Billboard's Top 100/ America's music taste

Started by dwight, Nov 26, 2003, 07:11 AM

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I tell ya, since It Still Moves came out, I 've been checking out the top 100 albums on the charts looking for them to show up...

The problem is (as if we didn't already know it), the taste of John/Jane Doe average public is in their arse!!  Are you shitting me??  First off, half the the top 100 are old farts cashing in on some lame greatest hits album. Then you've got Bon Jovi's latest... they sucked bigger than a cracked out porn star in their fricking prime!!

I guess there is a bright side to this unfortunate reality:
(A) I'll still get to see the boys in small venues for a not too much $.. and
(B) Jim and Co. are just going to keep writing better and better songs ( if that's possible ) so they'll finally get some John Q Public cred.



I just hope that the boys can continue to write/record/perform the music the way they want to (and the way they do it best).

The deal they got with RTO seems ideal.  Hopefully the deal is as good for the label as it is for the band.  That way Jim James and co. can continue to focus on rocking our worlds.
shake some action


The guys are really getting in the position where they're able to reach the people that appreciate quality-music and they're getting heard where they should be. As for the other 90% of the world population, well, they just don't deserve their beautiful music...
I'm ready when you are

peanut butter puddin surprise

While I continually champion the idea that the guys should be extremely well compensated for their stellar efforts, I don't see cracking the top 10 as a good thing.  American pop music is disposable.  I could post a hundred names of bands and or artists that had a hit in the top 10 and disappeared just as quickly.  They don't tour any more, they don't sell records any this something we'd like to see happen?

Of course not.  It seems the momentum is going their way, and whatever or however it is, it is a good thing, and we should do everything in our power to ensure that it remains a good thing and that it continues.

It Still Moves-could that be the moniker for the momentum I just spoke of?  :D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

david geffen

True, some of those top 10 folks may be disposable, but the money it makes them isn't.


Mr. Geffen,

Wow, didn't realize you were a fan of MMJ...



I doubt that is the real David Geffen John, but if it is...Why didn't you sign the boys...instead of the other Dave? Bad career move.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteTrue, some of those top 10 folks may be disposable, but the money it makes them isn't.

Yeah, that may be true, but we're not comparing apples to apples here.  

MMJ=fine wine
Top 10=recycled wine spritzers

Quantity never equals quality.  There, I said it.  Take that Creed.  >:(
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteI doubt that is the real David Geffen John, but if it is...Why didn't you sign the boys...instead of the other Dave? Bad career move.

LOL Otter-that was a good one.  

Mr. Geffen doesn't really strike me as the rock n' roll type...I may be wrong, but didn't he sign Guns N' Roses without hearing them?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


"With aaarrmss wide ooopen.. Urnnder the sunliiight.. Weelcoom tooo this plaace, I'll show you evri di di da da"
