around in your car and sheeot.
This is one technological advance that I'll fully endorse.  Fuck.. by the time I have kids and they're in high school, they'll probably just have a chip in their head with every album ever recorded.  "Cue up... Brittany Spears ..Greatest Hits 1999 to 2015".. JUST KIDDING.  ;D  No child of mine will be allowed near crap music!! She'd be hearing "Blonde on Blonde", "Exile on Main St.", "At Dawn", and other classic records in the crib.


Hey, call me a retard, but what the hell is this topic about?
I'm ready when you are


It's the latest piece of music technology. It's a small "walkman" type thing you can download a shitload of music in to.  As a matter of fact, my first knowledge of it was from reading an interview w/ Jim James. He's a freak over it evidently. They're mad by Apple.


made by apple. not "mad"


Speaking of downloadable music.  I was at the pharmacy waiting for my antibiotics and was leafing through "1001 songs to download right now" in Blender Magazine.  Famous people tell you what to listen to.  Kings of Leon had "Bermuda Highway" on their list.  


Well, those Kings of Leon guys aren't that bad after all... Sounds like a neat thing, that I Pod. Way too expensive for me, probably, though...
I'm ready when you are


Just getting a total kick out of looking back at the forum archives.....some rich stuff back there...."it's a Walkman type thing".
.....Back at the Model Home

capt. scotty

Quote from: tdb810 on Feb 11, 2011, 01:04 AM
Just getting a total kick out of looking back at the forum archives.....some rich stuff back there...."it's a Walkman type thing".

Great bump!  ;D

Hard to believe this was from 2003..that feels like 2-3yrs ago. Im glad I waited until last year for an Ipod and didnt get 1 of those first few generation ones..They crapped out like a mofo
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Hahaha, didn't look at the dates and kept thinking, this is kind of behind the times... ??? Definitely a great bump!  ;D
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


Definitely fun.  I've gone back to around the dates of each album's release to see what folks were saying as ISM and Z come out.   

To sort of revive this thread, as opposed to johnnYYacking it, what are people using for music these days?  I've got a Creative Zen 30GB thing I "inherited" a couple of years ago.  I love the interface of iPods, be it the ring or touchscreen, but I HATE iTunes.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 11, 2011, 08:50 AM
I love the interface of iPods, be it the ring or touchscreen, but I HATE iTunes.

SO much fun to read this thread!! The dawn of the iPod age....(sigh)

I use a Zune, always have, and I love it. Never had any problems, and I like the interface despite the lack of a scroll ring. As far as computer interfaces, I like Zune MUCH better than iTunes.

Zune marketplace is a cool alternative to iTunes too. You can pay one price and download as much musique as you want. I think if you stop paying you can't keep the songs in your library though (major drawback). 
"As citizens of eternity we ought to be without anxiety."


Quote from: EasyRyder on Feb 11, 2011, 10:31 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 11, 2011, 08:50 AM
I love the interface of iPods, be it the ring or touchscreen, but I HATE iTunes.

SO much fun to read this thread!! The dawn of the iPod age....(sigh)

I use a Zune, always have, and I love it. Never had any problems, and I like the interface despite the lack of a scroll ring. As far as computer interfaces, I like Zune MUCH better than iTunes.

Zune marketplace is a cool alternative to iTunes too. You can pay one price and download as much musique as you want. I think if you stop paying you can't keep the songs in your library though (major drawback).

It's hard to believe that IPods have only been around since '03?!

Easy, I too have a Zune and have always been a fan.  Sometimes I'm disappointed in their library of downloadable music (especially at the beginning) but they seem to be getting better and their music library is growing a lot lately.  My first Zune was a 20gb and that is now my backup to my 80gb Zune.  And I'm thinking it won't be too long until I upgrade to the 120gb Zune.  I haven't got the ZuneHD yet.  I don't like that the largest one you can get is only 64gb (only 64gb  :D).  Is that what you have?

The school my wife teaches at just received a grant for an IPod Touch lab and now she wants one in the worst way?!  I don't know how much longer I can hold out?!   :P


Yea the selection sucked at first, but I think they're slowly getting better. They really need artists to sponsor them more. I only see band sites with "download our new album on iTunes!" never Zune Marketplace... :-\

I have the 120 gb though, and I highly recommend it. It seems like no matter how many tunes I make it eat, it never gets full  :thumbsup: The HD seemed sweet, but like you said 64 gigs isn't quite enough for twitchy music addicts.

P.S. I wish I went to THAT school  ;D iPod touch lab sounds siiick
"As citizens of eternity we ought to be without anxiety."


Quote from: Lieven on Nov 11, 2003, 10:34 AM

iPOD is indeed very cool! Superb design. Brother has one, and he's happy about it as far as I know.
The back is made of aluminium, so fingerprints all over i guess. The ring in front is in fact a touchpad, so no scrolling necessary...nice!

Less cool, but also huge storage: NOMAD Jukebox Zen (Creative)... bit cheaper too I think.

Funny that the Nomad Zen Xtra was mentioned...this was my ONLY mp3 player until only a few months ago (40GB)!  My brother gave me his old 30GB video was really nice back in the day and it's still decent but needs a new's practically unusable now with the short battery life.

Nomad (then)

iPod video (now)

I still need an iTouch or an iPod Nano or something...I'm so behind the times.
We could.


Quote from: Hawkeye on Feb 11, 2011, 01:21 PM
Quote from: Lieven on Nov 11, 2003, 10:34 AM

iPOD is indeed very cool! Superb design. Brother has one, and he's happy about it as far as I know.
The back is made of aluminium, so fingerprints all over i guess. The ring in front is in fact a touchpad, so no scrolling necessary...nice!

Less cool, but also huge storage: NOMAD Jukebox Zen (Creative)... bit cheaper too I think.

Funny that the Nomad Zen Xtra was mentioned...this was my ONLY mp3 player until only a few months ago (40GB)!  My brother gave me his old 30GB video was really nice back in the day and it's still decent but needs a new's practically unusable now with the short battery life.

Nomad (then)

iPod video (now)

I still need an iTouch or an iPod Nano or something...I'm so behind the times.

I just updated to the itouch from that 30gb black one you mentioned -- same exact experience with the damn battery life! I miss using the old one...still trying to work with the new fangled touch stuff, i'm a little bit of a spaz. 
I remember the first time I had hear about Ipods was in 2002, and I was talking to this girl I worked with about it.  She had gotten one, and was describing it to me, and I just couldn't conceptualize it at all!  I also thought it would be a passing fad :)
itunes has been pissing me off royally lately, so many rules and restrictions and yada yada. I have had some difficulty getting some of my songs from my old ipod onto my new ipod, and it has to do with the account...and too boring to go into, but they kinda suck sometimes. 
.....Back at the Model Home


I got a 1G nano when I started at Oklahoma State in the fall of '06. I used it constantly and it got dropped about once a day. The only time I ever had much of a problem with it was when I left it in my backpack during a good rain the screen quit working for a while. During Christmas of my senior year I got a 30G iPod that still has a ton of my music on it and was my main mp3 player up until about a year ago. My boss made everybody get iPhones my iPhone has replaced my 30G as my main mp3 player. I haven't ever been a big fan of iTunes but the 3 Apple mp3 players I've had have all been really good.