Our Favourite Websites

Started by EC, Jun 17, 2005, 11:04 AM

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Hi guys and dolls,

I'm trying to find a bunch of websites that are user-friendly and cool that we can get ideas from to revamp a website for one of the theatre companies I work for.

Obviously this one is of supreme human value and sensational and very user-friendly and fantastic.

Any others that you like?

We're looking for easy layouts, fun content ideas... Just things that you like.

Word up my brothers and sisters. Thank you! :)

p.s. I spelled favourite the Canadian way. The US translation is: favorite.heh.


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


hahahahahahaha!  That's hilarious.  I do NOT get that deal.  haha.  Thanks Eisey.  :)

Okay, you guys, come on, nobody has a website that they like?


http://www.alexgrey.com   might give you some ideas.

Be sure to visit the archive ("how i work") and the drawings.


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Holy Shit!!!!  Do you all mean to say that there are actually other web sites on this internet thing besides this one?  ;D  
There's Still Time.........


http://www.interpolnyc.com/  http://www.qotsa.com/

two of my favorite band sites, other than this one of course...this is the only one i actually communicate with people on.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


Odds are is that i'll take some flack and sly remarks for this probably, BUT, fuck it...

This is a great site with TONS of reading material...I only read a little bit each day...

Very interesting insights on Near Death Experiences and anything related...From athiests to even the most relgious...I find some of it to be life changing in a way and just gets your mind going as you read it...Neat...

Notice there is even a section about music...I just love reading this site...

So explore and look around...



Okay.  This is wicked.  I really appreciate your suggestions, dudes.  Very helpful.

Super big love.  :)