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Channel 2

Started by johnconaway, Nov 16, 2003, 10:46 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

Hey there
Anyone who lives in the Louisville area who has cable TV can tune in to Channel 2 for proof that Louisville has NO music scene whatsoever, at least one that is paid attention to by the media.

Come on...aren't there more worthy bands to have on TV other than crappy pseudo hardcore schmuck?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


come on now. louisville once had a legendary hardcore scene. It sure sucks ass now though

peanut butter puddin surprise

My point exactly.  Have you seen these guys?  When I'm flipping around, this show comes on, and I'm horrified that such fantastic bands like VHS or Beta, MMJ, and others come from this town, yet aren't on this crapfest of a show.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Haven't had the pleasure. I moved to DC about 3 years ago.
Its sad. There were so many fantastic bands there growing up.

peanut butter puddin surprise

say, what took you to D.C?  job, school?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Job. Paid for everything to get me here and then laid me off a year later :D I needed to get out of louisivlle. I love the city but its just not good for me. To easy to stagnate and do nothing new. Working for the government here now. Fun stuff. Totally different than the dotcom environment i come from.

peanut butter puddin surprise

wow, far out....I'm working for the gov't too!

local, that is...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I'm working for the local government here in NC.

They gave me new Gateway flat screen compu-tron today, which is cool, but it has all these administrative restrictions which won't let me install anything, like the Macromedia Flash player which is so vital to viewing this beautiful board.

I guess I'll just have to learn to live without some of the cool stuff on this site until I can figure out how to get around some of these new restrictions.


Curse the security people. They take all the fun away.

I work for the Feds here in DC with the Executive Office of the President so we've got a bit of those restrictions to deal with :D


I hope someone gives ol' Bush a Royal Wedgie while he's over there prancing around with the Queen.

Here's some humor for ye:

'Bare Your Bum at Bush'

Latest News - The President of the United States has accepted an invitation from The Queen to pay a State Visit to the United Kingdom from Wednesday 19th November to Friday 21st November 2003.

To collectively voice our displeasure at the impending arrival of George W Bush in the UK and in doing so either sour the experience or prevent his arrival.

George W. Bush has already cancelled one visit to this country because he felt more than a little unwelcome. The man is terribly secretive about state visits, but Laura Bush recently let slip that a visit to the UK is being planned sometime in autumn. Our aim is to give the man the bum's rush before he even arrives and/or show him exactly what we think of him in the finest British tradition.

George Bush is unlikely to walk around the streets kissing babies because of the large number of people that wish to blow him up. However, a 'Brits love Bush' photo-op of happy crowds greeting the man may be in the offing and it's vitally important that we rob him of such a lucrative propaganda device. By attending such gatherings (by accident or design) and ensuring that you bare your buttocks as he passes by, you either render any photos taken at that moment unusable or make a very clear indication of what Britain thinks of this bigoted warmonger.

Your Role
There are several levels of involvement to suit a number of personal situations and comfort levels. They are listed below.

Baring Your Bum

If you hear of a visit to your part of town or happen to see George W Bush, bare your arse in his general direction. Don't be afraid to wiggle it about a bit and maybe even spread your cheeks; this is a political statement you're making and you don't want to do things by halves, now do you?

Threatening To Bare Your Bum

Write to your chosen local, national or foreign newspaper and inform them that you, as a British citizen, fully intend to do your civic duty and bare your arse at George W Bush. In this same letter, you may also wish to call upon other readers to do the same.

Don't wait for the official visit; get typing and do this now. With any luck, Georgie will hear of the unwelcome reception that awaits him and decide to stay at home.