Firefox vs. IE

Started by johnconaway, Feb 22, 2005, 11:11 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

any takers here?  i'm writing this on firefox and i use it for  SOME things but not all...any opinions?  just wondering...

because my cat's breath smells like cat food!  word.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


John, not to sound ignorant but is Firefox an isp or a browser (or something else...)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Firefox is a browser.

John, we wrote a bit about this recently, lemme find it..

Okay here:;action=display;num=1108164423
(Yikes I hope this doesn't fuck up the dynamics of the board
structure...  Riny, how do I make it smaller without breaking the thread?  Or maybe it'll be okay...)

Anyhow, I use it for stuff like this, but it totally doesn't work for my ftp transfers when I'm trying to update stuff, and it screws up the integrity of some websites... (like mine, for example).

But apparently it is kick-ass for cutting out viruses, and I have had ZERO popups since I started using it.


It's a browser, hope I didn't offend John by answering this question.

I like the tabbed browsing with firefox, you can have multiple pages open and bring anyone of them to the front by hitting a tab.  I also saved my 6 favorite sites and can open all of them at once.  I installed Firefox for the safer browsing, it doesn't support ActiveX.  If a page does not work without the ActiveX you can download a free IE View extension at:
or: and search for it.  After you install the extension and restart Firefox you will be able to view any page with IE by hitting the Right Mouse Button and hitting view this page with IE (Internet Explorer).

dave t


at home I've been using Private IE lately which is nice because it lets you have multiple browser pages open and switch between them using tabs at the top (like an Excel spreadsheet) plus it has some additional privacy aspects to it over and above basic IE
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Yeah, does anyone else find that their Firefox gets all spazzy lately?  Like gets stuck in a loop, and keeps rushing up and down?  FTP is ricockulous with firefox, and so everytime I upload stuff, I use IE.  I'm beginning to get popups with Firefox, and am wondering if I might just switch 'er back.

Anybody else having issues?


Holy Crap, Fanatic is back!!!!!!!!  Welcome back Brother, long time no see.
There's Still Time.........


Sorry to break the news, Brian, but I bumped this old thread because of the crazy spazztic qualities my firefox is having.  That's an old post from Fanatic.  :(  Where is he?  

Okay.  MMJ is playing Boston, right?  I think he's from Mass.  I mean, he's GOTTA be going to that show (if he even knows about it).  


There's Still Time.........


(me, too. Êmaybe he's planning a big comeback tour...)


Firefox is spyware.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


i never use IE now because firefox RULES


I've been using Firefox since a month or so, because after I had downloaded some updates for IE to be able to listen to internet radio (my computer is rather slow and old), all of a sudden I couldn't open my hotmail anymore with IE. It did however, succeed with Firefox and I could do all the mediastuff that I couldn't with my old IE. I probably could have changed that in IE if I had enough interest to find out how computers work, but since I don't, I happily concluded that Firefox worked and got rid of IE. :)
I'm ready when you are


QuoteSorry to break the news, Brian, but I bumped this old thread because of the crazy spazztic qualities my firefox is having.  That's an old post from Fanatic.  :(  Where is he?  

Okay.  MMJ is playing Boston, right?  I think he's from Mass.  I mean, he's GOTTA be going to that show (if he even knows about it).  

Haven't heard from him for a while, have we? Miss him. Probably got computer probs  :-/


EC -

This might explain your problems w/ Firefox:
'Extremely Critical' Bugs Found In Firefox May 9, 2005



Jeezus!  I don't think that's the problem, though.  That's pretty scary.  Mine just flips out a bit.  But, no, like, serious problems.  

Man though.  Hackers are like bike-stealers.  Just jerks messin' around with peoples' shit.  Stupid quacks.

(thanks for the heads up, tundra.  :))