
Started by EC, Jul 19, 2005, 10:57 AM

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Okay.  I don't know if this is an indication of my mental stability, but I laugh hysterically every time I go to this site.


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


"the only limit is yourself"


Quote"the only limit is yourself"

It only took 3 minutes to click in after the intro.
However, I did steal this from their news section:

1. Always back up your database. Never put it off. Just do it or else you might be sorry.

2. Sometimes it is best to go away for the weekend and relax.

3. Remember the users and they will remember you. Make as much effort as possible to keep them informed and participating. This is most especially true in an emergency.

4. Sometimes the best thing to do is to try and help others because life becomes much simpler and less overwhelming when you are able to say, " how can I be of help right now?" instead of " why is my life so crappy?"

5. Modern civilization is horrible and one has to find some way (see number 4 above) to cope.

6. We love our website

I think it totally applies to the MMJ crew. I guess number 7 should be don't steal other's webstuff, but I just thought it was so kewl.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Nice.  :)

Quote" how can I be of help right now?"
That reminded me of Henry in The Royal Tenenbaums.  "How can I help?"


"That's the last time you put a blade in me, Pagoda!"
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.