How was your show Megan?

Started by sweatboard, Feb 03, 2005, 06:10 PM

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Megan (EC) has her first headlining show tonight.  I know she'll do great, but this is the official thread for her to share all the details.  We want a complete set list as well. :)
There's Still Time.........



You guys are so rock!!!!

Oh man.  It went well.  I'm really spaced out.  It was jammed.  We had to get extra tables, and people had to stand outside.  

Steve Puchalski played first (I asked him if he would play).  And Steve is really good.  His nickname is "All Night Steve".  He sings a song that goes "Stop staring at my boots, cuz my face is up here."  (He has the most ridiculously wicked boots.  Ever.)  He was great.

Set list was as follows (not that you'll know these songs, ha!)

At Dawn (okay, well you know that one)
Traffic (written for my brother, who I like to drive with)
The Martyr
Don't Ask Me
Ben's Song
My Bike (written after a recent unfortunate incident which I believe I started an entire thread about)
My Boy (also about my very special brother)
I'll Hold Your Hand (which is about war, and how weird it must be to be a soldier)
Bottle Let me Down (Merle Haggard)
Summertime (I sang it for my Mom, because she used to sing it to me)
After Dreams
My Old Heart
Prophecy (which I decided not to sing, because my guitar-playing didn't feel up to par, and I was standing, and I usually play that sitting down)
Sun Without a Dawn
I'll Still in Love with You (A Steve Earle tune)
The Fruit Fly Song (which I wrote at 4am one drunken night/morning, and, well, we had a fruit fly problem, and one kept flying into my nose)
And then they demanded an encore, which I was NOT prepared for, so I winged "Phone Went West", buddy-style.

The owners were there, and they got really excited about the turn out, and there's now talk about starting a singer/songwriter night there.  Which would be really great.  And they told me that I could name the room if I wanted, and I said "How about The Mahgeetah Lounge?"  It just came out.  Except they really liked it.  So I guess I should ask Jim if it's okay, because it's his word.  (It's also my nickname from hellaciousc.)

So.  Yeah.  It was a really special night.  People were nice.  Good vibe.  Good sound in that room, too, actually.

Thanks for asking!!  Really, thanks for asking.  :)


Awesome, awesome. Sounds like a good time.



Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that sweatboard was lovely enough to share some live shows with me, and I saw that he had the Toronto Soundscapes show, and I got really excited because that was the show that my friend had gone to, and had experienced such magic at.  So I burned it for her and gave it to her tonight.  And she was pretty happy about that.  That was another nice thing.  :)


Congratulations!  Wish I could've been there.


That sounds gret Megan, if I'm ever imake it up to Canada I'll make sure to stop by The Mahgeeta Lounge.
There's Still Time.........


Way cool EC,did you happen to record the show?I'm sure most of us would love to hear it.Anyway congrats on the show and hope you can come south to Louisville with your music.Keep on Rockin'.


QuoteWay cool EC,did you happen to record the show?I'm sure most of us would love to hear it.Anyway congrats on the show and hope you can come south to Louisville with your music.Keep on Rockin'.

Thanks a lot you guys.  :)

I didn't record it, but I'm kicking myself.  It was a plan, but then, it slipped my mind until the last minute, and then it was too late.  


Wow, that's so cool! And what a huge setlist. I envy you, you way too succesfull singer/songwriter! :D
I'm ready when you are


QuoteWow, that's so cool! And what a huge setlist. I envy you, you way too succesfull singer/songwriter! :D

Ah HA HA HA!!!

Well at least I know that if anything happens, and I actually get to play for real, at least there'll be one or two people in certain towns that'll come out.  ;)


that sounds awesome,
was it just you or a full band?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.



Ah HA HA HA!!!

Well at least I know that if anything happens, and I actually get to play for real, at least there'll be one or two people in certain towns that'll come out.  ;)

Maybe you could score an opener slot for MMJ and play The Iron Horse in Northampton MA in which case I can chronicle the event with photos  ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quotethat sounds awesome,
was it just you or a full band?

It was just me.  I've been talking about playing with a band for a while, but I haven't found the right mix, yet.  But it seems to be moving on the way...

QuoteMaybe you could score an opener slot for MMJ and play The Iron Horse in Northampton MA in which case I can chronicle the event with photos

Oh lord, you people don't realize what a dream land I already live in - you shouldn't encourage me.  But yes, sure, that would be great if you take pictures at The Iron Horse.  We'll just have to wait until I recover from my heart attack.   ;D


Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


that's awesome megan!!!

and what a badass name for the room


Quotethat's awesome megan!!!

and what a badass name for the room

(the word badass reminds me of DAC)


Is Megan Jim's sister? I know he has a younger sister. Just curious...


QuoteIs Megan Jim's sister? I know he has a younger sister. Just curious...

There is a Megan Olliges, but it isn't me.  I don't know if the "other" Megan is Jim's sister...  But she takes nice pictures.  :)

(Unless you were talking about the universal sisterhood and brotherhood that we all share, in which case, the answer is yes.)


It is his sis.... Thanks for the clarification. I didn't see where you played on the 3rd. Where was the show?