Drive By Truckers/ Guided By Voices

Started by SmoothOprtr, Feb 18, 2005, 07:53 AM

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Above all things, I reference this forum searching for new bands to check out from people who share some similarity in taste and ability to look beyond the mainstream.

I don't like downloaded music, but if I'm not familiar with a band, I'll typically DL a couple of their tunes and decided then if I want to buy the album (this was partially how I got into MMJ).

Two of the most highly discussed bands on this site have been Drive By Truckers and Guided By Voices... I wanted to share my inital reaction with those of you who are fans.

Drive By Truckers:  Really liked the song My Sweet Annette but hated a song called Wife Beater... which is more the bands style?

GBVs- DLed two songs- Glad Girls and Teenage FBI and didn't really care for either.  Are these poor sample choices or are these guys just not for me?  I know Mr. Conway will have a thought here  :)
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women

peanut butter puddin surprise

Yo, both of those tunes are from 2001's Isolation Drills, which I consider a fav but many critics and longtime fans did not.  Most of those folks are amped up with the hissy, lo-fi production styles of Bee Thousand or Alien Lanes.

A great place to start for the uninitiated is the recent hits compilation, Human Amusements at Hourly Rates, which covers the band's whole catalog rather well.  Look for "Motor Away" or "Game of Pricks" or "I am a Scientist", all of which I consider my favorite GBV tracks.  Like all bands, with a 20 year career behind them, GBV experimented with many production styles, some better than others, but all pretty damn good when compared to the likes of The Killers or whatever radio pablum is on these days.

DBT is an acquired taste, IMHO.  It took me a while, but I dig pretty much anything they do after a few listens.  I saw them live here in Louisville and dismissed them after that show, but my good buddy antoniostrohs turned me on after some bourbon and whatnot.  (which begs the question:  does tony have the best taste in music or what?  ;))

try both again.  Between GBV and MMJ, I can't tell who I'm more obsessed with...oh who am I kidding!  :)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Well... it depends.
"Wife Beater" is an old song that they don't play live anymore. They played it once recently because the label that they are on now re-released their first 2 albums.
"My Sweet Annette" was on "Decoration Day" that came out in 2003. It's kind of odd that you chose those 2 songs to download. The "Southern Rock Opera" came out in 2001 and it was a full-on rock record. They wrote a couple more country-sounding songs that ended up on "Decoration Day" and "My Sweet Annette" was one of them.
If you want some of their more rockin' tunes, I'd suggest "Never Gonna Change" (which is on their website), "Let There Be Rock", "Where the Devil Don't Stay", or "Ronnie and Neil".

Hope that helps...


QuoteBetween GBV and MMJ, I can't tell who I'm more obsessed with...oh who am I kidding!

We must have been posting at the same time.
My statement would go more like, "Between DBT and MMJ, I can't tell who I'm more obsessed with."


peanut butter puddin surprise

more cowbell!  and we agree that MMJ is a shared obsession, awesome!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Yeah, they've been like crack lately. I can't get enough.


The Killers are going to get alot of heat because they are good looking and write really catchy songs.  They are "Highly Marketable"  I could see them leading the way to a whole new outbreak of popularity for bands like The Rapture, VHS or Beta, Interpol, etc.  I really like The Killers, it's not the kind of music that is extreamely thought provoking, but it is really good dance music.  I prefer them to everything else I hear on the radio these days.  Anyway, If you hate The Killers let's hear why.  The production is super glossy but it suites their sound and songs.  
There's Still Time.........


QuoteThe Killers are going to get alot of heat because they are good looking and write really catchy songs. ÊThey are "Highly Marketable" ÊI could see them leading the way to a whole new outbreak of popularity for bands like The Rapture, VHS or Beta, Interpol, etc. ÊI really like The Killers, it's not the kind of music that is extreamely thought provoking, but it is really good dance music. ÊI prefer them to everything else I hear on the radio these days. ÊAnyway, If you hate The Killers let's hear why. ÊThe production is super glossy but it suites their sound and songs. Ê

I dig the Killers.  Are they good looking?  Wicked, I will have to find a picture.  (mmm cute boys... ahem.  apologies.)

Now, they're not the kind of music that I'm finding is helpful for me at 2am, which seems to be the only time I have to sit and listen to music.  But when I get into dancing mode again, they'll be the thing I put on to get ready.  (Right now, and, you know, for a looooong time it's been It Still Moves.  Very terrific album to getcha goin' for the night-time!!)


I've been listening to DBT for about 2 years now, and it looks like their style is getting more and more different...The Dirty South was good, but Southern Rock Opera had to be their crowning acheivement.  It seems lately they've had a more polished and refined sound, as opposed to their older stuff like Gangstabilly and Pizza Deliverance which had a very raw, country/rock feel (which I was really into).  But they still put on a hell of a live show.

peanut butter puddin surprise

well, I'm not here to offend, but there just not my cup of tea.  I don't know what they look like, but the 3 or 4 songs I hear in heavy rotation sound like carbon copies of one another...not to mention the whole treated vocals thingy that's not reverb or dialled in, but sounds like he's singing into a plastic tube.  Just my two cents.  

In their defense, they're better than say, Nickleback or Staind.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


DBT rock shit! GBV don't! Thats all.
I was a big old bear once.


Quotewell, I'm not here to offend, but there just not my cup of tea. ÊI don't know what they look like, but the 3 or 4 songs I hear in heavy rotation sound like carbon copies of one another...not to mention the whole treated vocals thingy that's not reverb or dialled in, but sounds like he's singing into a plastic tube. ÊJust my two cents. Ê

In their defense, they're better than say, Nickleback or Staind.


peanut butter puddin surprise

it's not my policy to diss what others like, really.  

unless it's something like Train or the aforementioned Nickleback... ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Both great bands....flat out.  I think it is easier to get into the DBT's because it music that you have heard in the past but they take it up another level. GBV on the other hand takes a little more time getting use to. Bob Pollard is an incredible songwriter.  And if you never had chance to see them in concert you really missed out.  40 songs shows that had pure energy.  I am going to miss them badly.


peanut butter puddin surprise

I concur, GBV's live show was 3+ hours of pure rock n' roll and sweat and beer.  (and Wild Turkey on some nights).

Funny story:  I had never heard ANY of their music before being hauled to a show by a good friend.  3 hours later, I was a lifelong convert.  If only I had a time machine...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotewell, I'm not here to offend, but there just not my cup of tea.  I don't know what they look like, but the 3 or 4 songs I hear in heavy rotation sound like carbon copies of one another...not to mention the whole treated vocals thingy that's not reverb or dialled in, but sounds like he's singing into a plastic tube.  Just my two cents.  

In their defense, they're better than say, Nickleback or Staind.

I respect that, but PLEASE don't put them in the same category as Nickleback or Staind...I mean, give them a little credit :)


i got dbt's dirty south and love some of the songs, some of the songs are kinda blahh...just picked up the wilco cd on some of the posters advice, jeez i hope it grows on me 'cause it was making me sleepy and bored. oh well i can always throw on some cash or willie!!!