Ode to the Website

Started by Spoon, Dec 06, 2004, 02:45 AM

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Oh website, website! When will you change?
I check you so very often...
I'd like to see some new reviews
Or a tour from L.A. to Boston.

Oh website, website! When will you change?
It's getting pretty borin'...
To search and search for new content
before I retire to the forum.

peanut butter puddin surprise

hey, the guys are in "relax and decompress after just about five years of solid touring and working" mode, so i'm sure there's good reasons for the slowdown.  i'm sure the alchemists are preparing for the next record's tour and push...give em a break.  "retire to the forum"??  what do you mean?  8)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


There is some stuff going on. Reviews of the new CDs, for example. The forum's for all of us to contribute to. We'd like to hear your review of an album or show, even an old one.

It's just what we make it  :)

The Boar

Yeah Spoon, there is always something new and exciting going on around here -- like the new records for one thing!

By the way, though, does anyone know what the guys are up to these days? Traveling abroad, writing individually, relaxing with family and friends as the holidays approach? Just curious, it would be cool to know how they have been spending some time off. :)


I talked to Jim briefly at the VHS or Beta show at Headliner's last weekend.  I asked him if we would be getting to see the band soon on tour, and he sorta implied that it would least be a couple of months.  Hopefully that means they will be recording the new album soon.  Also, that brings up another question, does anyone know where they are going to record this album since Johnny is no longer in the band?  I am sure they still have access to the farm in Shelbyville, KY; but wonder if they might want to continue experiment with recording in new settings/surroundings.


Howdy all,

Don't get me wrong, ya'll.  I'm not talking about the Jacket, I'm talking about the website.  I'm ready for some of those tabs at the top of the screen to get updated. I'd like some more stuff to search through.  I "retire to the forum" because this is the only spot where things seem to be happening.  

And don't get me wrong I love to listen in on your conversations (I've always been mostly a silent partner), but it would be nice to have some little updates here and there everywhere else.  

Like some new mp3's in the music section.  Remember when almost every disc had a download - And remember the asteroids game, where you'd win the super-long "Cobra" download?  That's what I'm talking about.  And I was really bummed when they removed the mp3 from the older 7"'s (though I guess I got them back now).  Less content is not the way to go!

And come on, the same six videos have been available for I don't know how long, what 2003?  We've got the same merch. There's no new press - the last new review was in April - How many times am I supposed to read those Decapolis and Hartford Advocate reviews anyway? Seems like the press section used to change all the time.  Are the boys getting reviewed less or are we only getting links to reviews that are especially good?  

You know what's funny is what actually got me thinking about this was the best thing I've found on the site in a long time.  I was screwing around with the mouse arrow the other day and realized - I don't know, maybe everybody knew this already, but me - that you can click on the skeletons that bookend the tabs and they take you to cool "secret" places.  I've been coming here for a while and just noticed that.  I thought, "Now that's really neat."  I had one of those moments like when O realized "citsuoca" is "acoustic" spelled backwards.  I was like, damn, how long has that been there and I just haven't noticed?

So that's the prose that accompanies my poem.  How's that?




Level with me...you didn't know you could click on the skeletons either, right?



QuoteLevel with me...you didn't know you could click on the skeletons either, right?


I certainly didn't know that. It was a while before I realised that the blue hippo thing was winking as well.

I get what you mean now about retiring to the forum. I'm sure Riny puts on the other sections everything that's available. He has drawn our attention to negative reviews. too. We enjoy getting outraged about them ;).

You're right, though, it has been quiet of late. It'll pick up when there's something to say. In the meantime, let's just talk some nonsense on the forum  :)


It was a while before I realised that the blue hippo thing was winking as well.

AAHHH!   Yikes!    I never noticed that!
(I'm a little scared, but I sorta like it.)

peanut butter puddin surprise

hey spoon, i get what you're saying.

do you have access to the FTP server?  if not, drop me a line so you can download all the live MMJ you could ever listen too!  lots of great stuff on there, band approved, all free...lemme know.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteLevel with me...you didn't know you could click on the skeletons either, right?


I knew it cus I been there! :D
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.