Burger King and Hootie

Started by antoniostrohs, Mar 17, 2005, 10:45 AM

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So there was actually a big debate about this commercial tonight.  One faction was "It's so original, and funny and weird."  and the other was "It's so hokey and silly and I guess Hootie needs some money."  And then there was me "That is the biggest amount of wasted money I've ever seen."

Except that I guess they're not wasting money if we're all talking about it.  But I'll tell you one thing for certain - I hate Burger King, and that damn commercial makes me hate it more.

Except, okay.  I kind of really dig the outfit that Hootie wears.  But I'm a sucker for that.


the bacon tumbleweeds was an original idea... :-/
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Ahem.  Just another little (totally fucked) addition to all things Burger King that are W.E.I.R.D.

Did the marketing guys ask the kids what's cool these days, and the kids said "I dunoo, some weird shit..."


It freaks me out to the max!

dith, and people with children - there is a chicken mask that you can cut out.  Sounds like F.U.N. [size=10](scared)[/size]


that freaked me out. I asked that chicken to sit down and he did, he also danced when I asked him to.
There's Still Time.........


Quotethat freaked me out. I asked that chicken to sit down and he did, he also danced when I asked him to.

Dude, the chicken punched himself in the head when I asked him to.  That chicken is freaky!

(You only asked him to sit down and dance?  Come ON!  I told him to smoke, I told him to drink a beer, I told him to eat a banana - he did all of those things, just through the art of mime.  Then I told him to escape, and he just stood there.  Stupid chicken.)


what will they think of next?


I'd seen that before, but never knew it was a burger king thing. Somehow that makes it more creepy. EC, I'll keep the chicken mask for when they've done something really bad  ;)


Hey that bird can moonwalk!!!


QuoteI'd seen that before, but never knew it was a burger king thing. Somehow that makes it more creepy. EC, I'll keep the chicken mask for when they've done something really bad Ê;)

HAHAHA!!  Oh my god.  My brother and I would've been a lot nicer to each other if the fear of the mask was upon us.  Man.  CreeeeEEEEPPPY!


I've officially spent to much time with the chicken.  I had him rock out on the air guitar and throw all the furniture around the room then he gave me the rock sign without asking for it.  It's probably Hootie himself that they're makeing do that, but he's probably on mushrooms so it's ok.
There's Still Time.........


QuoteI've officially spent to much time with the chicken.  I had him rock out on the air guitar and throw all the furniture around the room then he gave me the rock sign without asking for it.  It's probably Hootie himself that they're makeing do that, but he's probably on mushrooms so it's ok.
Dude you're ten away from the devil's post.

Yeah, I am now officially worried that I'm going to have weird dreams about the chicken, and scary masks and Sloss ghosty furnaces.  


What's really wierd is I think I've already had dreams about sloss furnace.  It could be an interesting evening.  I'll make sure I mention the sloss furnace nine posts from now......just for Megan. :-*
There's Still Time.........


is there someone in a chicken suit 24/7 that just waits for us? I don't understand ???


Quoteis there someone in a chicken suit 24/7 that just waits for us? I don't understand ???
I got worried that that was the case, too.  But I believe there is some very clever looping and some ingenious marketing keyword creators.


Thanks Meg, that explains why my requests for "air guitar" and "air guitar using the big lamp" got the same exact response.  I spent to long trying to get that chicken to use the lamp as a guitar.
There's Still Time.........


QuoteThanks Meg, that explains why my requests for "air guitar" and "air guitar using the big lamp" got the same exact response.  I spent to long trying to get that chicken to use the lamp as a guitar.
I wonder if it's an ongoing thing where they save the keyword input, and within the week you'll find the chicken using the lamp as an air guitar.

How in the world is this helping Burger King?  Watching a man in a chicken suit doesn't make me want to eat one of their chicken sandwiches.  It reminds me about chickens, and how much I don't want to see them die.  I'm a meat eater, don't get me wrong.  But I don't like to think about live things doing things at my bidding, and then me eating them.  


QuoteI don't like to think about live things doing things at my bidding, and then me eating them.  

ugh.  Well, it's better than thinking about dead things doing your bidding, and then you eating them.

Anyway, speaking of f'd-up ad campaigns and burger joints, did y'all hear about McDonald's plan to pay hip-hop stars to rap about the Big Mac.  Every time a radio station plays a pre-approved hip-hop song including a reference to the Big Mac, the "artist" gets a chunk of change from Mickey D's.

I foresee some off-color references to "special sauce".


Quoteugh.  Well, it's better than thinking about dead things doing your bidding, and then you eating them.
Sorry, dude.  Didn't mean to gross anyone out in the morning.  :)

Man, big corporate money and advertising freaks me out a little bit.  I was at a cabaret-style event the other night, and this girl did a poem/performance piece about being a flyer-hander-outer in the rain (she kept spraying herself with water, and calling the water drops cruel and selfish)  ANYHOW, she started talking about advertisers, and that kind of big money, and then she wondered about how people get that kind of money.  I guess they write catchy hip hop songs about McDonald's. ;)


mitch hedberg said that handing out flyers was like saying, "hey, YOU throw this away for me."

It's unbelievable how much money goes into marketing and advertising.  And it works to, because that shit sticks in my head until I can't remember my own phone number, but I can't forget lyrics to commercials.  Makes me wish I could run adaware or something on my brain.

all we've got is this:


Oh Adbusters is so awesome.  

This reminds me of some ads here in Toronto I've seen recently.  They feature a really pretty lady, and a bottle of perfume that's in the shape of a round Gouda that's sealed up in the red wax.  It's called "Gouda for her".  

I laughed for a long time at that one.  

But it doesn't make me buy the cheese.  This is what I don't understand.