Time for a rethink

Started by greggy, Mar 02, 2005, 12:03 PM

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Spending a lot of time in my car at the minute (travelling in it, not living in it) I've been listening to some music. Something that I haven't done in a while.  Today I listened to Zeppelin 3, and it made me think.
I remember when it came out.  I also remember that it got panned almost universally.  Some people thought that the best thing about it was the cover.(It was a great cover. Wasted on the cd)

I beg to differ now.

Zepp 2 was a hard album to follow.  It helped redefine popular music, it help define 'heavy'.
Zepp 4 was easy to get into.   It hits you right in the 'nads from the get go.  Its heavy rock and roll nirvana. Its got great solos, the odd mystic reference, Sandy Denny and , of course, 'Stairway'. All that, and it features my favourite piece of 'heavy' music in 'When the Levee Breaks'.
Zepp 3 really is a complex work. The band give performances in so many different guises - rock and roll, country, jug band, blues, folk - its all there.  And I think it works really well.  Its this rich diversity that makes it special, for me. It doesn't go for your nether regions the way 4 does.  Its so sneaky that even Grissom would have trouble explaining it.

So for anyone that hasn't heard it for a while, give it a go.  It can't hurt.

the future is Ginger


It's the diversity of Zep 3 and Physical Graffiti that make them my favorite.They were good at making quality studio albums...all of them were good except Coda.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Led Zep 3 was panned? That's pretty funny!
However I don't remember when it came out, I've tried, but I just can't...

Love the acoustic stuff, That's The Way, Tangerine, how can you not like it?


Hey man...Zep 3 is my favorite Zep album. Even the outakes from 3 are awesome. (ex: 'Poor Tom')

and 'Bron Y'aur Stomp' and 'Since I've Been Loving You' are unbelievable.


Yeah, I remember the criticism - the surprise, I suppose, that it was so different from Led Zepp II. It proved you just can't pigeon-hole them.

I find all the tracks really exciting - I've got some fab memories of fab times (some quite recent  :D) listening to them and talking about them. Cool  8)


I love Zep 3. There's really nto a bad song on that album. I'm nto a huge fan of Tangerine - it's one of those songs I would much rather be playign than listening to, just because its a bit drawn out. But so much of that album is gold. I absolutely love the way it flows from Friends (which is one of my all-time fave Zep songs) right into Celebration Day, which is straight up rockin. Man, I hadn't reid this album out in forever. I'm gonna give it a listen later on tonight.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I've got Zep 3 on vinyl at the house; regretfully, doesn't have the record sleeve that changes colors when you wipe it with a damp cloth.  And the wheel doesn't spin as well as it probably used to (hey, bought it used in the 90s, not new in the 70s)
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


#3 is probably my all time favorite Zeppelin--Tangerine, That's The Way, etc, etc. 'nuff said!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.