Getting To Know You

Started by LadyGrinningSoul, Jun 22, 2005, 01:28 AM

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Next time the light comes in and hits the disco ball you should play "I Will Survive" as loud as possible on your computer and see if you can start a soul train.
AH ha ha ha.  Yeah.  Me and Naomi dancing around.  Hilarious.

I'd rather dance to some Outkast, though.  :)

peanut butter puddin surprise

outkast vs. beck...who is more danceable?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Oooooh good one.  We could do both.  I'm digging Guero a fair amount these days.  If there was an only Outkast and Beck dance party, I would be there in ten seconds flat.  Wouldn't matter what I was supposed to be doing.

(Um, and about that?  I got it for like $7 used at Ear X-tacy.  What the hay?)


Quote9. Name a sexual technique that you specialize in: Playing dead

Waaaaaait a minute.... Didn't we date for over a year?

Quote12. 5 reasons why you are the shit:
A. If you put me on your team in Scene It, Taboo, or Pictionary, we will clobber the opponents regardless of your competence (or lack thereof).

Quite honestly, sexiest answer I've read yet.



Waaaaaait a minute.... Didn't we date for over a year?

Quite honestly, sexiest answer I've read yet.

I wouldn't know. I was dead at the time.  :)

You think that's sexy? You should see me at Scattergories.  ;)
I fall to sleep in the summer rain
With no single memory of pain


O.k. let's  give this a go. You related to Proust?  :)

1. How often do you shower? As much as Fletch. (just kidding)
2. What is your favorite day of the week? Sunday, one of my favorite local bands (Stand) has a residency at a great pub.
3. Do you enjoy cheese? Mmmm..Gouda
4.How would you rate your sex drive on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being "Nymph" and 1 being "Cobweb Crotch." Next...
5. Chocolate or cigarettes? Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk.
6. Favorite childhood toy? The Death Star
7. Favorite vacation spot? Barcelona
8. What's your poison? Lagavulin
9. Name a sexual technique that you specialize in: See page 69 in the book The Joy of Sex.
10. What would be your ideal "dinner and a movie" selections. Hibachi Steakhouse and The Fisher King
11. What's your middle name? Francis Xavier

Outkast vs. Beck Hmmm That's a tough one. Thats going to infinite overtime.
How about the new Gorillaz record? Awesome record to get your groove on.



You think that's sexy? You should see me at Scattergories.  ;)

I don't know how that game works, but I'll surely don my smoking jacket and check it out.  :)