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Started by admin, Apr 17, 2003, 01:23 PM

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ive not seen them live, but those two albums are amazing.  i just cant seem to get in to sumday at all though, do you have that problem?

MMM yeah, it's a little low on tempo changes. Take it in in small doses.
I usually skip to the same great songs, The Warming Sun, Now It's On, El Camino's, Yeah Is What We Had and Lost On Yer Merry Way.
Pretty good actually, but lacks the complete brilliance of a song like "Everything Beautiful Is Far Away".

As to the live stuff, man, the Sophtware Slump tour was special. You really felt that rare magical bond between audience and band that you just can't explain.

On the last tour they ended with He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's The Pilot. They started it and just before the "i believe they want you to give in" part they stopped and Jason said: this song and this tour are dedicated to mr Elliot Smith. followed by a great applause and the last awesome part of the song.
Pretty much best concert memory ever.



On the last tour they ended with He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's The Pilot. They started it and just before the "i believe they want you to give in" part they stopped and Jason said: this song and this tour are dedicated to mr Elliot Smith. followed by a great applause and the last awesome part of the song.
Pretty much best concert memory ever.

man, elliott's death still fucking rips me up to this day, that must have been amazing to witness.  i know a few killer bands did some tributes to elliott live, like the decemberists and twilight singers to name a few.  do you have any recordings of the shows on that tour?  PM me, and we could set up a trade for something